How would you deal with "white trash" children?
1 year ago * by IlorinYuri to /s/AskSaidIt from self.AskSaidIt
1 year ago * by IlorinYuri to /s/debatealtright from self.debatealtright
Do you think the far right has any future, when young Whites are overwhelmingly leftist?
1 year ago by IlorinYuri to /s/debatealtright from self.debatealtright
Why are Whites in Britain poorer and less educated than non-whites?
Why do so many white nationalists say Albanians aren't white?
Where is the evidence for the claim that the left supports pedophilia?
What do you think of this redefinition of "white nationalism"?
Why are there essentially no women in online white nationalism or the alt right?
Why does globohomo love weed so much? (And hate tobacco?)
Why are high IQ whites so liberal?
Why do neo-Nazis always fight for American foreign policy?
If the Iraq War was a Jewish war why did most Jews oppose it?
Do alt-right evangelicals exist?
Why is Jewish nationalism considered right wing while Palestinian nationalism is considered left wing?
Do you think the whole climate change denial movement is funded and led by Jews?
Why is Latin America more violent than Africa
Why were Jews given an ethnostate after WWII but Gypsies weren't?
Why is Christianity acceptable to White Nationalists but Islam is not?