viewing revision from 3 years ago







This page contains some of the more common issues, tips, tricks, and Markdown code formatting usages when sharing comment or wiki content. For a complete list of all formatting usages, you may read the Reddit Markdown Primer or Comment Formatting.

See also:

▶ To see how anything on this page is actually coded you can "edit" at the top or "view source" at the bottom right. ◀


SaidIt uses threaded comments — replies to comments are indented below it.

On the left click the:

[-] to collapse a branch or entire comment tree.

[+] to expand a branch or entire comment tree.


You may post comments on SaidIt posts and read comments other people have shared. You may even vote on them! Like the posts, comments will rise and fall in the rankings as users vote on them. The more votes you earn, the higher your Comment Karma grows.


You may format your comments using the Markdown syntax, exemplified in this quick reference table:

you type: you see:
*italics* italics
_italics_ italics
**bold** bold
__bold__ bold
***bold italics*** bold italics
**_bold italics_** bold italics
_**bold italics**_ bold italics
___bold italics___ bold italics
**_broken bold italics**_ _broken bold italics
___broken half-complete __broken half-complete
super^script superscript
This is^partly superscripted. This ispartly superscripted.
This is ^(partly superscript)ed. This is partly superscripted.
Add ^1 ^^2 ^^^3 ^^^^4 ^^^before ^^words ^. Add 1 2 3 4 before words .
More ^^^^^5 ^^^^^^6 ^^^^^^^7 ^^^^^^^^8 . More 5 6 7 8 .
Or ^^^^^^^^^9 ^^^^^^^^^^10 ^^^^^^^^^^^11 . Or 9 10 11 .
Lots ^^^^^^^^^^^^12 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^13 . Lots 12 13 .
Add ^^2 ^^^3 ≠ multiply ^^2^^^3 . Add 2 3 ≠ multiply 23 .
~~strikethrough~~ strikethrough
`preformatted text` preformatted text
Also: Start a line with 4 spaces for a
preformatted text bar across the page.
Short text will not shorten the bar, while
long text will add a scroll bar. Feature
disabled in tables. Look on this page at
Start Lines With Spaces.
Some is `inline code text` here. Some is inline code text here.
[saidit!]( saidit!
\[saidit!]( [saidit!](
\*escape formatting syntax sorta* *escape formatting syntax sorta
\*escape formatting syntax sorta\* \escape formatting syntax sorta*
\**escape formatting syntax sorta** *escape formatting syntax sorta
\**escape formatting syntax sorta\** \escape formatting syntax sorta\*

Superscripted text can also be enclosed in parentheses. Text inside the parentheses can include spaces and text after the closing parenthesis will not be superscripted, even if not separated by a space:

This table can also be accessed from any comment box by clicking the formatting help link.

For more advanced syntax options, see the Official Markdown Syntax.

Common Issues

An issue affects links with special characters in the URL, as are often on Wikipedia and similar websites.

To link to:

Escape the problematic characters ( and ) by adding backslashes \ in front of each:\(disorder\)

Applied to named links:

[Pica (disorder)](\(disorder\))

Displays as:

Pica (disorder)

A Numbering Issue

If a number is followed by a period at the beginning of a line, Markdown interprets it as a numbered list and always starts at one. (See more under Start Numbered Lines on this page.)

2020. What a year. problematically displays:

  1. What a year.

2020\. What a year. is the solution to display:

2020. What a year.

Line-Breaks Using A Double-Space

Individual line-breaks are ignored, so this:

This is one line and_
this is another line

Displays without line-break:

This is one line and this is another line

To display a line-break in your post, add two spaces (shown as underscores) at the end of the first line:

This is one line and__
this is another line

To display a line-break:

This is one line and
this is another line

A double line-break can start a new paragraph.

Insert An Empty Line With A - Dash

After a blank line:

  1. line 1
  2. line 3

A small empty line displays as:

line 1

line 3

After a blank line, a line with only one dash with no spaces:

  1. line 1
  2. -
  3. line 4

Will create a an empty line with padding space for a larger gap nod displaying the dash:

line 1

line 4

After a blank line, a line with a dash followed by a space (shown as underscore):

  1. line 1
  2. -_
  3. line 4

Will create a bullet instead of a line gap, without line-break:

line 1

  • line 4

After a blank line, a line with a dash followed by a space (shown as underscore) followed by another blank line:

  1. line 1
  2. -_
  3. line 5

Will create a bullet instead of a line gap, with a line-break:

line 1

line 5

Insert An Empty Line With  

NBSP = Non-Breaking SPace, the equivalent of a space but without wordwrap

To insert a blank line in your Markdown code, leave and empty line or use the double-space line-break shown on this page, with   followed by double-space (shown as underscores).

Double-spaces are not used on the first or second lines, thus the crowding.

The fourth line is an empty line for a small padding space. The fifth line does not ignore the fourth empty line because the third line has the double-space line-breaker.

The tenth line is the   follows and has the double-space line-breaker for a large padding space.

The twelfth line is the   ** without** the double-space line-breaker, thus the shift of the thirteenth line.

  1. line 1             ◀ no break merges with next line
  2. line 2             ◀ no break merges with next line
  3. line 3             ◀ no break EFFICIENT space
  4.                           ◀ line-space EFFICIENT space
  5. line 5             ◀ no break merges with next line
  6.               ◀ no break merges with next line
  7. line 7             ◀ no break merges with next line
  8.  __         ◀ line-break
  9. line 9__         ◀ line-break LARGEST space
  10.  __         ◀ line-break LARGEST space
  11. line 11__         ◀ line-break
  12.               ◀ no break merges with next line
  13. line 13__         ◀ line-break EFFECTIVE space
  14.                           ◀ line-space EFFECTIVE space
  15. line 15__         ◀ line-break

Displays as:

line 1 line 2 line 3

line 5   line 7  
line 9
line 11
  line 13

line 15

The double-space line-breakers are critical to functional spacing.

More space options and combinations:

A single dash - directly following a line of text makes it an underlined title shown on this page.

An empty line is a line-breaker.

A double-space at the end of a line is a line-breaker.

A single dash - or empty line works for one line only and cannot be used in multiples.

A non-breakingspace with double-space line-breakers  __ can be used multiple times.

For trouble shooting and/or find specific solutions:

  1. line 1            
  2. -                     ◀ underline makes previous line a title
  3. line 3             ◀ NO line-break merges with next line
  4. line 4             ◀ NO line-break + 2/2 line space following
  5.                           ◀ line-space + EFFICIENT spacing combo
  6. -                     ◀ pads next line EFFICIENT spacing combo
  7. line 7             ◀ NO line-break + 2/2 line space following
  9.               ◀ pads next line
  10. line 10           ◀ 2/2 line space following
  12.  __         ◀ pads next line + doesn't need double-space (see 9.) but-is better (see 6.)
  13. line 13           ◀ 2/3 line space following
  15.               ◀ ineffective padding
  17. line 17           ◀ 2/3 line space following
  19.  __        
  21. line 21             ◀ 1/2 line space following, NO line-break merges with next line
  22.               ◀ BAD padding
  24. line 24             ◀ 2/2 line space following
  25.  __           ◀ MOST EFFECTIVE spacing combo
  26.                           ◀ MOST EFFECTIVE spacing combo
  27. line 27__         ◀ 2/3 line space following
  29.  __        
  31. line 31__         ◀ 4/3 line space following
  32.                           ◀ MOST EFFECTIVE spacing combo
  33.  __           ◀ MOST EFFECTIVE spacing combo (adds a table of contents blank entry)
  34. -                     ◀ MOST EFFECTIVE spacing combo
  35. line 35__         ◀ 2/2 line space following + doesn't need double-space (see 4.)
  36.                           ◀ EFFICIENT spacing combo
  37. -                     ◀ EFFICIENT spacing combo
  38. line 38__         ◀ 2/5 line space following
  40. -                     ◀ BAD padding
  42. -                     ◀ BAD padding
  44. line 44__         ◀ 4/4 line space following
  45.  __        
  46.  __        
  47.  __        
  48.  __        
  49. line 49__         ◀ 5/4 line space following
  50.  __           ◀ MOST EFFECTIVE spacing combo (adds a table of contents blank entry)
  51. -                     ◀ MOST EFFECTIVE spacing combo
  52.  __           ◀ MOST EFFECTIVE spacing combo
  53.                           ◀ MOST EFFECTIVE spacing combo
  54. line 54__           ◀ 3/4 line space following
  56.  __        
  58. -                    
  59. line 59__           ◀ 4/5 line space following
  61. -                    
  62.  __        
  64. -                    
  65. line 65__        

Displays as:

line 1

line 3 line 4

line 7


line 10


line 13


line 17


line 21  

line 24


line 27


line 31


line 35

line 38

line 44
line 49



line 54


line 59


line 65

Line-Starting Characters

It cannot be understated, line-starting characters are critically important.

Dividing Line

Three dashes --- alone on a line will create a dividing line across the page.

An example dividing all the sections on this page is above the title "Line-Starting Characters" a few lines up.

The three dashes (or more) must have an empty line above it (exceptions: a dash - or non-breaking space ) because any text above it will become Underlined Titles as shown on this page.

The three dashes may be directly followed by a line with text resulting in no space between the line and the text (or "Insert An Empty Line" as shown on this page).

Tab Or Indent

There is no way to code a common tab or general indent - however - here is one trick (in addition to the variety of similar functions following):

    Four coded non-breaking spaces precede this line.

Displays as:

    Four coded non-breaking spaces precede this line.

Start Quoted Lines: > Greater-Than

> A fine quote.

Displays as:

A fine quote.

Start Bullet Lines: * Asterisk / - Dash

* A fine bullet.

Displays as:

  • A fine bullet.
  • Another bullet line follows like this, starting with an asterisk *
    • One space before an asterisk * indents it further
    • Two spaces before an asterisk * makes no difference
    • Three spaces before an asterisk for this result.
    • Four spaces before an asterisk for this result.
      • Five spaces before an asterisk for this result.
      • Eight spaces before an asterisk for this result.
        • Nine spaces before an asterisk for this result.
          • Thirteen spaces before an asterisk for this result.

- A fine bullet

Displays as:

  • A fine bullet
  • Another bullet line follows like this, starting with a dash -
    • One space before a dash - indents it further
    • Two spaces before a dash - makes no difference
    • Three spaces before a dash for this result.
    • Four spaces before a dash for this result.
      • Five spaces before a dash for this result.
      • Six spaces before a dash for this result.
        • Nine spaces before a dash for this result.
          • Thirteen spaces before a dash for this result.

Start Numbered Lines: 1. Number & Period

  1. No space before 1. to start.
    1. One space before 3. for this result.
      1. Five spaces before 0. for this result.
        1. Nine spaces before 6. for this result.
          1. Thirteen spaces before 4. for this result.

1. A fine number

Displays as:

  1. A fine number
  2. Another number line follows like this, starting with 5. ◀ auto numbered
    1. A number line with one space before 3.           ◀ indents
    2. A number line with two spaces before 2.
    3. A number line with three spaces before 7.
    4. A number line with four spaces before 9.
      1. A number line with five spaces before 0.

Replace the period . with a bracket ) to display:

1) A fine number 5) Another number line follows like this, starting with 5) 3) A number line with one space before 3) 2) A number line with two spaces before 2) 7) A number line with three spaces before 7. 9) A number line with four spaces before 9. 0) A number line with five spaces before 0.

Because there were no line-breaks ending each line it all clumped together. (See more under A Numbering Issue on this page.) Correct by adding double-space line-breaks at the end each line. (All spaces are shown as underscores):

1) A fine number bracket__
5) Another number bracket line follows like this, starting with5)__
_3) A number bracket line with one space before3)__
__2) A number bracket line with two spaces before2)__
___7) A number line with three spaces before7)__
____9) A number line with four spaces before9)__
_____0) A number line with **five** spaces before0)__

Displays as:

1) A fine number bracket
5) Another number bracket line follows like this, starting with 5)
3) A number bracket line with one space before 3)
2) A number bracket line with two spaces before 2)
7) A number line with three spaces before 7)
9) A number line with four spaces before 9)
0) A number line with five spaces before 0)

Starting Lines With Four-Space Indents

  • This is a bullet line.

    • This is a four-space indented bullet line after a non-indented bullet line.

    A four-space indented line after a bullet avoids preformatted text.

    Another four-space indented line continues as normal.

    An eight-space indented line after is preformatted text.

    Another four-space indented line continues as normal.

This is a normal line.

* A four-space indented bullet _without_ a preceding bullet results in preformatted text.

    * Eight spaces then an asterisk for this preformatted text result.

        * Twelve spaces then an asterisk for this preformatted text result.

Spaces in front of non-bullet lines are ignored - until you add 4 or more spaces to preformat text.

This preformatted text requires a preceding empty line distancing from normal text above.

Start a line with no spaces for this result.

Start a line with one space for this result.

Start a line with two space for this result.

Start a line with three spaces for this result.

Start a line with **four** spaces for this preformatted text result.

 Start a line with **five** spaces for this preformatted text result.

  Start a line with **six** spaces for this preformatted text result.

   Start a line with **seven** spaces for this preformatted text result.

    Start a line with **eight** spaces for this preformatted text result.

____4 spaces before this sentence will display a tiny indent and preformatted non-word-wrap text, spreading across the width of the page no matter how short or long and will create a horizontal scroll bar if maximum width is exceeded:

4 spaces before this sentence will display a tiny indent and preformatted non-word-wrap text, spreading across the width of the page no matter how short or long and will create a horizontal scroll bar if maximum width is exceeded:

Some normal formatted text without 4 spaces before it to break up the preformatted text mode for this next short example:

4 spaces + short text = still crosses the page

Start Title Lines: # Hash

Starting lines with a # hash or number symbol make them titles of sections or subsections. A space after the hash before the title is optional.

Two hashes starting a line is an alternative and the same as a line of title text followed by the next line of all --- dashes underlining, as all the titles on this page.

Sidebox/sidebar results are different.

That large spaces above and below the titles cannot be edited in Markdown but can be adjusted with CSS.

# One hash

Displays as:

One hash

## Two hashes

Displays as:

Two hashes

### Three hashes

Displays as:

Three hashes

#### Four hashes

Displays as:

Four hashes

##### Five hashes

Displays as:

Five hashes

###### Six hashes (all caps regardless)

Displays as:

Six hashes

####### Seven hashes (same as 6+1)

Displays as:

# Seven hashes

######## Eight hashes (same as 6+2) etc...

Displays as:

## Eight hashes

Underline Titles

The "Underline Titles" immediately above was created with this:

Underline Titles

Underline Titles

The "Underline Titles" immediately above was created with this:

Underline Titles

Only One Dash directly following a line of text underlines it as a title.

The sentence immediately above was created with this:

Only One Dash directly following a line of text underlines it as a title.


Only One Dash directly preceding a line of text provides extra padding space above.

The sentence immediately above was created with this:

Only One Dash directly preceding a line of text provides extra padding space above.


You can create a table by organizing pipes |, hyphens -, and text within a particular syntax.

Column A | Column B | Column C
A1 | B1 | C1
A2 | B2 | C2

Displays as:

Column A Column B Column C
A1 B1 C1
A2 B2 C2

To change the alignment of the elements in a column, add a colon (:) to the left side, right side, or both sides of the appropriate set of hyphens on the second line.

Column L | Column C | Column R
A1 | B1 | C1
A2 | B2 | C2

Displays as:

Column L Column C Column R
A1 B1 C1
A2 B2 C2

Note that in both cases, only one hyphen is needed between the pipes on the second line, and no spaces are needed to separate table elements from pipes on the third and fourth lines. Adding multiple hyphens and spaces may be useful for clarity, but they will not affect the final layout.

Lines with table syntax can be preceded with pipe characters, but this is entirely optional.

Pressing enter twice and putting blank lines between lines with table syntax will BREAK table formatting.

HTML Wiki Tables

<table class='wiki'>
<td>cell A</td>
<td>cell B</td></tr>
<tr >
<td>cell C</td>
<td>cell D</td></tr>

Displays as:

cell A cell B
cell C cell D

▶ To see how anything on this page is actually coded you can "edit" at the top or "view source" at the bottom right. ◀

revision by JasonCarswell— view source