/u/JasonCarswell 's Wiki Page
I am not a "Redditor". I came to SaidIt for freedom and truth seeking.
Jason Carswell is just a regular user, fan, and supporter of SaidIt, not an admin. /u/magnora7 and /u/d3rr (aka M7D3) are the founders and admins.
Jason Carswell's projects
- /u/JasonCarswell/ subsaidits, posts, comments + InfoGalactic.com/info/User:JasonCarswell
- Jason's article about SaidIt : InfoGalactic.com/info/SaidIt
Jason's graphics for SaidIt : InfoGalactic.com/info/SaidIt_gallery (banners, branding, Debate Pyramid)
/s/GlossedOver + Content Overview + wiki, participation discussion over all 5 projects
/s/GlossedAndProfound + Content Overview + wiki+
InfoGalactic GaP, management/s/BittersweetSeeds + Content Overview + wiki +
InfoGalactic BsS, in development/s/Trutherism101 + Content Overview + wiki + InfoGalactic T101, in development
/s/TrutherTop20s +
Content Overview+ wiki + InfoGalactic TT20, ongoingdonate options + merchandise store(eventually)/s/SaidIt/wiki/ curation
JasonCarswell Subsaidits only in a multisub
JasonCarswell Subsaidits plus AskSaidIt, SaidIt, SaiditCanary, slideforsaidit in a multisub (for my personal priority monitoring)
Jason Carswell's projects' task lists
Content Overview additions:
- design logos for 4+ projects BsS, G.O, GaP, T101, TT20?
- make headers for 4 projects
- make title for Glossed Over
- add proper title thumbnail image to Glossed Over Content Overview
- make day/night SaidIt announcement background image
- design banners: Architecture, Canada, ElectionsUSA2020, Tin Foil Hat, USAmerica, FLOSS, BsS, G.O, GaP, T101, SaidItBots, VideoEssays, MovieAnalysis, MovieReviews, MovieTrailers, TVAnalysis
- CSS darken light grey + olive backgrounds on text posts night + day (ie. this Content Overview)
- Content Overviews
- create Task List history/achievement/tasks done system
- update Task Lists on wikis
- Project Status'
- Text Additions
- "creating a virtual worker coop" early in summary
- fostering open source transparency, crowd sourcing, and strong community
- fostering strong branding and "official origin" status recognition despite being open source
- Prepare for infiltration and expect attempts to subvert or silence our truths and free speech
- Prepare for government tax men
- Prepare for the worst of everything, vHOPE for the best
- online resources - find, make, manage, and backups
- online production resources, wiki lists, etc. - for writing, publishing, animation, filmmaking, merch, etc.
This is a truncated list based on the longer outiline, GaP - To Do List.
- G.O - Forthcoming + BsS + T101 : My self-imposed rules for writing (arcs in scenes and characters)
Glossed Over: On Writing
- Good story telling follows the path: this happens because that happened when this happens. Bad story telling says: this happens then this happens, just cuz.
- The only thing worth writing about is the human heart in conflict with itself. ~ William Faulker
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chekhov's_gun
- Character, Conflict, Context, & Craft
BsS : VD, Introduction - preparatory explanations
BsS : VD, Act 1A - not in screenplay format
G.O : BsS 1A reviews + 1B anticipations
dev BsS + T101 + GaP logos
BsS : VD, Act 1B - not in screenplay format
G.O : BsS 1B reviews + 2A anticipations
GaP : Origin Story, A Brief History On How These Projects Came To Be
Jason Carswell's SaidIt task lists
- re-find the hidden SaidIt mark down reference thing
- add some kind of 18+ age limits on /s/Sex - free to ask questions but not engage in... sex-fantasy talk?
- draft Decentralize open project - to take all of IPFS Corbett Report max resolution and best audio content and x265 HEVC max-quality max-compress multi-pass it or [best lossless audio compressor] - then offer it.
- draft SaidIt feature sponsoring idea 2019-04-06
- draft new-sub-alert feature wish (S icon between message alert and mod alert?) 2019-04-12
- draft FAQ auto subbed all 2019-04-13
- draft filter/search for site(s), videos, images, links, texts 2019-04-13
- draft Top Ways To Promote SaidIt
- post on SaidIt then link to SaidIt-post from Reddit
- animated promotional spot (work in progress)
- live action or animated series /s/SaidItMonthly of brief summaries of top stories
- create /s/SaidItPublicRelations
- -
- draft /r/ /wp/ /ig/ /ws/ functionality
- draft /s/SaidItConflictResolution proposal
- draft SaidItSurvey on site wide CSS theme ideas
- draft SaidItSurvey for 1) best name for MediaWiki 2) whether we want a sister site 3) who would help 4) what the rules should be for an authentically free wiki (ie. "ownership" and responsibility of pages)
- draft SaidItSurvey for larger thumbnails ideally with options in preferences.
- draft SaidItSurvey for domain source indicator of passive media (ie. audio/video) vs active (reading) ie change of colour of domain white list (ie. youtube, bitchute, soundcloud, etc is red instead of blue) + wiki white list to add to.
- draft SaidItSurvey for /s/SaidIt/wiki/Multisubs
- Does PeerTube do x265 support?
- scrape chat for old good ideas not documented.
- /s/IdeasForSaidIt/wiki/idea_bucket cleanup
- /s/IdeasForSaidIt/wiki/
- finish refining : Feature & Policy Wish Lists
- add to ideas : italics and bold in post titles
- add to ideas : /s/UserWikis outline idea, draft proposal, and add to /s/IdeasForSaidIt/wiki/ and /s/SaidItSurveys/wiki/drafts.
- add to ideas : "wiki tools" box vs bar - mock up image comparison for features ideas.
- verify citations are copied : Idea lists were initially copied from the outdated https://infogalactic.com/info/SaidIt#Wish_lists That article has a few reference links back to discussions here on SaidIt.
- add Social media decentralization : /s/DecentralizeAllThings/wiki/
- relocate : SaidIt mascot ideas to this wiki from https://infogalactic.com/info/SaidIt#SaidIt_mascot
- Brave Rewards - check and adjust as necessary.
To Post:
- animated short of the day/week
- architecture of the day/week
- classical painting of the day/week [make /s/Painting(s)?]
- modern illustrator of the day/week [make /s/Illustration(s)?]
- bookmarked folder "SaidIt To Post" - empty it
- bookmarks - organize
- improve TT20
Complete the article - https://infogalactic.com/info/SaidIt
- Read and reference: /s/saidit
- Mine old surveys to find overlooked under-viewed stuff to resurrect.
- Read and reference: /s/SaidItSurveys + /s/saidit
/s/SaidItSurveys/wiki/drafts - Draft policy idea posts then get folks to review and improve them before posting.
- Design - SaidIt Survey: Adopt/Apply New 2019 Logo? - mock up side by side of logos
- Design - SaidIt Survey: Adopt/Apply New CSS?
- Features - SaidIt Survey: Top 3 IdeasForSaidIt Features
- Multi-Issue - SaidIt Survey: NSFW Policy Ideas + Default Configs
- Policy - SaidIt Survey: Empty Subs Policy Ideas
- Policy - SaidIt Survey: Bot Transparency Policy Ideas
make videos and upload to DownTheMemoryHole PeerTube
- audio - CatFive political album
- audio - CatFive content from YouTube
- audio - JasonCarswell as WickedSunshine GCBEC score
- audio - JasonCarswell as WickedSunshine compilations
- old JasonCarswell animation?
- old JasonCarswell live action art direction?
- new JasonCarswell animation
- A+++ videos
- A++ videos
- misc other
Jason Carswell's subsaidit wish list
These are my folders numbering unshared links within. The bigger the number the more I intend to make it into a sub. Some may need better names, merging, or separating.
Last updated 2019-06-02
- 00 SaidItBots
- 00 VideoEssays
- 14 Movie Analysis
- 02 Movie Reviews
- 00 Movie Trailers
- 00 TVAnalysis
- 05 Artificial Intelligence + Singularity
- 08 Copyrights (your culture forced on you is rigged to serve elites)
- 06 Justice v Injustice (law, legal, prisons, punishment, corrections, reform, etc)
- 11 Open Science v Scientism (07 Open Science + 04 Scientism)
- 03 Voting Is A Joke (on voting, the rigged systems, identity politics, the illusion of choice, solutions + alternatives)
- 01 Alt Homes
- 17 Alt Homes Steel Houses
- 01 Animation
- 02 Brazil
- 05 Days Of Week
- 00 Fight Elites Not Each Other
- 03 GeoEngineering
- 03 HIV AIDS Skepticism
- 02 Holistic Doctor Murders
- 08 Holocaust + Zionism
- 04 LSD Culture
- 01 Mind Control
- 01 Nontroversy
- 01 Off Grid
- 01 Openness
- 13 Music Political
- 05 Retro Vintage Tech
- 01 Rigged Systems
- 13 Screenwriting
- 03 Shadow Government + Deep State
- 03 Solutions
- 01 Technocracy
- 03 Vehicles
- 07 Vintage PinUps
- 02 Whistleblowers
- 01 Worker Coops
Jason Carswell's CSS projects
CSS To Do list:
- design alt day/night SVG icon
- design lightbulb/smiley vote SVG icons
- banners - design new : Architecture, Canada, ElectionsUSA2020, Tin Foil Hat, USAmerica, FLOSS, BsS, G.O, GaP, T101, SaidItBots,
- impossible : On posts only, I want "# comments" on the left, a large space between, and all other flat-list items on the right. Similarly and "domain" on the far right.
- merge old + new CSS
- - First subsaidit where I actively develop my nearly finished "Ergonomix Subsaidit CSS Theme" that I apply to most of my subs. It's primarily designed to be as practical as possible with distinct colours indicating different functionality and be easily read, both day and night versions: /s/DecentralizeAllThings/about/stylesheet/
- - Second subsaidit has a slightly older "Ergonomic CSS Beta Version" with different header menus. Intend to merge this older code back into the newer code as a
hidden optionfor future CSS users: /s/TrutherTop20s/about/stylesheet/ - - Final design and code to copy will be at my shortest subsaidit "Ergonomix Subsaidit CSS Theme", primarily designed to be as practical as possible with distinct colours indicating different functionality and be easily read, both day and night versions: /s/Sex/about/stylesheet/
NSFW header CSS treatment for proposal to show people to see and discuss the pros and cons, improvements, suggestions, etc. Maybe people will want safe policies, maybe not: /s/WatchPeopleDie/about/stylesheet/ and /s/WatchPeopleSurvive/about/stylesheet/
My banner designs: https://infogalactic.com/info/SaidIt_banners_gallery
- https://infogalactic.com/info/Truther_(disambiguation)
- https://infogalactic.com/info/Truther (article) + templates
- https://infogalactic.com/info/Trutherism_101
/s/Trutherism101- Pre-"Trutherism 101" open animation project, formerly known as OSAPAP 002 - Over 20 Diverse Politically Profound Amazing Animations (2017-06-02) /s/MusicVideos/comments/8jg/pretrutherism_101_open_animation_project_formerly/
- https://infogalactic.com/info/Truther_Top_20s
- /s/TrutherTop20s/
- Truther Newbie Crash Course /s/SaidItSurveys/comments/9hi/saiditsurvey_how_to_gently_red_pill_newbie/
- draft: https://infogalactic.com/info/Truther_Newbie_Crash_Course
- draft: https://infogalactic.com/info/Dynamic_Freedom_Proposal
- update open source projects' articles (listed on: https://infogalactic.com/info/User:JasonCarswell)
- draft: https://infogalactic.com/info/https://infogalactic.com/info/FoiledAgain
- 2019-02-19 = Birthdate of the new religion... TRUTHERISM! - It's official. /s/Religion/comments/di6/20190219_birthdate_of_the_new_religion_trutherism/ - With all the religious freedoms and protections and exemptions available to believers and practitioners of nonsense or truth as they see fit.
- The Lounge (chat) 2019-03-23 :
- 07:13:19 sawboss #truthernetics
- 07:16:26 JasonCarswell #truthernetics where do I sign up?
- 07:16:43 sawboss If you make it, they will come.
- 07:17:12 JasonCarswell Trutherism is the religion Truthernetics is the LLC
- 07:19:31 sawboss "The lips of the righteous know what finds favor,
- 07:19:31 sawboss but the mouth of the wicked only what is perverse." -- Proverbs 10:32
- 07:23:27 JasonCarswell I was Wicked Sunshine for a dozen years.
- 07:24:01 JasonCarswell Not because I got sunburns but because sunshine is the best disinfectant for corruption.
- 07:24:42 JasonCarswell But seriously my nickname was Sunshine and I was Wicked, and in 1999 the wicked.com was already taken by a record label. So I was WickedSunshine.com from ~2000-2010.
Personal schedule / routine?:
- 2x daily : YouTube channels (frequent shows) + messages
- Fri : bonus YouTube channels (fewer shows)
- Mon + Wed + Fri : animation + design + painting + writing
- Tue + Thu + Sat : catchup reading
- Sunday : decentralization + open source research, InfoGalactic articles, home system
Personal budget planning:
- May - get domains + sponsor SaidIt chat server ?
- June - find/get used monitor + sponsor SaidIt chat server ?
- July - get hard drive, swap WD disks, then Linux Mint old PC + sponsor SaidIt chat/wiki/PeerTube ?
- August - ???
Gear wish list:
- 2 or 3 Linux Mint boxes to replace Caprice, Desiré, Epiphany and Felicity
- home server system
- FreeNAS based DIY router
- 1 8-bay box to restore FreeNAS
- more 8-bay boxes to make FreeNAS
- better "auto"-torrenting config
- Mastodon, PeerTube, IPFS, Holochain, ZeroNet, VPN, etc
- home animation studio
- classical animation desk
- proper scanning set up
- proper tabletop set up
- proper system + workstation(s)
- 1 full 1 empty FreeNAS 4U 24-bay https://www.freenas.org/freenas-certified-servers/ (I would put all current full drives in the empty NAS to transfer to the full NAS, then wipe the old drives and reformat as new NAS)
- electric bicycle + trailer
- grow room for pot and veggies
revision by JasonCarswell— view source