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Is it creeping fascism when your bank reports you for suspicious activity, when your spend money at a gun store?
1 year ago by iamonlyoneman to /s/Guns from
Finland is not a serious country. Kick it out of NATO
2 years ago by [deleted] to /s/politics from
Anti-life felons vandalize 77 churches and centers over abortion since the Dobbs decision. Because NOTHING is better for women who can't get abortions than ALSO not being able to get prenatal care.
2 years ago by iamonlyoneman to /s/politics from
Florida press hides black Democrat's gay sex scandal. A rising star in the Democrat Party faced accusations of groping and harassing an official at Florida A&M University. Alexander said the sex was consensual. The man is next in line to be the Democrats' next leader in the House.
2 years ago by Chipit to /s/politics from
They're not grooming your kids, they just want 10 year olds to read gay porn comics. Totally innoccuous.
2 years ago by iamonlyoneman to /s/whatever from
Mallory McMorrow and all the Democrats are offended at being called groomers because the name fits and they know it deep down
Midterm blowout: Republicans have a 13-point lead
2 years ago by IkeConn to /s/LetsGoBrandon from
Libs can't cancel Bongino so they get all butt hurt he is circumventing their cancellations.
CAIR-Ohio fires director for being an anti-terrorist mole
2 years ago by Chipit to /s/news from
New York Times publishes a racist screed. "But while I had seen white newcomers to the neighborhood here and there, the truth was, I hadn’t set it out to appeal to white residents." She is like a Klansman putting up a basketball hoop and watching a black player show up. Oh the horror!
2 years ago by Chipit to /s/media_criticism from
The survival of America depends on firing them all. The good, the bad, and the indifferent must all go because we must send a clear signal to the mediocrities running the military and the Department of State. The message must be failure gets you canned.
3 years ago by Chipit to /s/politics from