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I'm at my favorite microbrewery. This could be my last warm weekend to ride.
21 hours ago by P-38lightning to /s/whatever from
aznidentity mod behavior exposed #333: Yet another subversive LU KKKUNT allowed in by tosF&GG0T, aiNCELs continues to be absolutely WORTHLESS
16 hours ago by Chousiyindu to /s/AsianIdentityWatch from
aznidentity mod behavior exposed #332: Fucking Lu BITCH username521993 still prowling around aiNCELs because jacking off to "mUH lADeeeS" is the sub's priority now, not being "PRo-AsiANn"
AsianMasculinity is CUCKED #169: INCELnem/CUCKnilla's pathetic fap to PROWLING LU KKKUNT username521993 never ending because thirsting after every Lu is more important than being pro-Asian
1 day ago by Chousiyindu to /s/AsianIdentityWatch from
aznidentity mod behavior exposed #331: Fucking RETARDED VILLAGE IDIOT LU BITCH Alaskan91 still at it with the "AM REEE rEEE rEEEEeEEEEEE" pathetic sperg
aznidentity mod behavior exposed #330: Prowling Lu BITCH username521993 still sperging out on aiNCELs because there is NO PURPOSE to tosKUCK's "LiFe" other than censoring shit and fapping to "mUH LADEeeEeEEss" 24/7
aznidentity mod behavior exposed #329: AUTISTIC VILLAGE IDIOT LU BITCH Alaskan91 back at it with her PATHETIC "AsiANs rEEEeEEEee" drivel
Two Genders
3 days ago by P-38lightning to /s/TumblrInAction from
AsianMasculinity is CUCKED #168: No end to INCELnem/CUCKnilla's pathetic fap to PROWLING LU KKKUNT username521993
2 days ago by Chousiyindu to /s/AsianIdentityWatch from
Democracy is on the ballot
3 days ago by P-38lightning to /s/politics from
FEMA says they are broke and are asking for more money, but the August 2024 OIG report says they have a $7+ billion slush fund by not closing past operations, some going on 10 years. Link to report PDF in comments
3 days ago by yellowsnow2 to /s/politics from
It's the End of the World
2 days ago by tyranicaloverlord to /s/dailyphotoshop from
AsianMasculinity is CUCKED #167: More street-shitters stinking up r/ "am" thanks to the poocel-blowing fucking F&GG0T named Igennem
3 days ago by Chousiyindu to /s/AsianIdentityWatch from
AsianMasculinity is CUCKED #166: Cockroach F&GG0T throwmiamivelvet still shitting up r/ "am" with his diarrhea because the two shitstains running the sub are out to subvert AM, not support them
aznidentity mod behavior exposed #328: Subversive Lu BITCH username521993 still prowling around aiNCELs cause jacking off to "mUH lADeEe" 24/7 is aznid "AcTivISM" now
3 days ago by tyranicaloverlord to /s/dailyphotoshop from
4 days ago by FreedomUltd to /s/AskALeftist from
Redditor admits he'd leave his kids alone with a pedophile
5 days ago by Keri10 to /s/TumblrInAction from
AsianMasculinity is CUCKED #165: Even more simp cancer cell f&gg0t spergs on r/ "am" because the two stooge retards "running" the sub were always against AM
4 days ago by Chousiyindu to /s/AsianIdentityWatch from
aznidentity mod behavior exposed #327: Prowling Lu BITCH username521993 still sperging around aiNCELs thanks to that worthless fapping shitstain named toskaqe
4 days ago by tyranicaloverlord to /s/dailyphotoshop from
You're a bigot if you wouldn't let pedo babysit your kids
6 days ago by Zoomergroid to /s/TumblrInAction from
AsianMasculinity is CUCKED #164: No end to the pathetic prowling of LU KKKUNT username521993 because INCELnem and CUCKnilla were never on the fucking side of AM
5 days ago by Chousiyindu to /s/AsianIdentityWatch from
aznidentity mod behavior exposed #326: Village idiot LU RETARD BITCH Alaskan91 not capable of any other fucking "FuNcTION" besides the ever pathetic: "AsiA REEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeereeEEEEEEEEEEee AsiANS rEEEEEEEEee AM REEEEEEEEEE"
Star Wars Deleted Scene
5 days ago by tyranicaloverlord to /s/dailyphotoshop from
AsianMasculinity is PERMACUCKED #163: xm/street-shitters must be called "AsiAN" according to arcel's BITCH Igennem
6 days ago by Chousiyindu to /s/AsianIdentityWatch from
AsianMasculinity is FUCKING CUCKED #162: Fucking poocel-blower f&gg0t Igennem MASS-CENSORS criticism of racist Endians!
AsianMasculinity is FUCKING CUCKED #161: Yet another cringe as FUCK r/ "am" simp F&GG0T jizzpost to "mUh HoLy LU lADeEEeEEeEEsSsSs"!
aznidentity mod behavior exposed #325: aiNCELs subjected to PATHETIC LU BITCH Alaskan91 MENTAL RETARDATION day in and day out thanks to the the street-shitter NON-ASIAN named archelogy
Beautiful day for a motorcycle ride and a delicious IPA
7 days ago by P-38lightning to /s/whatever from
FEMA is a disgrace
8 days ago by P-38lightning to /s/news from
aznidentity mod behavior exposed #324: Fragile POOCEL archelogy locks user for mentioning Endians raping AF
7 days ago by Chousiyindu to /s/AsianIdentityWatch from
AsianMasculinity is FUCKING CUCKED #160: Schizo R/ ASIANAMERICAN LU BITCH username521993 and r/am simp cockroaches openly sperging at AMXF because the sub is run by worthless stooge fucktards
AsianMasculinity is CUCKED #159: Another autistic r/ am simp f&gg0t demands AM "REScUE Em ALLss"!
aznidentity Lu-chase #38: No point in aiNCELs any more other than the simp cockroach spasm at AMXF
aznidentity mod behavior exposed #323: Absolutely ZERO FUCKING PURPOSE to PATHETIC COCKROACH LU RETARD BITCH Alaskan91 other than the laughable "AsiANS REEE REEE REEE REER REEE AM REE REEREER ERER EREREREREReE" 24/7/365 sperg
aznidentity mod behavior exposed #322: Schizo r/ asianamerican LU tidyingup92 STILL ALLOWED on aiNCELs cause tosFGGTKUCK has nothing better to do than fap 24/7 to "MUH HoLY LaDEeeEsSS"
8 days ago by Chousiyindu to /s/AsianIdentityWatch from
Canada Federal Liberal party Budget 2024 mail flyers
9 days ago by canuck3157 to /s/canada from
Leo in Japan
8 days ago by tyranicaloverlord to /s/dailyphotoshop from
Dog F1 Racing
10 days ago by tyranicaloverlord to /s/dailyphotoshop from
Sorry, out of money.
10 days ago by P-38lightning to /s/politics from
aznidentity mod behavior exposed #321: Even more schizo pmaf LU KKKUNTs allowed into aiNCELs cause tosF&GG0TKUCK needs to "fap tO em ALLs"
10 days ago by Chousiyindu to /s/AsianIdentityWatch from
AsianMasculinity is CUCKED #158: Subversive pro-POOcel F&GG0T GinNTonic1 caught supporting anti-Asian businesses
AsianMasculinity is CUCKED #157: WORTHLESS STOOGE FGGTS INCELnem and CUCKnilla FAPPING NONSTOP to LU BITCH username521993
aznidentity mod behavior exposed #320: COCKROACH LU BITCH Alaskan91 proven time and time again to be a WASTE OF FUCKING PATHETIC LIFE who can't do jack shit other than: "AsIaNS REEEE REE REEE AM REEE REEE ReEEeEeeeeE" 24/7
aznidentity mod behavior exposed #319: Cockroach Lu-chaser f&gg0t of a "mOd" toskaqe brags about censoring ALL AMXF posts on aznid because his pathetic "ExiStENcE" revolves around reddit
aznidentity mod behavior exposed #318: R/ asianamerican LU KKKUNT tidyingup92 STILL ALLOWED on aznid because of that pathetic 24/7 fapping/censoring simp cockroach named toskaqe
Things that helped me survive Helene
11 days ago by P-38lightning to /s/whatever from
Law enforcement needs to examine both of their hard drives
12 days ago by P-38lightning to /s/politics from
aznidentity mod behavior exposed #317: SCHIZO LU BITCH username521993 STILL PROWLING AND SPERGING in the SAME fucking thread cause tosSHITSTAINKUCK will never stop his pathetic fapping
12 days ago by Chousiyindu to /s/AsianIdentityWatch from
Dafoe Downhill
12 days ago by tyranicaloverlord to /s/dailyphotoshop from
Security and Cabling
13 days ago by securityandcabling to /s/Security from
aznidentity mod behavior exposed #316: Fucking ZERO purpose to the "LiFe" of DUMBSHIT LU BITCH Alaskan91 other than the worthless as fuck "AM REEEEeerEEEE AsiANS rEEEEEEEEEEE rEEeEEEEEee" 24/7 AUTIST SPERGS
13 days ago by Chousiyindu to /s/AsianIdentityWatch from
aznidentity mod behavior exposed #315: aznidentity f&gg0t mods once again defend the cia!
aznidentity mod behavior exposed #314: 24/7 fapping F&GG0T toskaqe fully confirmed orbiter of prowling cockroach LU BITCH username521993
aznidentity Lu-chase #37: Yet another pathetic aiNCELs ch1mp at AMXF because the controlled opposition shithole was never going to be "PrO-AsIaN" period
14 days ago by Chousiyindu to /s/AsianIdentityWatch from
aznidentity mod behavior exposed #313: ANOTHER FUCKING WAVE of username521993 SCHIZO LU KKKUNT diarrhea thanks to that waste of life simp f&g tosKUCK
aznidentity mod behavior exposed #312: Absolutely NO FUCKING VALUE to the "LiFe" of SCHIZO LU RETARD BITCH Alaskan91, gotta "asIANs REEE REEE AM REEeEeEEeE REEE" tard screech 24/7
The CIA uses journalists who double as undercover contacts, as well as missionaries.
14 days ago by HibikiBlack to /s/ConspiracyRecord from
Bitch slapped
15 days ago by P-38lightning to /s/politics from
Raise them right
15 days ago by P-38lightning to /s/memes from
cobra 120mg kaufen
15 days ago by wolfswen123456789 to /s/KPOP from
Faggot at reform school stabs someone in the eye for calling him one
17 days ago by Zoomergroid to /s/TumblrInAction from
17 days ago by P-38lightning to /s/politics from
aznidentity mod behavior exposed #311: Subverter LU KKKUNTs tidyingup92 and username521993 STILL ON aiNCELS cause of that worthless fapping F&GG0T toskaqe
15 days ago by Chousiyindu to /s/AsianIdentityWatch from
aznidentity mod behavior exposed #309: NO FUCKING PURPOSE to the "lIfE" of LU RETARD BITCH Alaskan91 other than: "AM REEEEEEEEEeeeeeeREEEEEEEEeeREEEEEEEeeeeee AsiANs REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeereEEEEEEEEEEEEEErEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeee" 24/7
16 days ago by Chousiyindu to /s/AsianIdentityWatch from
They grow up so fast
17 days ago by P-38lightning to /s/PoliticalHumor from
Astrological Allegory: When big poppa goes knocking boots even near by virgins end up pregnant.
17 days ago by yellowsnow2 to /s/conspiracy from
aznidentity mod behavior exposed #308: aznid users NOT ALLOWED to question cuckasoid poojeet "ModEraTioN"
17 days ago by Chousiyindu to /s/AsianIdentityWatch from
Kamala's IQ
18 days ago by P-38lightning to /s/politics from
AsianMasculinity is CUCKED #156: Fucking WORTHLESS EUNUCH FGGTS INCELnem and CUCKnilla STILL FAPPING to LU BITCH username521993
18 days ago by Chousiyindu to /s/AsianIdentityWatch from
aznidentity mod behavior exposed #307: AUTISTIC LU BITCH Alaskan91 predictably screeches "MiSOGyNorRR" at AM, ZERO fucking purpose to the KKKUNT's account and "liFe"
Don't like it?
19 days ago by P-38lightning to /s/politics from
What you are now, we once were, what we are now, you shall be
19 days ago by yellowsnow2 to /s/quotes from
"Was on our radar"
19 days ago by P-38lightning to /s/MeanwhileOnReddit from
AsianMasculinity is CUCKED #155: Stupid LU BITCH username521993 OPENLY allowed on r/ "am" thanks to stooge simp f&gg0t "moDeraTION"
19 days ago by Chousiyindu to /s/AsianIdentityWatch from
AsianMasculinity is CUCKED #154: Worthless cockroach f&gg0t throwmiamivelvet a permanent shitstain on r/ "am" because the two stooges running the sub were never pro-AM to begin with
aznidentity mod behavior exposed #306: Another fucking wave of schizo bitch username521993 LU diarrhea cause tosSHITSTAINKUCK gotta fap to "mUH LUs"/censor shit 24/7
AsianMasculinity is CUCKED #153: ZERO FUCKING VALUE to throwcockroachfuckingfggit's account and yet the two stooge mod f&gg0ts keep him on r/ "am"
20 days ago by Chousiyindu to /s/AsianIdentityWatch from
Introduction to Video Management System
20 days ago by amaanyaar to /s/Software4all from
CPP Programming | C++ Network Programming | C++ Java Programmers
20 days ago by bibek21 to /s/Software4all from
AsianMasculinity is CUCKED #152: Worthless COCKROACH F&GG0T throwmiamivelvet STILL sperging around r/ "am" cause the two stooge fucktard mods would never ban subversives infesting the sub
Debunking white overpopulation myth with this map
21 days ago by jihad to /s/whatever from
aznidentity mod behavior exposed #305: LU KKKUNTs 'username521993' and 'TimePie5572' STILL shitting up aiNCELs cause the shithole was never about being "PrO-AsIAN" PERIOD
21 days ago by Chousiyindu to /s/AsianIdentityWatch from
AsianMasculinity is CUCKED #151: Cringe simp f&gg0t 'Ill_Storm_6808' demands AM "TaKe Da bAnAnaRaNGs BacK"!
aznidentity mod behavior exposed #304: ANOTHER pmaf LU KKKUNT 'TimePie5572' allowed in by that worthless little f&gg0t tosKUCK, "SaVINg Em ALLs eQuALs AcTiVISm"!
22 days ago by Chousiyindu to /s/AsianIdentityWatch from
aznidentity mod behavior exposed #303: CRINGE AS FUCK RETARD LU BITCH Alaskan91 completely fucking incapable of any other action other than the pathetic: "aSIANS REEE REEER EEE REEEEEEEee rEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeR EEEEEEeeeeeee"
aznidentity mod behavior exposed #302: Laughable POOCEL f&gg0t archelogy claims he is "NoT LEFt-lEaNinG"!
AsianMasculinity is CUCKED #150: Insidious LU BITCH username521993 (128KKKUNT) STILL ON r/ "am" cause the two stooge f&gs INCELnem and CUCKnilla gotta "SaVe em ALLs" than be "PrO-AM"
23 days ago by P-38lightning to /s/PoliticalHumor from
aznidentity mod behavior exposed #301: Subversive LU KKKUNTs like 'username521993' and 'luxaeterna9999' to remain on aiNCELs indefinitely thanks to a certain cockroach simp on the mod team
23 days ago by Chousiyindu to /s/AsianIdentityWatch from
AsianMasculinity is CUCKED #149: r/ "am" subjected to username521993 (128KKKUNTLU) diarrhea retardation cause the two stooge f&g mods INCELnem and CUCKnilla were never on the side of AM
aznidentity mod behavior exposed #300: AUTISTIC LU COCKROACH BITCH Alaskan91 crawls outta her shithole to perform the ONLY pathetic function she knows: "AsiaNS eXisT, REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeEEEeeeeEeeeEEeEeeEE"
aznidentity mod behavior exposed #299: Fucking wave of username521993 (128KKKUNT) LU diarrhea allowed because tosF&GG0TKUCK thinks "sAVInG eM ALLS" equals "AcTiViSM"
aznidentity mod behavior exposed #298: No end to the aiNCEL subversive LU KKKUNTs because tosSHITSTAINFGGITKUCK will never stop jacking off to them
They're really nice people
24 days ago by P-38lightning to /s/PoliticalHumor from
Tim is at your door.
24 days ago by tyranicaloverlord to /s/dailyphotoshop from
AsianMasculinity is FUCKING CUCKED #148: Street shitting POOs stinking up r/ am indefinitely thanks to arcel's little BITCH INCELFGGITnem
25 days ago by Chousiyindu to /s/AsianIdentityWatch from