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For 5 years my province has pushed electrification. Last night we got a request on the local news to reduce consumption as the grid was maxed. At 11pm power outages began... My power went out around 11:14 for around 10 minutes.
13 hours ago by HiddenFox to /s/whatever from
Kiev (may) plot another false flag in Baltic Sea to drag NATO into WW3
3 hours ago by zyxzevn to /s/Antiwar from
AsianMasculinity is CUCKED #234: More worthless autistic simp drivel from Acceptable_Setting cause the two cuck fggits "runnInG" r/ am will never ban their "PreCioUS" subverters
5 hours ago by Chousiyindu to /s/AsianIdentityWatch from
aznidentity goes full retard/r asianamerican #7: Cringe poocel worshiping roach GinNTonic1 bends over for eunuch Ken Jeong!
That's a real shame
2 days ago by P-38lightning to /s/whatever from
I really don't care
3 days ago by P-38lightning to /s/politics from
AsianMasculinity is FUCKING CUCKED #233: The POOjeet agenda here to stay on r/ "am" thanks to the curry-worshiping stooge roach f&gg0ts named Igennem & benilla
2 days ago by Chousiyindu to /s/AsianIdentityWatch from
aznidentity mod behavior exposed #458: FUCKING DEGENERATE FGGIT asianmovement LARPed as "FemALE" KKKUNT Alaskan91 ALL WEEK LONG cause that is the only way the pathetic little shit can cope with being a life-loser raised by a single Lu bitch mother
Don't worry
4 days ago by P-38lightning to /s/whatever from
aznidentity is NONaznidentity #30: The end-result of poojeets leading an "AsiAn" sub
Me too
aznidentity mod behavior exposed #457: PATHETIC degenerate FUCKING FGGIT asianmovement STILL AT HIS with his CRINGE AS FUCK "FeMALe" LARP account Alaskan91 because spewing autism on reddit 24/7 is all this nutless eunuch bitch will ever achieve in his worthless "LiFE"
3 days ago by Chousiyindu to /s/AsianIdentityWatch from
AsianMasculinity is CUCKED #232: Subversive P00jeets still smelling up the sub thanks to archelogy's ass-kissing stooge fggits named Igennem & benilla
aznidentity mod behavior exposed #456: WORTHLESS degenerate FUCKING FGGIT asianmovement still coping with his pathetic as fuck "liFe" by ch1mping at Asians, AM, & AMXF 24/7 with his cringe "FemALE" alt Alaskan91
4 days ago by Chousiyindu to /s/AsianIdentityWatch from
aznidentity mod behavior exposed #455: Degenerate FUCKING FGGIT asianmovement can only cope with his pathetic as fuck "EXiStEnCE" by raging at Asians & AM 24/7 with his "FemALE" account Alaskan91
aznidentity mod behavior exposed #454: Degenerate FGGIT asianmovement still doing his cringe Alaskan91 "AF" LARP because the worthless shitstain knows he will never amount to anything in his pathetic "LiFE"
5 days ago by Chousiyindu to /s/AsianIdentityWatch from
aznidentity mod behavior exposed #453: Degenerate fucking FGGIT asianmovement constantly ch1mping at Asians using his "AF" alt Alaskan91 cause the pathetic Lu raised little shit knows he is a shitstain on his entire family line
7 days ago by Chousiyindu to /s/AsianIdentityWatch from
8 days ago by P-38lightning to /s/politics from
Dinner Time
7 days ago by tyranicaloverlord to /s/dailyphotoshop from
aznidentity Lu-chase #43: aznid simp fggit 'undecidedx10' needs "AdvIcE" on the bananarang Lu KKKunt he rescued!
aznidentity mod behavior exposed #452: FGGIT degenerate asianmovement continues his worthless and cringe "AF" Alaskan91 LARP because the single Lu raised little shit knows his "LiFe" has no fucking purpose other than ch1mping at Asians & AM 24/7
Sometimes I have to miss meals between breakfast and brunch. I'm a poor oppressed victim.
9 days ago by jet199 to /s/fatpeoplehate from
Meet the new Vice Chair of the DNC
9 days ago by P-38lightning to /s/politics from
Effective immediately, the Department of Transportation will no longer participate in celebrations based on immutable traits or any other identity-based observances.
10 days ago by P-38lightning to /s/politics from
aznidentity mod behavior exposed #451: tosKUCK and his poojeet fggits ch1mp the moment user exposes shart "AsiAN" racism
8 days ago by Chousiyindu to /s/AsianIdentityWatch from
aznidentity mod behavior exposed #450: Fggit asianmovement still pretending he is "AF" Alaskan91 cause the pathetic degenerate single Lu raised worthless shit wishes he was never born "MaLe"
Given this info we might have to accept islam is a genetic defects, not just a belief
10 days ago by jet199 to /s/antiislam from
Great Graffitti.
11 days ago by hfxB0oyA to /s/whatever from
aznidentity mod behavior exposed #449: Fggit asianmovement back in his "FemaLe" alt Alaskan91 because the little degenerate shit is good for absolutely nothing but ch1mping 24/7 at Asians and sucking off xm with every opportunity
10 days ago by Chousiyindu to /s/AsianIdentityWatch from
Reddit Strong
11 days ago by P-38lightning to /s/MeanwhileOnReddit from
Defining women in relation to men, so progressive. How do they seriously miss their own irony?
11 days ago by stoptheearth to /s/TumblrInAction from
AsianMasculinity is CUCKED #231: Simp roach Acceptable_Setting still at it with his pathetic drivel because the two stooge mods were never supporters of AM
aznidentity mod behavior exposed #448: User banned for offending tosKUCK's "PrEcioUS" Lu "GoDdEsSes"
11 days ago by Chousiyindu to /s/AsianIdentityWatch from
aznidentity mod behavior exposed #447: The kind of "QuALiTY" you can expect from tosKUCK's cringe as fuck "LeADeRSHIP"
aznidentity mod behavior exposed #446: tosKUCK hijacks 78timesCUCKED's "asianidentity" sub to post all of his cringe as fuck drivel
You're fired. Get out.
13 days ago by P-38lightning to /s/politics from
Hot take from Ukraine
14 days ago by hfxB0oyA to /s/WorldPolitics from
AsianMasculinity is CUCKED #230: Prowling roach LU bitch username521993 STILL FUCKING crawling around r/ "am" cause those two stooge fucktards will never ban a "HoLy LaDEEeee"
13 days ago by Chousiyindu to /s/AsianIdentityWatch from
She does have a nice neck
14 days ago by P-38lightning to /s/whatever from
Italy leaving the WHO
14 days ago by hfxB0oyA to /s/Health from
AsianMasculinity is CUCKED #229: Prowling LU cockroach bitch username521993 to shit up r/ "am" indefinitely thanks to the shitstain fggit simp stooges named Igennem and benilla
14 days ago by Chousiyindu to /s/AsianIdentityWatch from
aznidentity mod behavior exposed #445: Fucking little fggit asianmovement/'Alaskan91' STILL at it with his cringe as FUCK AF-LARP cause the fatherless shit has no other purpose than to constantly ch1mp at AM who aren't fucked in the head like him
Rothchild's takeover of the money system
15 days ago by zyxzevn to /s/DeepState from
aznidentity mod behavior exposed #444: The fucking fggit named asianmovement back in his pathetic "FeMALE" alt Alaskan91 because he wishes he wasn't a Lu-raised little bitch of a "maLe"
aznidentity mod behavior exposed #443: aiNCELs "QuaLiTy" under the pathetic tosKUCK regime!
15 days ago by Chousiyindu to /s/AsianIdentityWatch from
AsianMasculinity is CUCKED #228: Yet another worthless as fuck r/ "am" simp f&gg0t cringefest cause the two stooges "runNing" the place are also lu-chasing fucktards
aznidentity is NONaznidentity #29: Pathetic aiNCEL 'ssslae' professes his love for the poocels
aznidentity mod behavior exposed #442: Another batshit bananarang allowed in cause lu-chasing is all aznid is good for under the cringe tosKUCK regime
aznidentity mod behavior exposed #441: Jenkem addict archelogy STILL thinks the dead KultureMedia is "AliVe"!
aznidentity mod behavior exposed #440: Worthless fatherless "AF"-roleplayer shit asianmovement/'Alaskan91' still buttstalking AMXF and projecting all his fggt behaviors onto Asians
"If you think Kanna looks like a fucking child, you are an idiot, she has child birthing hips"
17 days ago by Zoomergroid to /s/TumblrInAction from
"Stop bodyshaming my animu waifus"
aznidentity mod behavior exposed #439: R/ aiNCELs remains a directionless JOKE under the tosKUCK regime
16 days ago by Chousiyindu to /s/AsianIdentityWatch from
aznidentity mod behavior exposed #438: Pathetic Lu-raised little fggt asianmovement back in his "FemAlE" alt AlasKKKUNT91 cause it is the only way he can cope with being a fucking life loser
Weebs dogpile a guy for saying that their waifu looks like a child. Also accuse them of bodyshaming said waifus
17 days ago by Zoomergroid to /s/whatever from
Nice try, Feds
18 days ago by P-38lightning to /s/politics from
AsianMasculinity is CUCKED #227: No surprise a possible archelogy alt shows up the moment he is called out
17 days ago by Chousiyindu to /s/AsianIdentityWatch from
AsianMasculinity is CUCKED #226: F&GG0T Viend ch1mps when users don't worship the ground "mUH LADEeE" walk on
aznidentity mod behavior exposed #437: The continued consequences of including poojeets into "Asian" subs
aznidentity mod behavior exposed #436: R/ aiNCELs will always be fucking partisan
18 days ago by Chousiyindu to /s/AsianIdentityWatch from
aznidentity mod behavior exposed #435: More subversive LU KKKunts and simp f&gg0t screeching on aiNCELs cause the sub is anything but "AcTiViST"/"PrOdUCTiVE"
aznidentity is NONaznidentity #28: archelogy's fellow p00cel thinks crime posts weren't censored on aznid
Guess who also had a reddit account
20 days ago by P-38lightning to /s/whatever from
BREAKING: The deceased shooter at Antioch High School in Nashville is ID’ed as 17-year-old Solomon Henderson
20 days ago by P-38lightning to /s/news from
Can I point out something?
21 days ago by zyxzevn to /s/propaganda from
aznidentity mod behavior exposed #434: Fapping to subversive KKKUNTs is the only "OBjeCtiVe" of aiNCELs under the tosKUCK regime
20 days ago by Chousiyindu to /s/AsianIdentityWatch from
aznidentity mod behavior exposed #433: Former aznid mod removed for offending the poos!
AsianMasculinity is CUCKED #225: Fucking F&GG0T Acceptable_Setting still allowed to spew his eunuch drivel thanks to those two retard "MoDeRAtiNG" r/ "am"
I am outraged!
21 days ago by P-38lightning to /s/whatever from
aznidentity mod behavior exposed #432: Jizzing to Lu KKKunts like tidyingup92 is tosKUCK's #1 priority, not "PrO-AsiAN" or "AcTiVISM"
AsianMasculinity is CUCKED #224: Cockroach fggit throwmiamivelvet ch1mping again cause subversive fucktards are protected by Arcel's two worthless stooges
21 days ago by Chousiyindu to /s/AsianIdentityWatch from
Is this true? Poles betrayed poles prior to the German invasion? (WW2)
21 days ago by TheBlackSun to /s/history from
Got a community note from the commies at Steam today, what do you think?
22 days ago by Alphix to /s/Gaming from
AsianMasculinity is CUCKED #223: R/ "am" stooge-approved POOjeet Albernathy101 claims Endian "mALes" are AM!
22 days ago by Chousiyindu to /s/AsianIdentityWatch from
aznidentity mod behavior exposed #431: Sucking off xm and doing "FeMaLe" roleplay is all pathetic fggit asianmovement/'Alaskan91' is good for
TikTok is broken worldwide (Screenshot from Tor Browser)
23 days ago by KaiEdwardBannon to /s/whatever from
aznidentity mod behavior exposed #430: Delusional poojeet jspo8765 claims Shart "AsiANs" have "A LOT In ComMoN"
23 days ago by Chousiyindu to /s/AsianIdentityWatch from
The CIA uses journalists who double as undercover contacts, as well as missionaries.
24 days ago by HibikiBlack to /s/ConspiracyRecord from
aznidentity mod behavior exposed #429: The f&gg0t toskaqe regime is already a fucking JOKE
24 days ago by Chousiyindu to /s/AsianIdentityWatch from
aznidentity mod behavior exposed #428: Corrupt LU mayor of Oakland defended by you guessed it, the f&gg0ts over on aiNCELs
AsianMasculinity is CUCKED #222: Why that simp cockroach f&gg0t Acceptable_Setting should never be taken seriously
25 days ago by Chousiyindu to /s/AsianIdentityWatch from
aznidentity mod behavior exposed #427: The end-result of following a pro-cia poocel into the shit-filled Ganges River
aznidentity mod behavior exposed #426: xm-worshiping F&GG0T asianmovement/"Alaskan91" still at it with his pathetic as fuck AF-LARP cause what else is there to his "LiFe"?
Flop One More Time
26 days ago by tyranicaloverlord to /s/dailyphotoshop from
Sulexar from IMGUR would happily let a pedophile take care of his kids
27 days ago by aodjdksjsf to /s/TumblrInAction from
If we keep pedos away from kids b/c they're a danger, then what's preventing bigots from claiming that all gay people are a threat simply because they exist?
27 days ago by Zoomergroid to /s/TumblrInAction from
If you don't want to be freinds with a pedo then it's your fault if he ends up assaulting a kid. Also Gun owners are worse than pedos
AsianMasculinity is CUCKED #221: POOjeet worshiping cringe eunuch f&gg0t GinNTonic1 STILL fucking allowed on r/ "am" thanks to the eunuch stooge fucktards running the sub
27 days ago by Chousiyindu to /s/AsianIdentityWatch from
AsianMasculinity is CUCKED #220: POOcels subverting and smelling up r/ "am" indefinitely thanks to arcel's eunuch bitches named Igennem and benilla
Gas stoves are bad
29 days ago by P-38lightning to /s/whatever from
Guess who was blocking the UK inquiry into the grooming gangs... And guess who was caught trying to meet with a young boy... Them again...
28 days ago by Flint to /s/conspiracy from
AsianMasculinity is CUCKED #219: Another worthless r/ "am" simp f&gg0t jizzfest to "mUH InFaLLiBLE LaDEeeEEeee" cause the two retards running the sub are also cucks
28 days ago by Chousiyindu to /s/AsianIdentityWatch from
aznidentity mod behavior exposed #425: PATHETIC as FUCK AF-LARPing F&GG0T (who always needs xm to rescue him) asianmovement/"Alaskan91" claims he will "BiTCH SlAP" someone!
aznidentity mod behavior exposed #424: Why aznid remains a fucking WORTHLESS sub, the f&gs on there like asianmovement/Alaskan91 & GinNTonic1 must ch1mp at AMXF's existence instead of "ImPrOVINg ai's QuaLiTY"
28 days ago by Chousiyindu to /s/AsianIdentityWatch from
What if we're living in a brain cell of another creature?
29 days ago by ZephirAWT to /s/ScienceUncensored from
Obama Serenades.
29 days ago by tyranicaloverlord to /s/dailyphotoshop from
AsianMasculinity is CUCKED #218: Currycels smelling up r/ "am" indefinitely all thanks to two worthless stooge f&gs that kowtow to archelogy daily
1 month ago by Chousiyindu to /s/AsianIdentityWatch from
AsianMasculinity is CUCKED #217: Pathetic LU prowling BITCH username521993 STILL ALLOWED on r/ "am" cause the two stooge f&gg0ts Igennem and benilla will never stop fapping to "mUH HOlY LADEEeSSs"
Climate Change Arrested
1 month ago by P-38lightning to /s/news from