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2022: A year of ups and downs, mainly downs
1 year ago by [deleted] to /s/whatever from
Hunger and desperation: Venezuela’s huge displacement crisis.
2 years ago by HibikiBlack to /s/vzla from
The World Economic Forum has laid out an agenda for giant corporations to move beyond their unofficial and unacknowledged role as unelected rulers of our world and become open partners in the governance of world affairs alongside our official elected governments, with more power than ever before.
2 years ago by Chipit to /s/conspiracy from
The US is taking on its corporate monopolists – now the rest of the world must follow
3 years ago by Budget-song-budget to /s/politics from
The Afghan woman activist still determined to educate girls
3 years ago by Budget-song-budget to /s/WorldNews from
Spain’s hologram protests. Millions of Spaniards have engaged in protests over the past four years. As of July 1 they can be subject to disproportionate fines and even jail for exercising their democratic rights to freedom of expression, assembly, protest and information. Interview.
3 years ago by Pis-dur to /s/WorldNews from
If we lose the Amazon, our world will lose its future
3 years ago by Budget-song-budget to /s/environment from
How the far Right tried to exploit Spain’s anti-austerity 15-M protests. WikiLeaks files also show ultra-conservative campaigners copying tactics from Greenpeace and Oxfam, and falsely claiming left-wing support for their plans
3 years ago by Budget-song-budget to /s/WayOfTheBern from
Open letter: a response from the '100' French scholars
3 years ago by jet199 to /s/politics from
Women as wartime rapists: a new book explores 'the impossible'. Academic Laura Sjoberg argues that our gendered assumptions about sexual violence in conflict limit our understanding of these crimes.
4 years ago by Chipit to /s/Feminism from
Police Chief urged Priti Patel to use Extinction Rebellion ‘opportunity’ to curb protest rights
4 years ago by LarrySwinger2 to /s/conspiracy from
"The coronavirus crisis shows it's time to abolish the family." This is the next frontier for the Left. Family abolitionists see these horrors as inherent in the ideologically “coercive” institution of the nuclear family.
4 years ago by Chipit to /s/LateStageCapitalism from
Authoritarianism masking incompetence? The case of the Republic of Cyprus
4 years ago by [deleted] to /s/Europe from
The curious rise of the ‘white left’ as a Chinese internet insult
4 years ago by sproketboy to /s/China from
BRICS countries to build digital sovereignty
4 years ago by useless_aether to /s/Geopolitics from
Before there was "Cancel Culture," there was the "Vampire Castle" – Mark Fisher's critical essay analyzing the Western Left's obsession with purges
4 years ago by Chipit to /s/history from
At the Dawn of Hope, Trepidation: Istanbul’s Elections, the Gezi Trial, and Civil Society’s Future
5 years ago by Stankmango to /s/PoliticalAnalysis from