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America Needs Truth and Reconciliation on Russiagate. You’ll be tempted to shout, “But Trump, Stop the Steal, QAnon — Derp!” Don’t do it. Don’t be the Japanese soldier still clutching a bayonet to defend the forgotten atoll in 1960. Forget Trump: you need to clean your own house first.
2 years ago by Chipit to /s/censorship from
Mainstream Media Slain in Canada. In a wild and oddly nasty standoff, author Douglas Murray and I steamrolled Malcolm Gladwell and Michelle Goldberg in the most decisive win in the history of Canada's Munk debates. (click on link inside for full story)
2 years ago by Chipit to /s/canada from
“Be it resolved: don’t trust mainstream media.” My name is Matt Taibbi, I’ve been a reporter for 30 years, and I argue for the resolution. You should not trust mainstream media. I love the news business. It’s in my bones. But I mourn for it. It’s destroyed itself.
2 years ago by Chipit to /s/media_criticism from
YouTube Censors Reality, Boosts Disinformation: Part 1. YouTube censored a factually accurate video about “rigged election” comments from the media and Democrats. YouTube leaves videos promoting the conspiracy theory that the Hunter Biden laptop story is both bunk and an intelligence op.
2 years ago by Chipit to /s/youtube from
YouTube Censors Reality, Boosts Disinformation: Part 1 - Matt Taibbi
2 years ago by Drewski to /s/censorship from
It seems that Elon Musk’s pursuit of Twitter has been continually rebuffed. The American security state can’t afford for Twitter to fall into the hands of a heterodox thinker. A candid admission that Twitter is an arm of the security state and controlling the narrative around the Ukraine War.
2 years ago by Chipit to /s/news from
Remarks about Jews caused JP Morgan Chase to close Kanye West's account. They were criminally charged and fined $1.7 billion by the Justice Department and $461 million by FinCEN for not getting rid of the Jew Bernie Madoff when they knew he was a problem. They just withdrew their own investments.
From Google and Twitter to the Departments of Justice and State, we’ve become a blacklisting society, and it’s beginning to look like the excesses of the Bush years were just a warmup.
In 1972, South Carolina Senator Strom Thurmond sent a letter to the office of Attorney General John Mitchell, suggesting John Lennon be deported. Thurmond believed Lennon’s antiwar and anti-Nixon views would spread in rock concerts and festivals... -- Matt Taibbi
2 years ago by EndlessSunflowers to /s/conspiracy from
Meet the Censored: Katie Halper. Katie was fired from a part-time hosting arrangement at The Hill’s Rising, whose editor told her an editorial critical of Israeli policies in Palestine was “not in our sweet spot of coverage.” They have a new policy where op-eds on Israel were a no-no.
The Justice Department Was Dangerous Before Trump. It's Out of Control Now. The current Trump investigation is just the latest chapter of a long-brewing civil liberties nightmare.
2 years ago by Chipit to /s/politics from
Activism, Uncensored: A Weekend of Californians Screaming and Flailing at Each Other. “Fuck you!” “Shut the fuck up!” “Whore! Whore! Whore!” The two 'ladies' arguing about whether one is a communist were the best part.
The Press is Already Working Overtime to Elect Trump Again. Negative media attention and the martyring effect of Internet censorship are the best friends Donald Trump ever had, but press antagonists are doubling down for 2024.
Alex Moyer has now made two movies in a row, TFW No GF and Alex’s War, that sound too much like journalism for today’s media. Moyer was criticized for not planting enough signs telling them — and audiences — what to think about disaffected loner men. It's a about alienation, just like Taxi Driver.
2 years ago by Chipit to /s/Movies from
Alex Moyer has now made two movies in a row, TFW No GF and Alex’s War, that sound too much like journalism for today’s media. Journalists considered it illegitimate to even look at things like the root causes of the behavior of such people, or try to understand what was going on there.
What Has Trump's Endless Prosecution Accomplished? As more and more effort is spent trying to put Donald Trump behind bars, he keeps growing politically. Is it time to wonder if there's a connection?
The New Kremlinology: Reading the New York Times. With censorship soaring and real reporting all but taboo, the major dailies have just one important function left: being a political signaling system.
Activism, Uncensored: Are Black 2nd Amendment Advocates the Ultimate Taboo?
2 years ago by hfxB0oyA to /s/news from
The Democrats between 2016 and 2020 not only lost my vote, but reveled in the idea that they didn’t need or want it, denouncing critics in all directions as traitors, white supremacists, and terrorists, no different from the “deplorables” who voted for Donald Trump.
The World's Most Taboo Legal Case. The Women’s Liberation Front filed a civil rights lawsuit in California that drew almost no coverage. A press corps gearing up to be outraged by the Amber Heard-Johnny Depp defamation case had zero interest in a lawsuit filed by far poorer female abuse victims.
The World's Most Taboo Legal Case
2 years ago by [deleted] to /s/politics from
"What is a Woman?" A Movie That Should Be Reviewed More, For One Thing. Matt Walsh pranks the pants off America's silliest intellectuals, and the sad thing is, it wasn't hard at all.
PayPal's IndyMedia Wipeout — Matt Taibbi's Substack on PayPal
2 years ago by chottohen to /s/corruption from
Activism, Uncensored: Abortion Protests Spark "Coast to Coast" Conflict
2 years ago by BravoVictor to /s/politics from
PayPal's IndyMedia Wipeout
Savor the Great Musk Panic. This is the elite argument against free speech in a nutshell: “If you favor ‘all legal speech,’ you really just want to slander, threaten, and harass. Now please let me tell millions of New York Times readers I ‘assume’ you’re a racist itching to use the N-word.”
2 years ago by Chipit to /s/OpinionPieces from
Savor the Great Musk Panic
The "Gentlemen's Agreement": When TV News Won't Identify Defense Lobbyists
The "Gentlemen's Agreement": When TV News Won't Identify Defense Lobbyists. As war rages, there will be officials on TV with sincere opinions about how the U.S. can help Ukraine. Very often, however, what you’re watching is a paid lobbyist plugging for a weapons maker.
The Washington Post's "Libs of TikTok" Nothingburger
Twitter's Chickens Come Home to Roost
Twitter's Chickens Come Home to Roost. A few of the more prominent Musk critics are claiming merely to be upset at the prospect of wealthy individuals controlling speech. This is a bizarre thing to be worrying about since it’s been the absolute reality in America for a while.
Editor's Note: On "Russian Dissent"
Give War A Chance. More and more, we're told outright war isn't just necessary and right, but the thing that will solve America's existential problems.
The Media Campaign to Protect Joe Biden Passes the Point of Absurdity
World's Dullest Editorial Launches Panic
Orwell Was Right
Putin the Apostate
When Boring People Turn Dangerous: Canada's Insane Power Grab
The Great International Convoy Fiasco
Matt Taibbi and Matt Orfalea: The Lab Leak "Conspiracy Theory"
2 years ago by AXXA to /s/news from
Conversation With Russell Brand, Who Isn't "Right Wing". His willingness to court all audiences is an affront to the basic formula of current commercial media, which relies upon a strategy of identifying out-groups and rallying audiences to escalating hatreds.
Justin Trudeau's Ceauşescu Moment
Justin Trudeau's Ceauşescu Moment. Denouncing truckers for "unacceptable views," Canada's Prime Minister skipped town rather than face evidence of his own unpopularity. Is neoliberalism finally cracking?
The Lab Leak "Conspiracy Theory". there was a time not long ago when no responsible press outlet would have declared any hypothesis off-limits before the mystery had been solved. Orfalea does a great job here using everything from Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure to Fahrenheit 451.
The British Medical Journal Story That Exposed Politicized "Fact-Checking"
2 years ago by BravoVictor to /s/news from
2 years ago by jet199 to /s/SocialMedia from
The British Medical Journal Story That Exposed Politicized "Fact-Checking". They deployed a rhetorical device that such “checking” sites now use with regularity, repeatedly correcting assertions Thacker and the British Medical Journal never made.
The Folly of Pandemic Censorship - Matt Taibbi
Let’s Not Have a War. The “core interest” of the Washington consensus is war. The bulk of the people elected to congress and a lion’s share of the lobbyists, lawyers, and journalists who snuggle in a giant fornicating mass in the capital are dedicated to the upkeep of the war bureaucracy.
Let’s Not Have a War
Activism, Uncensored: Impact of Gun Control Laws Visible in Virginia Protests
Joe Biden's Awesome First Year
3 years ago by BravoVictor to /s/politics from
If the left could solve the problem of two Americas, it’s now decided that the America that is left behind, that it used to profess great care for and ambitions for, should just be annihilated with ridicule and a sort of mockery that dehumanizes them and renders them irrelevant.
3 years ago by Chipit to /s/politics from
What Happened to the "Question Authority" Era? Discussion with Author Walter Kirn. Waiting to get better from the thing that wasn’t prevented, so that you can try to prevent it again — if that’s not Joseph Heller, what is?
3 years ago by Chipit to /s/media_criticism from
Jimmy Kimmel Live, fast becoming Leonid Brezhnev’s never-realized dream of a Soviet Tonight Show, just put out a bit “Anti-Vax Barbie.” It’s impressively on-message. Mocking the hayseeds is always fun, but what a bonus, when you can jack off some of TV’s biggest advertisers at the same time!
Vaccine Aristocrats Strike Again
A Tale of Two Authoritarians
Meet Jed Rakoff, the Judge Who Exposed the "Rigged Game"
TK Mashup: "Omicron DEATH!". For a while now it’s been clear the primary objective of most pandemic coverage is to scare the socks off mass audiences. Matt Orfalea does a hilarious job of stitching together an homage to the latest moral panic.
"Omicron Death!" - Pandemic Pandemonia Reaches New Heights.
3 years ago by Drewski to /s/propaganda from
The Democrats' Education Lunacies Will Bring Back Trump. “I don’t really understand this idea that parents should decide what [their children are] being taught,” 1619 Project author and New York Times writer Hannah-Jones said.
Loudoun County Epilogue: A Worsening Culture War, and the False Hope of "Decorum"
Loudoun County, Virginia: A Culture War in Four Acts
Biden's Troubles Aren't Bernie's Fault, or a Media Mirage. "From there, I scrolled in search of the inevitable, “Freedom of the press is good, but” passage. It was three paragraphs down."
Will Twitter Become an Ocean of Suck? The resignation of Jack Dorsey is the latest plot point in the story of the Internet's transformation, from democratizing tool to instrument of elite control.
3 years ago by Chipit to /s/censorship from
Thanksgiving is Awesome
Colleagues in national media spent over a year telling the country Kyle Rittenhouse was not just guilty, but a moral monster whose acquittal would be an in-your-face affirmation of systemic white supremacy. It was reckless beyond belief for analysts to tell audiences Rittenhouse was a murderer.
The Rittenhouse Verdict is Only Shocking if You Followed the Last Year of Terrible Reporting
Another Humorous Substack Panic. The notion that Substack is or was a “threat” to traditional media itself speaks to the comical inability of these organizations to understand cause and effect. Traditional media companies in the Trump years suffered catastrophic declines in audience trust.
The Russiagate Whitewash Era Begins. Igor Danchenko is being set up to take the rap as the dirty Russian rat who hoodwinked poor civic-minded Christopher Steele, the FBI, and the entire American press corps into propping up the biggest hoax since the WMD affair.
The Russiagate Whitewash Era Begins
Taibbi: Another Humorous Substack Panic
3 years ago by penelopepnortney to /s/WayOfTheBern from
Mainstream media panicking over Substack authors doing actual journlism
As America Falls Apart, Profits Soar
Rachel Maddow's Shocking New Low. With last night's loony response to the indictment of Igor Danchenko, the MSNBC anchor takes a bold leap off the credibility cliff.
The "Let's Go, Brandon!" Freakout Goes Next-Level. Is it really possible that these people don’t get they’re being trolled? Part of the joke of “Let’s Go Brandon,” of course, is that you couldn’t go five minutes during the last administration without hearing someone screaming “Fuck Trump!”
The Red-Pilling of Loudoun County, Virginia. I met people who were offended by the existence of a closed Facebook group — the “Anti-Racist Parents of Loudoun County” — that contains six school board members and compiled a list of parents deemed insufficiently supportive of “racial equity efforts.”
3 years ago by Chipit to /s/OpinionPieces from
Meltdown is an investigative audio series. The subject is one of the great taboos in mainstream media, which makes the sheer breadth of the series all the more satisfying: the Democratic Party’s botched response to the Great Financial Crisis of 2008, and the political consequences that followed.
3 years ago by Chipit to /s/Documentaries from
The Red-Pilling of Loudoun County, Virginia
The "Let's Go, Brandon!" Freakout Goes Next-Level
3 years ago by BravoVictor to /s/news from
The subtext is that people with the right degrees deserve to be rich, and have health insurance, and good schooling for their kids, and dignified work, while those who don't deserve failure, in the same way smokers deserve lung disease — especially if they make unsanctioned political choices.
The Cult of the Vaccine. If you’re thinking it was only a matter of time before the mere fact of molnupiravir’s existence would be pitched in headlines as actual bad news, you’re not wrong
Meet Josiah Zayner, America's Most Censored Person
Listen to This Article: The News is America's New Religion, and We're in a Religious War
In other words, audiences correctly grasped that the stupidity of political debates on TV did not mean America’s actual politics were stupid.
3 years ago by [deleted] to /s/whatever from
Democrats Swoon Over George W. Bush, In Match Made in Hell. The man they unironically called Chimpy McBu$hitler. WORST! PRESIDENT! EVER!!
"Breaking Points": On Afghanistan, the Revolving Door, and Media Failure to Disclose Contracting Ties of Guests. Many long-ago disgraced or discredited hawks were mysteriously revived to play analyst. “The same liars are elevated despite the fact that we knew they were lying.”
NPR Trashes Free Speech. A Brief Response. They felt it more appropriate to embrace the thinking of a modern philosopher like Marantz favorite Richard Rorty, who believes in “replacing the whole framework” of society, which includes “not doing the individual rights thing anymore.”
How would the public have looked at practices like bringing billions of dollars in cash on pallets to pay bribes, or multi-million-dollar construction projects to nowhere, or millions spent on hired guns for phantom deliveries or security exercises, during the Battle of the Bulge?
Sometimes in America we’re just not told the whole story, and when the press can’t or won’t do it, it’s left to individual people to fill in the blanks. In a few rare cases, they find out something they weren’t supposed to, and in rarer cases still, they learn enough to beat the system.
3 years ago by Chipit to /s/finance from
Meet the Censored: Hitler. A theme running through nearly all of the “Meet the Censored” articles is this problem of algorithmic censorship systematically throwing out babies with bathwater.
Spying and Smearing is "Un-American," not Tucker Carlson
3 years ago by carn0ld03 to /s/conspiracy from
Meet the Censored: Matt Orfalea. The next morning, at at 5:42 AM, he received an official strike from the channel, which resulted in a one-week ban and left him two strikes away from removal under YouTube’s three-strikes system. The catch? The strike was for one of the cuts he’d already deleted.
If Private Platforms Use Government Guidelines to Police Content, is that State Censorship? As with financial services, military contracting, environmental protection, and other fields, the phenomenon of regulatory capture is demonstrably real in the pharmaceutical world.
Why Has "Ivermectin" Become a Dirty Word? With the world desperate for news about an unprecedented disaster, Silicon Valley had essentially decided to disallow discussion of a potential solution — disallow calls for more research and more study — because not enough research and study had been done.
Congratulations, Elitists: Liberals and Conservatives Do Have Common Interests Now. Information that is true but doesn’t cut the right way politically is now routinely either non-reported or actively misreported.
The Division of Light and Power, Dennis Kucinich’s enormous new memoir about his time as the Mayor of Cleveland, and his battle against Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, or CEI. The book is 700 pages of proof of the comical extent of how rigged American politics can be, and is.
3 years ago by Chipit to /s/books from
Matt Taibbi: In the book you describe when you first arrive in the City Council. It’s made clear that it’s a racket, that the legislatures are there to be servants of financial interests. Dennis Kucinich: As the reader is well aware, it’s not just Cleveland we’re talking about. It's everywhere.
This Week in Neo-Soviet News... In which a leading American paper quietly excises an inconvenient historical detail