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Today i learned that in the Battle of Stalingrad, nearly 2 million soldiers died. A most amazing statue commemorates the place.
1 year ago by iamonlyoneman to /s/history from
“NUTS!” — McAuliffe’s 1944 Christmas Letter - War on the Rocks
2 years ago by cottoneyejoe to /s/history from
The Last Gasp of Peace: The Christmas Truce of 1914 and the Modern Profession of Arms - War on the Rocks
The 2022 War On The Rocks Holiday Reading List - War on the Rocks
2 years ago by cottoneyejoe to /s/books from
Listen to Xi Jinping about Taiwan. A Chinese invasion of Taiwan is not imminent. That hasn’t stopped a chorus of predictions these days from senior U.S. government officials about an invasion “timeline.”
2 years ago by Chipit to /s/WorldNews from
Not So Fast: Insights From A 1944 War Plan Help Explain Why Invading Taiwan Is A Costly Gamble. The sheer size, scale, and complexity involved with invading Taiwan likely checks even the most self-serving and impetuous instincts inside the Chinese Community Party.
Before Deploying More U.S. Forces To Europe, Consider The Consequences. As it turns out, the U.S. sending more troops just angers Europeans, and moreover they think they don't have to pay for their own defense because we're doing it for them.
2 years ago by Chipit to /s/OpinionPieces from
The Psychology Of Stickiness: What America Can Learn From Its Annexation Of The Philippines In 1898. Why is it so hard to reduce that military footprint, even when public opinion is in favor of doing so? Where did the major U.S. presence in Asia come from, and what can we learn from it?
2 years ago by Chipit to /s/history from
A Millennial Considers The New German Problem After 30 Years Of Peace. They think that massive US expense for their protection is normal, and have a smug sense of moral superiority, and look down on anyone lower than their oh-so-enlightened selves.
"The Weak Link In The Air Force Is Me." The USAF is prioritizing centralization and “data driven” decision-making instead of warfighting skills and leadership.
Promises Made, Promises Broken? What Yeltsin Was Told About NATO in 1993 and Why It Matters
3 years ago by infocom6502 to /s/Ukraine from
In recent months, the Taliban’s efforts to crush the Islamic State in Afghanistan have grown increasingly brutal. Suspected members of the Islamic State have been hung in public or beheaded. These tactics are ruthless and — unfortunately for the Taliban — they’re not working.
3 years ago by Chipit to /s/WorldNews from
As the United States talks more and more of defending Taiwan from an attack from the mainland, Taiwan’s military seems to be taking its defense preparations less and less seriously.
Minute changes in facial expression are analyzed by the facial recognition technology to determine whether the test subject possesses a “negative mindset” or a heightened state of anxiety, allegedly indicating a potential for anti-social behavior. This is not from a dystopic television series.
3 years ago by Chipit to /s/OpinionPieces from
Soldiers of Fortune: Why U.S. Mercenaries Should Not Be Legal - War on the Rocks. Under current laws and regulations, it is not illegal for a U.S. citizen to provide combat services as a foreign mercenary fighter.
Why Is a British Carrier Strike Group Heading to the Indo-Pacific? - War on the Rocks
July 22: A Pivotal Day in Terrorism History. Seventy-five years ago today, five terrorists from the a Jewish underground organization Irgun killed 91 people and injured 45 in a terrorist bombing.
3 years ago by Chipit to /s/history from
A Millennial Considers the New German Problem After 30 Years of Peace. How a feeling of moral superiority and the rejection of power politics, all the while under the protection of a US military umbrella led the millennial generation to lose its way.
3 years ago by Chipit to /s/Europe from
Leaving Afghanistan Will Make America Less Safe. By warmongering ghouls from the Council on Foreign Relations.
3 years ago by Chipit to /s/WorldPolitics from
Beyond Colossus or Collapse: Five Myths Driving American Debates about China. the Biden team jumped into the deep end of the pool — head first. It immediately framed U.S.-Chinese relations as a “strategic competition,” with the president at one point calling it “extreme competition.”
Many U.S. foreign policy practitioners have a knack for disregarding the gap between America’s proclaimed virtues and sordid reality. The rest of the world has a longer memory, and its vision isn’t clouded by the stories that Americans tell themselves about their supposed indispensability.
Simulating War: Three Enduring Lessons from the Louisiana Maneuvers. "I want the mistakes [made] down in Louisiana, not over in Europe, and the only way to do this thing is to try it out, and if it doesn’t work, find out what we need to make it work." – Gen. George C. Marshall, 1941
Labeling everyone involved in the Jan. 6 attack as part of a singular threat risks making the same mistakes that the US made during the fight against terrorism following 9/11, where the U.S. government often created new enemies by confusing “accidental guerillas” with real terrorist threats.
3 years ago by Chipit to /s/politics from
Don’t Knock Yourself Out: How America Can Turn the Tables on China by Giving Up the Fight for Command of the Seas - War on the Rocks
Al-Qaeda Is Being Hollowed to Its Core - War on the Rocks
Bureaucratizing to Fight Extremism in the Military - War on the Rocks. Pentagon begins figuring out how to get rid of patriots in the ranks and replace them with conformists.
3 years ago by Chipit to /s/news from
The Need to Inoculate Military Servicemembers Against Information Threats: The Case For Digital Literacy Training for the Force - War on the Rocks. In other words, they're worried that the troops are seeing their lies and thinking for themselves.
The ‘Hybrid Armed Actors’ Paradox: A Necessary Compromise? - War on the Rocks. Deep state inventing new enemies to justify more wars and more spending.
Profiteers, Vultures, and the Defeat of the UN Embargo on Libya. There is a UN embargo prohibiting arms shipments to Libya, but it is an abject failure. Its prohibitions have been openly flouted by states who are in good standing of the “international community” and the UN Security Council itself.
4 years ago by Chipit to /s/WorldPolitics from
Will the Military Become Just Another Politicized Institution? - War on the Rocks. “What do your colleagues think of the president?” It’s a question I hear a lot, not only from civilian friends in the United States, but on a regular basis from allied officers at the German General Staff College.
4 years ago by Chipit to /s/politics from
Defund CENTCOM. After decades of spending trillions of dollars on fruitless wars, Americans are getting frustrated with the Middle East. The withdrawal advocates are right. The foggy theories underpinning U.S. strategy in the region are wrong.
4 years ago by Chipit to /s/WarWatch from
Penny-Wise, Pound-Foolish: The Iranian Coup of 1953. Rather than meeting an imminent threat, the coup was a preventive maneuver. Iran's President was anti-communist and didn't aid Moscow. The US hoped Mosaddeq would agree to an oil settlement that served the interests of UK and U.S. oil companies.
The Secret to the Northern Mozambique Insurgency’s Success. This has been a banner year for al-Shabaab operating in northern Mozambique. Between January and September, the insurgent group launched an estimated 357 attacks, which is double the attacks it conducted during the same period last year.
What Are America’s Sanctions on Syria Good For? The chances of success for Adesnik’s policy “hypothesis” seem near zero. Meanwhile, the civilian harm done by U.S. sanctions is certain. Put bluntly: Immiserating Syria while performatively and moralistically “trying” like this is psychopathic.
Key Islamic State propagandists removed from the battlefield via missile strike, critical documents and files missing from jihadist web servers, and ISIS leaders fighting with each other over issues of orthodoxy: These are just several of the tangible results from U.S. Cyber Command’s operations.
4 years ago by Chipit to /s/WorldNews from
The Hell of Good Intentions: America’s Foreign Policy Elite and the Decline of U.S. Primacy. Both Trump and Walt directed much of the blame for this mess at the same source — a sprawling, self-interested, and often clueless foreign policy clique, otherwise known in some circles as the blob.
4 years ago by Chipit to /s/books from
Ending United States Military Operations in Somalia - War on the Rocks. Okay, show of hands: who knew that the US has been at war with al-Shabaab for well over a decade with no victory in sight?
The Color of Diplomacy: A U.S. Diplomat on Race and the Foreign Service. State Department employee either can't or won't connect the dots to the fact that State is disproportionately Ivy League and Jewish.
The influence of philately on foreign affairs
4 years ago by Chipit to /s/offbeat from
Professor offers an observation about the tragic ways of international life in an illiberal world, and a warning against hubristic delusion and the imprudent misuse of power. His book is called The False Promise of Liberal Order: Nostalgia, Delusion and the Rise of Trump.
4 years ago by Chipit to /s/Geopolitics from
As the globalist delegitimization campaign towards the American people takes effect, globalists start worrying this is going to affect their power to meddle in other countries.
4 years ago by Chipit to /s/OpinionPieces from
China’s Palace Diplomacy in Africa. China is winning over African leaders by building them grand new workplaces, for free.
"Is the United States Losing the African Space Race?" This is what out-of-control corporate controlled government gets you, insanity like this.
4 years ago by Chipit to /s/space from
Stay Out of the Regime Change Business. A good review of the US government's record of overthrowing foreign governments - it stinks and we should quit doing it.
4 years ago by Chipit to /s/conspiracy from
Globalist logic: "Pulling Troops Out of Africa Could Mean Another Endless War". They know we're sick of their wars and have resorted to using our metaphors to try to make their weak arguments.
Tami Davis Biddle Discusses Coercion Theory: A Basic Introduction for Practitioners - War on the Rocks
4 years ago by Chipit to /s/podcasts from
Globalist Senator Chris Murphy angry at Trump, wants WHO funding back. When you reward a behavior, you get more of it. We do not reward failure.
4 years ago by Chipit to /s/news from
The Virus Of Disinformation: Echoes Of Past Bioweapons Accusations In Today’s Covid-19 Conspiracy Theories
Both parties solidly against getting out of Africa. Apparently, "Beijing’s activities in Africa might actually threaten American security and prosperity." What a load of bullshit. And the Pentagon is broke and can't afford troops, which is another load of bullshit.
Start the Negotiations, End the Afghan War Now
4 years ago by Chipit to /s/Antiwar from
Poor Leadership During Times of Disease: Malta and the Plague of 1813
4 years ago by [deleted] to /s/history from
Asking the Right Questions about the Past and Future of World Order - an essay
5 years ago by Chipit to /s/WorldPolitics from
The conventional wisdom on china’s island bases is dangerously wrong. The island facilities are considerably larger than many observers seem to realize. Disabling the airstrips would be an even taller order.