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Starlink trash continues to fall to earth.... And, It is estimated that about 2.2 tons of defunct satellites reenter Earth’s atmosphere daily.
10 days ago by In-the-clouds to /s/space from
Global Cooling? ~ First ever Extreme Cold Warning issued for Metro Atlanta, Georgia
21 days ago by In-the-clouds to /s/news from
Zavaritsky volcano identified as source of 1831 climate changing eruption and blue sun reports
19 days ago by ZephirAWT to /s/ScienceUncensored from
Extreme cold forecast to spread over much of U.S. this weekend ~ The National Weather Service (NWS) warns of rapidly deteriorating road conditions during snow squalls with the potential for icy patches and low visibility.
26 days ago by In-the-clouds to /s/news from
My garden still has plants growing and we had the air conditioner on yesterday because it was hot. ~ Meanwhile, in Turkey: Heavy snowfall brings "winter conditions months ahead of schedule".
3 months ago by In-the-clouds to /s/news from
Georgia - Hurricane Helene damaged peanut, cotton, and pecan farms (over $6 billion in agricultural and forestry losses) impacting key U.S. crop production.
4 months ago by In-the-clouds to /s/news from
Rare Sudden Stratospheric Warming event detected over Antarctica
6 months ago by ZephirAWT to /s/ScienceUncensored from
Argentina experiences record-breaking cold temperatures. Both extremes exist on earth at the same time: HOT and COLD.
7 months ago by In-the-clouds to /s/news from
Tornado outbreak continues, this time hitting near Nashville, Tennessee....
9 months ago by In-the-clouds to /s/news from
It was 105°F in Tel Aviv, Israel yesterday! WOW.... that's hot, especially for April!
Rare M4.8 earthquake hits New Jersey — the strongest since 1783
10 months ago by In-the-clouds to /s/news from
FOOD SUPPLY ON FIRE - Over 85% of Texas cattle are raised in the panhandle, which is currently burning.... the worst fire in the state's history.... the 2nd biggest fire in US history!
11 months ago by In-the-clouds to /s/news from
Grand Blanc, Michigan - Rare tornado hit at around midnight on February 28, 2024
What caused the phone service failures today in the US? Solar flares only cause radio degradation on the dayside of the Earth and are highly unlikely to have caused the widespread cellular network outages. The disruption started when it was still dark, as the earth was not facing the sun.
Indonesia - 5,000 people have been evacuated away from a major volcano into temporary shelter.
1 year ago by In-the-clouds to /s/news from
Earthquake lights: We STILL don't understand earthquakes!
1 year ago by iamonlyoneman to /s/science from
Spain - Crops damaged by hailstorms and severe weather - "The impact is not just limited to this year’s harvest; considerable damage to the trees themselves means repercussions will be felt for several years to come." ~ Prepare for global food shortages.
Greece - 30 inches of rain in one day.... Causes loss of life, a third of agriculture destroyed, new permanent lakes could be forming.
Very bright fireball explodes over the eastern U.S.
People Dying During India Heatwave - But the heat might not be the cause of death. So why are they dying? "The initial symptoms were of chest pain mostly, which is not the first symptom for someone affected by a heatwave...."
Beijing, China has its hottest mid-June temperature on record. (103° F)
Another meteorite appears to have hit a house, this time in Germany.
Ireland has delayed planting crops because of too much rain.
Cloud-free satellite image of Nishinoshima volcano erupting, Japan
2 years ago by iamonlyoneman to /s/pics from
Large sinkhole opens up inside Yorktown, NYmulti-sports park complex
2 years ago by In-the-clouds to /s/news from
SNOW RECORD BROKEN - new daily snowfall record was set in Buffalo, New York on November 18, 2022, with 16.1 inches of snow. The record was again broken on November 19, when 21.5 inches of snow fell over the city.
The wettest monsoon season in a decade comes to Las Vegas. NOW will y'all stop wringing your hands about Lake Mead maybe hitting dead pool status in 3 years?
2 years ago by iamonlyoneman to /s/environment from
There's a bit of rain in France . . . 9.7cm in an hour in some places
2 years ago by iamonlyoneman to /s/news from
WATER DRYING UP - Cargo transit suspended on Germany's Rhine River because vessels cannot safely navigate in its shallow water.
France may have a milk shortage soon, thanks to drought.
More than 500 people killed, thousands of homes destroyed as record-breaking rains hit Pakistan
Hong Kong records its coldest May day since 1917 . . . must be all that 'global warming' we keep hearing about
Severe dust storm hits Iraq, forcing more than 5 000 people to seek medical assistance
Spain's fruit trees suffer catastrophic losses after frost and hail. This is another hit to humanity's food supply.
Global warming leads to new record temperature in Antarctica
Hundreds of people died from a tropical cyclone. What did you see on the news instead of this?
Rivers Dam hits highest level, causing '1 000-year' flooding - Manitoba, Canada
4 years ago by codedtestament to /s/WorldNews from
More than 58 000 ha (143 000 acres) of rice damaged as 'worst' drought in history hits Mekong Delta
Northern Ireland under worst drought since 1976
Severe flooding hits Nicaragua, life-threatening flash floods expected across Central America into the next week
India under worst locust attack in nearly 30 years
Mudslides bury at least 45 people in northwestern Liberia
Widespread flooding causes massive damage in Sana'a, Yemen
Days of heavy rain cause destructive flooding and mudslides, Solomon Islands
More than 1 200 earthquakes detected on Reykjanes Peninsula, Iceland
5 years ago by codedtestament to /s/WorldNews from