I noticed that Bardfinn is currently very active "moderating" (read: censoring) /r/witchcraft while posting his own witchy woo spells there:
I guess we can add "claiming to be a witch" to his long list of self-identifications and self-declarations.
Bardfinn wasn't always a witch though. In fact, just two years ago Bardfinn claimed that he's a Zen Buddhist on Twitter:
That's why I'm not Jewish / Christian / Muslim; It's not a possibility for me to believe in a deity.
But you put Tarski's Undefinability Theorem in front of me, and I see a Zen koan.
I'm Zen Buddhist. /Sincerely/ a Zen Buddhist.
https://twitter.com/PennyOaken/status/1028487214173499392 http://archive.is/mgcxj
If he cannot believe in a deity then how exactly is he a witch? Witches believe in a God and a Goddess representing male and female energies. I guess being a Zen Buddhist was no longer hip and cool, so he went and changed his belief system into something more hip with the kids.
Here are some of the tweets where Bardfinn claimed that he was originally raised as a fundamentalist Christian:
As an adolescent, Christian Evangelism had me so twisted that I lived in mortal terror of getting ear piercings and tattoos, that these would transform the body - and, thus, the soul.
I treated my body as a Platonic ideal solid that would change topological classifications.
I can remember what it was like to be in the mindset of a religious fanatic -- one for whom the Theory of Evolution and the billions-year-long history of the Earth and Dinosaurs, were Tricks Played on Mankind by Satan.
"can remember what it was like to be in the mindset of a religious fanatic", not that he has to remember what that was like, as he's perpetually in that very same state of literally mind-set fanaticism, only this time his obsession is not the Christian fundamentalist purity-policing of himself but SocJus ideological purity-policing of others.
I think it's abundantly clear that we're dealing with a habitual bullshitter who wants to be all things to all people, constantly reinventing himself while adopting different identities in order to infiltrate online communities and boss over them while imposing his SJW agenda. One moment he's a Zen Buddhist, the other moment he's a witch casting spells. One moment he's a Finn, the other moment he's Native American. I guess God/dess only knows what he will choose to identify as next so he can go and lord over yet another online community and appropriate their culture for his own ego-centric powertrip.
there doesn't seem to be anything here