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Monthly Free-for-All by AutoModerator in aznidentity

[–]TriticumAestivum [score hidden] 16 hours ago Seriously, we need to purge the Chinese government supporters and White women-simping in this subreddit. I facepalmed multiple times reading comments in this subreddit. This sub is about self improvement of Asian people and anti racism, not for those things I mentioned above.

Is it just me or is the new Avatar live action series on Netflix largely casting Wasian or mixed Indigenous as protagonists/heroes and full Asians as villains? Also there's a good amount of WMAF among the female cast by omiinouspenny in aznidentity

[–]TriticumAestivum [score hidden] 9 hours ago Who dafuq says I hate AMWF??????? are you a troll?

[–]TriticumAestivum [score hidden] 12 hours ago what the hell is this? wtf? this is so baffling, to the point where I think you are a white dude pretending to be Asian guy to make us look bad. Optics? what optics? you are talking about Physics? according to wikipedia: Optics is the branch of physics that studies the behaviour and properties of light, including its interactions with matter and the construction of instruments that use or detect it. Optics usually describes the behaviour of visible, ultraviolet, and infrared light. is this what you are talking about? this proves you are d*mb, because according to you every race of men can date other races except asian men. now when did I say that?

[–]TriticumAestivum [score hidden] 16 hours ago You are the one needing attitude fix, dumbo. Especially your white fever. I suspect you are a white guy pretending to be Asian to give us Asian a bad name

[–]TriticumAestivum 2 points 2 days ago Supporting what??? I never simp for white women like you. So supporting what exactly???

[–]TriticumAestivum 2 points 2 days ago

erasers of AMWF they are so anti-AMWF that there have been more conservative directors putting AMWF in the media

...Just what the fuk are you on about man? this sub is not about asian men with white women. Man, people like you embarrass us all. And about Liberals, yes some of those shits are just as toxic as their conservative counterparts, but you can't generalize them all. We have Shang Chi (sadly) because of the liberal movement. Sadly not out of their conscience that Asian actors need to eat and pay bills too.

So this (((subverter f&gg0t))) is at it again. This is the kind of "enViROnmENT" aiNCELs actually created. Fucking (((insidious))) f&gs crawling everywhere, KKKUNT Lus allowed in without question, OPEN shilling for (((westoid politics))), 24/7 pervasive censorship and tone-policing. Now the poocel shit-muncher whines about "MuH aiNCELs QuALiTY". The state of aiNCELs is all on the useless f&gg0t mods. Every single "iDEA" of these fucktards has resulted in failures. Fucking simp wastes of life, xm, and anti-Asian KKKUNT Lus have no business running an so-called "Pro-AsIAN" sub.