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[–]Chousiyindu[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Don’t date white women who accept racism against Asian menOC self.AsianMasculinity

submitted 1 day ago by regnadehtmai

[–]Viend 14 points 15 hours ago The guys here who put white women on a pedestal are just the male versions of the Asian women who love white men.

[–]MajesticFerret36 -15 points 23 hours ago While I'm sorry "your friends" said that about you, I DO feel like the white guy hate on this board is pretty overly pronounced. Maybe it's because I travel around quite a bit, but if you steal guys women the local men aren't going to say nice things about you lol. You can call it racism I guess, but it exists everywhere. Chinese, Koreans, Thai etc. don't say nice things about white guys who take their women either and will talk shit to their women for doing it, especially if it's an actually hot one. Eastern Europeans and Latin guys will literally rob and kill you for fun over shit like this. The WF not standing up for you is completely unacceptable, as is your incredibly shitty friends who clearly aren't your friends if they'd ever say that to you, but guys being territorial and talking shit when you steal their women is pretty par the course unfortunately, I'm just sorry to see it came from supposed "friends."

How all these "aSIAN" subs die, put fucked in the head simp fggits like INCELnem into the mod board.