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[–]Chousiyindu[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Black couple rented to a Chinese American family when nobody would. Now, they're donating $5M to Black community. (self.aznidentity)

submitted 5 days ago by GinNTonic1

[–]blackierobinsun3 50 points 5 days ago If we work together we can go far

[–]mithrilbullion 4 points 4 days ago It's black people who are working against Asian interests so I don't see us working together.

[–]Sleepy_viva 3 points 2 days ago That is objectively false. Back americans has been the spear head for the civil rights and better treatment of marginalized groups for decades. Only a bigoted moron or someone who thinks tariq nasheed types are some how represented of the majority of a demographic would think that

[–]mithrilbullion 1 point 1 day ago black people lie and exaggerate so much they even have an emoji for it: 🧢 [removed]

[–]aznidentity-ModTeam[M] [score hidden] 23 hours ago locked comment Your post was removed for violating rule 3) Don't enable Divide & Conquer

Never fucking possible for r/ aiNCELs to ever be "pro-Asian" as long as it is run by a shit-munching poocel.