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[–]Chousiyindu[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

A little ramble about how this sub's ideas about AF are counterproductive to lifting up Asian Communities + my perspective and experiences (self.aznidentity)

submitted 19 hours ago by littlebushoodie

[–]DoTheMichiganRag [score hidden] 7 hours ago I can see you tried to strike a balance, but instead it generally felt more like another AM bashing. Kind of like a yada yada yada, but AM need to do this... You just casually glossed over the most important fundamental part, lol. (Seinfeld reference by the way, to the younger members here).

[–]littlebushoodie[S] [score hidden] 3 hours ago I am not AM bashing at all i’m sorry if it came across that way. Please tell me which part i glossed over

[–]magicalbird [score hidden] 9 hours ago This subreddit is funny in that it acts for AMAF unity but there’s a ton of hatred and bitterness towards AF that date out. It’s been reduced compared to other years but there’s still a lot of hatred.

[–]Th3G0ldStandard [score hidden] 2 hours ago Pretty reductive way to assess users here

[–]littlebushoodie[S] [score hidden] 2 hours ago Yes this subreddit is funny. I got a bunch of really explicit and horrible stuff in my DMs but if I posted this on any other Asian sites maybe I wouldn’t have received this amount of vitriol

[–]toskaqe[M] [score hidden] 26 minutes ago You can send us a modmail. We will ban them if they have post history here.

[–]historybuff234 [score hidden] 3 hours ago Speaking of white-worshipping behavior from an AF, here is a post found on Reddit:

Unpopular Opinion: As a Chinese girl, "Cho Chang" isn't that racist (self.harrypotter) I first read the Harry Potter books when I was nine, and I fell in love with the series. And of course, there was Cho Chang, that one Chinese girl. When I first read about her, I thought her character was annoying and whiny and silly, but never as racist. In fact, it was quite the opposite. I actually appreciated her dating Harry. For the longest time, I hated my Asian features. There was always the standard of white beauty which I never fitted in with. For Harry to call Cho "extremely pretty" was a shock for my nine-year-old self. I remembered how happy it made me, that an Asian girl could be just as beautiful as a white girl. Obviously, the bar was set pretty low, however, at that time, there was a severe lack of representation within children's book, and to this day, I am grateful to Harry Potter for making me feel that way. …. Obviously, I can't speak on the behalf of ALL Chinese girls, but to me personally, she's not racist or offensive, and her character actually helped me as an Asian girl growing up in a white-dominated community.

Who wrote that? OP. r.harrypotter unpopular_opinion_as_a_chinese_girl_cho_chang

[–]littlebushoodie[S] [score hidden] 3 hours ago Ahhh I admit that doesn’t paint me in the best light but that was me sharing my personal experience during my primary school years at a very white Aussie school. As soon as I entered my high school (which was also like 70% Asian) I found my perspective of my own worth shifting because of the positive influence around me. Hence my point on my post still stands.

[–]historybuff234 [score hidden] 2 hours ago So you still defend WMAF literary works because they make young Asian girls in the West feel beautiful? And, for that, you would still downplay the racist use of words like “Cho Chang”, which, really, is indistinguishable from garbage terms like “Ching Chong Ling Long”? If you repudiate your prior position that Asian girls can benefit from WMAF and the white gaze, maybe we can take your complaint in your current post more seriously. If your position has changed, however, maybe you can see why we discuss the insidious nature of the institution of WMAF, something that goes far beyond any particular problematic pairing.

[–]littlebushoodie[S] [score hidden] 2 hours ago i am not defending all WMAF works lol. As I have grown older I have shifted more towards consuming mostly just AMAF content (C dramas and Asian authors) and I absolutely recognise the problematic nature of a lot of WMAF relationships in books. As for the Cho Chang situation, I believe I would be very offended if I was to come across it now. However you must realise that years ago representation was sparse for any asian at all in middle school fiction so I had to take what I can.

[–]toskaqe [score hidden] 3 hours ago It's best not to do this. If this thread gets deleted it'll waste everybody's time spent here.

[–]historybuff234 [score hidden] 3 hours ago You can delete my above comment if you wish. I do think it is noteworthy that OP, who accuses this subreddit of being divisive, is someone who publicly praised WMAF stories for making her feel worthwhile and beautiful.

[–]kmoh74 [score hidden] 11 hours ago The guys leaving those kinds of comments are absolutely abhorrent, and they would totally change their tune if they had asian daughters. It's an emotional issue for some so they are going to give emotional answers. People who are upset about the issue are going to write a comment. For the vast majority that do not share that viewpoint, they are going to go about their daily lives.

[–]MapoLib [score hidden] 11 hours ago Relax, you are absolutely correct. The fact you saw more of those comments simply means those folks(probably young and emotional) spend more time occupying online space than the rest of the sub's users.

[–]owlficus [score hidden] 12 hours ago I totally agree, and have said some of the same things you have written here word for word- that shaming doesn’t work. I think most AMs agree with us- it’s just a very vocal minority (because they are hurt the most) who don’t see it. Plus you have a lot of guys who pretend to be asian on these subs, so keep that in mind too

The cancers of "AsiAN suBrEdDitS" can't stop and won't stop fapping to "Muh HolY CosMiC GodlY ladDEeEEEeeeEEEeeeee". These worthless as fuck simp f&gg0ts are the reason why aiNCELs remains a fucking joke. Jizzing to em ALLs counts as "aCtiVIsmmM".