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[–]Chousiyindu[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Why do a lot of Asian Americans attach so much of their individual self worth to entertainment products? by latenights_47 in asianamerican

[–]Alaskan91 [score hidden] 44 minutes ago Bc asians are trained to follow rules and be obedient to whatever authority is important. This works in Asia but In America, This means kids are trained to value mainstream sources (the authority) , and not set up their own streams of entertainment and cultural pride. Just like how asians are trained to be good at school and to not question stuff. And how the most asian cities like San Francisco are staunchly liberal bc that is what they were taught in schools, and now the liberal policies are resulting in criminals attacking asians bc they r easier targets. If it isn't the consequences of cultural child rearing actions.

Black people and Asians by oscarwilde7 in asianamerican

[–]Alaskan91 1 point 4 days ago I'm not going to comment on ur comment about that group being emotional at signs of disrespect but I will say...... Asians are WAY too PASSIVE, way too unemotional, and way too relaxed about disrespect.....and WAY too risk averse. And then we wonder why ppl say stuff to us they won't dare say to other ppl of color. Asian cukture seems to center on acting above animal behavior, but the issue is we ARE literal animals.

Emergence of Korean Fetishisation for Male and Female (self.aznidentity)

submitted 19 hours ago by Last_Kaleidoscope_75

Constant sperging at AMXF existing, batshit LU mod AlasKKKUNT91 and eunuch mod Kuckoldfucktard1112 frequent r/ aa, endless amounts of gaslighters approved on the sub. R/ aiNCELs was never fucking about being "PrO-AsiAN" and never will be.