all 27 comments

[–]Kiera_Ramm[S] 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Shouts out to for being one of the few sane female communities left.

Shouts out to and all the relationships subs on Reddit, for being an endless source of entertainment. I love how every third post is a whinge about being mistreated by a moid you voluntarily associate with. When I read about a Western wife (=house hooker) who got enslaved and chained up by the y-chromot*rd it married, it feels like Christmas. All non-separatist females deserve a fate worse than death.

Straight people need their own AIDs epidemic.

[–]Kiera_Ramm[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I respect a woman who has been raped 1000 times more than a foid who has consensually provided erotic labor to a y-chromot*rd just once. Because at least she didn't want it.

[–]Kiera_Ramm[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Most women act like it's noble if they become a faggot for only one nygger, their Chosen One. If I had to participate in heterosexuality I'd only have one bussy my entire life, but that's not because the bussy I keep has any special qualities. Allosexual nyggers are pretty much identical in worth for the most part. Have one and there's no need for another, because it's more of the same. Nyggers and nygger-identified women are obsessed with being unique. The implication being that even irreducible aspects of personhood are only parsed through an economic lens in the androcentric mind. Let's be realistic, on a long enough time-scale there will always be duplications. And so what? Scarcity is always conflated with value by the androcentrist. There is no consideration of pragmatic, moral, or metaphysical worth. Scarcity is the only metric. Having what others can't have, in order to assert superiority over them.

[–]Kiera_Ramm[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

The biggest blackpill is actually having a loving father, brother, boyfriend, etc. Because then you see the ultimate expression of male benevolence, and how it remains a moral failure. Male love is generally patronizing. And even then, you see how it values you only because you are genetically related or going to produce more genetic relations, and contrast that with how it perceives any other random woman on the planet. It only sees you as respectable because you're NLOG. Not like those other girls that they feel entitled to exploit. Male love is always based on NLOG which is why female self-esteem also generally centered around that principle. There is the idea that if you're prettier or more competent you might escape the fate of field/street slaves.

Linkola was maybe right when he supposed that nyggers were stupid rather than evil. I don't even believe that every single nygger is an agent of inexplicable, unfathomable cruelty. Some moids relish the idea that they are regarded as a force that can't be reasoned with, and therefore cannot be contained, by radical feminists. Sorry moids, you're not that relevant. Evil is the domain of women. y-chromot*rds are just animals, some kind of natural phenomenon beyond abstract concepts of ethics.

As for the males who are different, I believe they can exist but there is nothing I am going to do about it. The reasonable radical feminist stance would be to acknowledge that it's not that all rape apes are evil but none of them can help us in the end, nor should we expect them to. It's like you want them all to be inhumanly evil as a prerequisite for engaging in the female power process. Almost as if any of them were to have your interests at heart, you would drop your sword and kiss and make up. Because you don't actually want to be an autonomous agent. You just want rape apes to be nice to you. If a male was somehow miraculously Not Like Other Males, there's really nothing I can do to help them and it doesn't change what I know about the world.

[–]Kiera_Ramm[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Honestly, whenever bi/het women suggest political lesbianism it reminds me of vegan novices. There is a focus on mock meats, dairy alternatives, vegan eggs. Just trying to live the same as before but finding lifestyle-compatible analogs to fill in all the missing pieces. Bi/het women don't want to radically transform how they relate to other women. They just want to find Vegan Meat, Woman Moid.

Maybe political lesbianism alienates me because I'm not psychologically dependent on having a partner. I feel like a lot of political lesbians are traumatized or neglected in some way like femcels. They don't have friends or a good relationship with their family. They're most likely poor. What's more important to me is analyzing the ways we relate to ourselves and each other in the personal and political sense. I'm not seeking a moid replacement and that's why I don't care about political lesbianism. What about female mentorship? Female friendships, female rivalries, and so on. The entire spectrum of human relationships and emotions, not even noticing the absence of nyggers.

Come to think of it, political lesbianism is a lot like being a tranny. Parading around in all the superficial accouterments of what you want to achieve without attaining its essence or even understanding it. Or middle-class people trying to ape upper-class behaviors. Or midwits, just midwits.

[–]Kiera_Ramm[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Pick-mes should be with as many moids as imaginable and be sold into slavery. It is the punishment they deserve. Any MIA (male-identified automaton) should be as promiscuous as possible and experience debilitating PTSD. Girlbussies should be so traumatized that they are incapable of physical intimacy.

[–]Kiera_Ramm[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Pick-mes overrate male considerateness because they know that they would never, ever be so merciful if they were in a similar position of power.

And honestly, they deserve to live in conditions worse than Saudi Arabia. They should have their faces rearranged and all traces of identity eradicated except for a numerical tattoo on their back, which is the only way they are to be distinguished from another. They don't deserve the dignity of attire. Leave them naked while they carry our palanquins and wave our fans. No adornment other than chains and security devices. If they get skin cancer from all that sun exposure, I don't have a single objection.

This is what females who reject separatism deserve. This is what slave paint wearers, wives (=single-user prostitutes), sl*t shamers, traditionalists, et al. deserve. The females who ally with nyggers over rape victims. The females who agitate against abortion, the females who enable androcentrism. They all belong in the lake of fire.

[–]Kiera_Ramm[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Not only is it more spiteful to say that a world without xys would suck but still be preferable, rather than promote the idea that a world without non-women would be an utopia, it is also true. 99% of females are pick-mes. Asinine and obsessed with emulating rich people, no intrinsic ethics but performative empathy, no sense of comedy other than snark, etc.

Even a world without plumbing would be preferable to living among filthy nyggers.

[–]Kiera_Ramm[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I made the logical choice to avoid rape apes as much as possible so my antipathy against them is diminished, but whenever an xy crosses my path I am once again reminded of how irritating they are. There is no reason for y-chromot*rds to exist. I'd rather that the entire human species go extinct than tolerate their existence. I'm straight up wishing for the destruction of the environment so it could sustain less humans. More school shootings, natural disasters, wars, famines, terrorist attacks, as long as there are massive male and pick-me casualties.

[–]Kiera_Ramm[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

I mean, victim-blaming demonstrates that no matter how capable we as a species are of abstract thought, our base impulses will always supersede the intellect. Of course it is the assailant who should be punished. But he is the one who is not affected by the act, while the victim is psychologically and socially tattooed. The victim shouldn't suffer for something she didn't desire, but she will be despised anyway.

So lets harass nyggers back. Stalk, objectify, assault them. Even the good ones will never understand unless they undergo that trauma themselves. Suffering is edification. Everyone other than female separatists should experience trauma. Of course, most are too vain and delusional to learn from it. But that makes them deserve it more.

All y-chromot*rds can spiritually benefit from being assaulted.

[–]Kiera_Ramm[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

It's funny when people say that RF/BPF are just traumatized into misandry. While a lot of people around here do fit that description, it is incredibly optimistic to assume females in general even learn from their experiences. A lot of them like to take their denial of the experience to the point of parroting MRA talking points, like rape survivor Sydney Watson. I'm wary of traumatized RF/BPF myself not because I believe suffering is an invalid means of attaining gender enlightenment, but because they would have continued to be voracious pick-mes if they weren't traumatized so severely. StoryEndingNever is such an example: She dated nyggers in her 20s but only gave up when she got assaulted enough times.

[–]Kiera_Ramm[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Then again, BPF who presume superiority because of their lack of adverse life experiences are just as contemptible. You didn't earn your relative freedom from nyggers. It's simply a matter of a lucky dice roll and I can tell that you would be a pick-me in less fortunate circumstances. Avoiding xy is the logical conclusion but if we were to be realistic, there is nothing we can do to be 100% safe from y-chromot*rd nonsense. Just accept that it takes a little bit of luck.

[–]Kiera_Ramm[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (4 children)

I get why people around here go racefem. There definitely are valid criticisms of White women, but some non-White BPF seem to have an irrational vendetta. I was a racefem once. It's another blackpill, White women are "valued" more than non-White women by y-chromot*rds, but non-White women turn on women instead of the rape apes who created this execrable dynamic. Racism by women is a total cope anyway. "The race of moid I have been around all my life suck, is [race of moid I am not familiar with] better and less misogynistic?" Now this is a thought that women of all races share. You want to believe that misogyny is more significant in one race of moid, and you can simply avoid it by joining another community. Stop bargaining. Stop denying the truth. They're all like that. I've been around White nyggers all my life. They don't care about women's reproductive rights, rape, professional and educational equity, or legal autonomy. They wouldn't mind Islam only for women. The only thing stopping them from joining Islam is that there are also autistic rules for moids.

I began resenting White women too, but because of the pandering to non-White moids. You claim you are fighting for the rights of non-White women when you squeal about racism, but I think you just have a pooskin boyfriend and maybe some pooskin sons.

[–]Kiera_Ramm[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

And furthermore, it is understandable that the same women who gravitate towards BPF might also become entangled in some third-positionist/NRx-type/esoteric racist nonsense because of the aristocratic beliefs those philosophies necessitate. In a functional world there would be a ruling caste of divinely-cognizant female separatists overseeing their NPC pick-me servants while all traces of nyggers have been completely obliterated. I am a liberal at heart. It is only through understanding the status quo that I realize that aristocracy is morally necessary as long as certain types of people exist.

Liberalism, individualism, and associated belief systems are only possible in a world where there are only female separatists who always opposed androcentrism.

Actually, the real reason why no political ideology truly functions is because the vast majority of humanity are scum (= nyggers and pick-mes). Only gynofascists can successfully operate a communist, anarchist, or whatever society. A world where nyggers and pick-mes exist will always be destined for iniquity no matter what policies are instituted.

[–]Kiera_Ramm[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

What would a female fascism look like? Definitely not what the average racefem wishes to implement. Fascism/Ur-fascism has historically not been based upon a coherent belief system. But can a solution to a political issue be rationally devised before the problem manifests? Resistance must be spontaneous in a continuously evolving political paradigm.

To be clear, I don't idealize the past and it's pretty obvious it sucked eggs. But there was a juncture in time when all the misery that ensued could have been averted. There was a moment in our evolutionary trajectory where it was not certain that xys had to exist. A female-only mammalian species could have evolved. 6ual reproduction doesn't even have to involve penetration so even if bussies were to exist, the continuation of our species could have been a less abominable process.

A fascism for women is not becoming some basement-dweller's broodmare. Historical forms of fascism promises a return to a halcyon past while glorifying the future.

I propose that gynofascism is the project of mending continuity between the past and the future. Androcentrism is our Dark Ages. It is our task to mend the trajectory of human evolution and cultural progress where it failed.

Paradigms like androcentrism and slavery are always inhibited from following the ideas that rule them to their logical conclusion (unlike genocide). You loathe a populace to the point where it would be ideologically coherent to exterminate them, but your existence cannot continue without their exploitation. You fabricate hatred as the reason why they must be exploited, but that hatred in itself will mutate into extermination if not curtailed. Like capitalism and any other system of subjugation, androcentrism also results in a plenitude of moral contradictions. There are inconsistencies to be capitalized upon. Gynofascist acceleration is possible.

There is no more synthesis under androcentrism, only stultification and degeneracy. It is simply a stale repetition of itself. Only gynofascism can advance our species, and that can only be done by picking up where evolution failed. The future can only be ours. All progress under androcentrism is false. "Nostalgia" is the emperor pretending to wear clothes. We are culturally stuck. Film, visual arts, fashion, etc. has not progressed at all during my lifetime. I am a 90s kid. Identified as a 90s kid, because subsequent decades consist of increasing cultural rot. Vaporwave is a more explicit product of our cultural inertia. (Now I remember some pseudo-intellectual telling me that they felt that "vaporwave is trying to say something ontologically but I don't know what". Of course they didn't.)

[–]Kiera_Ramm[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Let's see what Nick Land has to say in Kant, Capital, and the Prohibition of Incest (1988)!

To get to a world without nations would in itself guarantee the achievement of all immediately post-capitalist social and economic goals. [A bold claim to some.] It is this revolutionary requirement for a spontaneously homeless subversion that gives an urgency to certain possibilities of feminist politics, since the erasure of matrilineal genealogy within the patriarchal machine means that fascisizing valorizations of ancestry have no final purchase on the feminine 'subject'. [Exactly. We have no skin in the game, patriarchy gave us none.] The patronymic has irrecoverably divested all the women who fall under it of any recourse to an ethno-geographical identity; only the twin powers of father and husband suppress the nomadism of the anonymous female fluxes that patriarchy oppressively manipulates, violates, and psychiatrizes. By allowing women some access to wealth and social prestige the liberalization of patriarchy has sought to defuse the explosive force of this anonymity, just as capital has tended to reduce the voluptuous excess of exogamic conjugation to the stability of nationally segmented trading circuits. The increasingly incestual character of economic order—reaching its zenith in racist xenophobia—is easily masked as a series of 'feminist' reforms of patriarchy; as a de-commodification of woman, a diminution of the obliterating effects of the patronymic, and a return to the mother. This is the sentimental 'feminism' that Nietzsche despised, and whose petit-bourgeois nationalist implications he clearly saw. The only resolutely revolutionary politics is feminist in orientation, but only if the synthetic forces mobilized under patriarchy are extrapolated beyond the possibility of assimilation, rather than being criticized from the perspective of mutilated genealogies. Genealogy as the dissipation of recuperative origins (Nietzsche), not as sentimental nostalgia.

The women of the earth are segmented only by their fathers and husbands. Their praxial fusion is indistinguishable from the struggle against the micro-powers that suppress them most immediately. That is why the proto-fascism of nationality laws and immigration controls tends to have a sexist character as well as a racist one. It is because women are the historical realization of the potentially euphoric synthetic or communicative function which patriarchy both exploits and inhibits that they are invested with a revolutionary destiny, and it is only through their struggle that politics will be able to escape from all fatherlands. In her meticulous studies of patriarchy Luce Irigaray has amply demonstrated the peculiar urgency of the feminist question, although the political solutions she suggests are often feebly nostalgic, sentimental, and pacifistic. Perhaps only Monique Wittig has adequately grasped the inescapably military task faced by any serious revolutionary feminism, and it is difficult not to be dispirited by the enormous reluctance women have shown historically to prosecute their struggle with sufficient ruthlessness and aggression. The left tends to be evasive about the numbing violence intrinsic to revolutionary war, and feminism is often particularly fastidious in this respect, even reverting to absurd mystical and Ghandian ideologies. If feminist struggles have been constantly de-prioritized in theory and practice it is surely because of their idealistic recoil from the currency of violence, which is to say, from the only definitive 'matter' of politics.

The state apparatus of an advanced industrial society can certainly not be defeated without a willingness to escalate the cycle of violence without limit. It is a terrible fact that atrocity is not the perversion, but the very motor of such struggles: the language of inexorable political will. A revolutionary war against a modern metropolitan state can only be fought in hell. It is this harsh truth that has deflected Western politics into an increasingly servile reformism, whilst transforming nationalist struggles into the sole arena of vigorous contention against particular configurations of capital. But, as I hope I have demonstrated, such nationalist struggles are relevant only to the geographical modulation of capital, and not to the radical jeopardizing of neo-colonialism (inhibited synthesis) as such. Victorious Third World struggles, so long as they have been successfully localized, do not lead to realistic post-capitalist achievements, and certainly not to post-patriarchal ones, since the conservation of the form of the nation state is itself enough to guarantee the reinsertion of a society into the system of inhibited synthesis. For as long as the dynamic of guerilla war just leads to new men at the top—with all that this entails in terms of the communication between individuated sovereignties—history will continue to look bleak. For it is only when the pervasive historical bond between masculinity and war is broken by effective feminist violence that it will become possible to envisage the uprooting of the patriarchal endogamies that orchestrate the contemporary world order. With the abolition of the inhibition of synthesis—of Kantian thought—a sordid cowardice will be washed away, and cowardice is the engine of greed. But the only conceivable end of Kantianism is the end of modernity, and to reach this we must foster new Amazons in our midst.,%20Capital,%20and%20the%20Prohibition%20of%20Incest.pdf

[–]Kiera_Ramm[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I don't know whether females from developed or developing countries are more despicable. My female compatriots think nyggers are people because they are totally apathetic about history, politics, or foreign cultures. However, females from developing countries are aware of xy depravity yet elect to continue what they are doing, which is scrabble for madonna/wife (=bed wench/house wh*re) status while ostracizing women who fight the status quo.

[–]Kiera_Ramm[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Moids think they are the victim when they 6ually terrorize women. The solution is obvious: chemical castration so such "degeneracy" does not persist. But now it's a "violation of human rights" or something. It's like nyggers have no hobbies. I have read one nygger assert that having no libido would be like losing its "soul". Can you imagine being such a primal entity?

We should really explore mass castration. I totally understand the urge to electric drill their richards off, but let's be nice here. It would be more effective to slip all the nyggers in your life some tranny pills or prostate cancer medication. Moids will continue to be vile but everyone can agree that women would be safer if all moids had their libidos exterminated. Sounds more fun than committing a mass shooting. The best shooters only have around 50-70 casualties and average shooter can barely crack a double digit body count. You can have a greater impact if you chemically castrate thousands and observe the results. 50 human lives are meaningless in the grander scheme. They keep on excreting new units of human biomass every day.

[–]Kiera_Ramm[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

If all the disappointed pick-mes running to us insist so vigorously that their tendencies are the result of socialization, then they can be socialized into an actually functional female 6uality. They can perform the social hypnosis themselves if they truly want to transcend their heteros*xual perversions. The female mindset will always be about correctly assimilating into the status quo. Just like nyggers, pick-mes are also a different species to us entirely. They are NPCs and their fundamental purpose is to provide palace labor for separatist aristocrats, as nyggers are too volatile and dull to be indefinitely enslaved. This is why pick-mes are incapable of revolutions or independent thought. If they had the ability to have ideas, they would be horrible ideas.

[–]Kiera_Ramm[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Behind every work of art is an uncommitted crime, they say. Art is communication and discourse.

Sometimes, I feel like a serial killer when I participate in places like this. There is triumph in speaking the truth in a society that seeks to suppress a serious appraisal of the status quo. I take pride in my honesty, but I know I am regarded as a criminal by androcentrists for being such. The truth is addictive and I cannot stop. Even though it is a less socially acceptable thing than rape.

[–]Kiera_Ramm[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

The least dark triad thing we can do to nyggers is kill them. It would be merciful, to them and to everybody around them. Only sociopaths and sadists want nyggers to live.

[–]Kiera_Ramm[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Is there even such a thing as "murdering" or "killing" a nygger? It seems like a myth to me. Nyggers can only be euthanized.

[–]Kiera_Ramm[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Sodomoids are just as misogynist as straight ones because xy 6uality is constituted of the same dynamics regardless of the gender of the parties involved. Gay nyggers have a similar disregard for female autonomy and personal space. The only gay nyggers I support are serial killers. Isn't it such an indictment of male sexuality, when serial killers tend to target the gender they desire? Ted Bundy was straight and targeted women, Dahmer was gay and targeted bussies.

The world would benefit immensely from more Garavitos, Gacys and Dahmers in this world.

[–]Kiera_Ramm[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Believing that entitlement to female sympathy is the result of patriarchal conditioning, is a superficial liberal feminist perspective.

Because women have no political consciousness, they should be the emotional receptacle of every loser on the planet. There is nothing lamer than women's political status and that is due to female denial and betrayal. It only follows that pick-mes be mandated to sympathize with every cringe and degenerate wasteman suffering from their own failures. I wonder if pick-mes coddle rape apes because they know what it is like to be so incapable that one would screw up something handed to them on a platter. It's not like being a woman is easy, but if it were, pick-mes would find a way to mess up.

[–]Kiera_Ramm[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I appreciate kt0998 for creating this space but I always got the vibe that she was a NEET or at least some sort of mildly-employed social outcast. Does she have friends? She is right in some respects, but her observations seem to be derived from being online too much. Complaining about e-girls is weird when they are such a tiny minority. It's like she seeks that content out. Functionally, the greatest impediment to women's rights is the female kapo, i.e. the wife/madonna/bed wench/house wh*re. Also her statements about female technical incompetence sounds like a projection of her personal insecurities about not being adept in STEM subjects. Most women are capable of calculus I think. Having a high IQ doesn't correlate to moral insight. She should just accept that the fact she is working in a restaurant/retail store/whatever in her late 20s is a matter of individual ineptitude.

basilisk is also hilariously deficient in self-awareness.

I just detest low iq people in general, male or female. They are a waste of space, vile, cruel, lazy, violent, and with a complete lack empathy and self awareness, specially towards alienated, abused, vulnerable women. They literally fucking hate us for just existing and not being like them.

Again, there is low correlation between intelligence and sympathy. Some people with intellectual disabilities are pretty nice and kind-hearted. Many psychopaths are successful and have high IQ scores.

I hate femcels so much it's unbelievable. You are all infuriating spoiled brats constantly throwing pity parties at yourselves, demonizing women you are jealous of without your sitting ... self-absorted asses down for a goddamn moment to think if maybe they had it worse at life than you and they had to get through ... just as you have to. You are a prime example of everything wrong with female behavior and pickmeism, ... other women over because you are jealous of them when you don't even know them, what the ...?

The world doesn't owe you ... for being shy, introvert, ugly, or what fucking ever. Grow some ovaries, get better, and stop depending on other people's and specially on MEN'S validation for your self stem.

Femcels should be despised but isn't it funny that this female is taking it so personally when femcels express jealousy? I'm not exceptional looking but even I can concede that my quality of life is better than theirs. Also many of them are the "alienated, abused, vulnerable" females basilisk is so concerned about. I think basilisk is a femcel. The meaning is not being celibate but having a bad life, which is the real cause of placing a high importance on xy validation. Femcels are motherless and friendless. Normal people can cope without dating. Basilisk has a horrible life and is upset that femcels are asserting normal-looking women have easier existences because she knows it's not true for her. It's true that being pretty doesn't save you from androcentrism and lookism would still exist in a female-only setting/society though.

Femcels resort to deriving their self-esteem from nyggers because other women clearly hate them. I think it's not so much that they're super ugly but other women find them annoying because of their psychological vulnerability due to parental neglect and inability to process childhood ostracism. I think femcels have it the worst not because they're "ugly" but because your life must be truly abominable if you have to start seeking validation from bussies.

Before I discovered femcels, I was apathetic about uglies much in the same way I don't have an opinion about the intellectually or physically disabled. The femcel website totally changed my perspective because femcels would simultaneously assert that femcels are the most oppressed, then turn around and brutally shame a White woman for being responsible for the death of a black bussylet. A black bussylet that would have grown up to terrorize you people, why aren't you grateful? If your life sucks so much, then why do you despise the people who want to change the conditions oppressing you the most? I give up on femcels. I thought they had revolutionary potential because they have negative skin in the game but it seems like they are the most desperate to join the status quo. It's not claiming that your life is horrid that alienates me, but the fact that you defend what makes it so in the first place.

[–]Kiera_Ramm[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

I don't care about the Holocaust. Pretty much most, if not all, people who died in those concentration camps were nyggers or pick-mes of some flavor. It makes me grin to imagine that the average female there, who was definitely some anti-abortion pro-hetero slapper, was starved and tormented to death.

I'm beginning to think I should become an ER physician or general surgeon because how detached I've become from other humans once I realized he truth. Being a paramedic would probably get me close to the action I want to see but the pay is poor.

[–]Airbus320 1 insightful - 2 fun1 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)
