There have been some very good posts with links in the main GC sub that taken together can be presented to legislators in the US when asking them to reject this thing and resist being bent by the big money from drug companies and the essentially laundered money from those drug companies that comes from big corporate human rights or not-so-LGB-but-entirely-T groups. Take any or all of what is below and twist it till it serves your purpose and pelt your politicians if you are in the US with it and more, in the hopes they do the reasonable thing. They have to know we see this and we see them and we know it is all bullshit.
First is an article written by Emman Hixon et al on the reality that sex is real and we have only two of them:
There are many other great articles along these lines. Colin Wright is a great source on this.
Second (not from any recent GC sub discussions but RRC is a fav of mine) is this great article by Rebecca Reilly Cooper which covers a lot but one part of it that I find very quickly useful is that the "trans" identity and the "spectrum" of identities are actually at odds with each other (while also being at odds with sex they seek to replace)
Third there is the fact that this is an issue where there is no consensus and great contention, as demonstrated by the fight over the Georgia Green Party
This kind of in-fighting and power plays can not serve any party if that party wants to represent the will of its members and of the population at large. The reason the Greens are experiencing this thrust of authoritarianism from within is because of the way gender ideology is being pushed across all of society, and the writer cited by the Georgia Greens spells it all out well, here:
Jenifer Bilek address it here:
Polticians in the US need to look around the world to see how this gender identity nonsense has already started to play out. The dangers to children and adolescents are described here, in an article about the recent Keira Bell case:
There's also a lot written about the need of the autogynephiles to create trans children to hide their fetish behind, Heather Brunskell-Evans is a great source for this but here is an article from Spiked: .
There's the matter of convicted rapists and pedophiles using gender id to conceal their identities as well as to access women while in prison. Since trans identifying males are now being allowed into English prisons, 1 in 50 male inmates are claiming to be trans:
The number of trans identifying male inmates who are there for sexual crimes is already disturbingly high:
Allowing trans identified males in women's prisons has already resulted in exactly what anyone being honest about it all knew would happen. Karen White is not the only one, just the most high-profile:
To undo some of the damage done by allowing rapists to hide their identity behind new gender identities, the people in Great Britain have had to start a petition:
and they've started a movement to repeal their "GRA" altogether:
In Canada, their politicians' embrace of gender ideology has resulted in the infamous Jessica Simpson (previously Jennifer Yaniv) suing immigrant women who work doing women's intimate grooming for not waxing the hair off his testicles because this person is actually a male predator originally named Johnathan Yaniv. Canada also has to wrestle with bad ideas like this:
The idea that the need for a woman to breast feed a baby is some how a "right" males should have is ridiculous. It is almost as if there is something at work here like when Socrates felt criminals actually want to get caught and so the do things to get caught. Here, the person who was most known for trying to shut down a rape relief center because it serves women exclusively is essentially admitting his identity is a fetish. Ray Blanchard explains this mindset better than anyone defending it.
And at its core, gender ideology is built on stereotypes as shown by this recent article prying into the private lives of a famous celebrity couple and their child
How did this child going through typical phases a child go through become "trans" according to google and other, more obviously stupid than google,
sources? Because it is old stereotypes dressed up in new clothes all at the behest of the billionaires mentioned earlier.
[–]FlippyKing[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun - (0 children)