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[–]zyxzevn[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

In short: There was never a Covid pandemic. And due to the false positive PCR tests, there may not even be a virus (SARS-Cov2). Or just a few, while almost everything else was a variant of the flu.
The discussion is about the effect of the fear and the craziness that was far more damaging than any virus. The lab-leak news might have been part of the propaganda to keep people in fear or in doubt. The fear propaganda part is certainly true.

The faking of a lableak would also mean that the publications of each laboratory were under strict control. Maybe via the military structure that is surrounding the biolabs or maybe via testing bias. The laboratories show a gradual progress of virus mutations from the Wuhan version. The later variants were reported as mutating too fast. Were they variants from other labs?

Personally I had certain Covid symptoms before all the fear started, and the disease that I had was like a strong flu. So I do think that there was a virus, but that the virus did not survive for a long time. Maybe it was made sensitive to UV on purpose. Or maybe it was spread in other ways. Like via sprays.

Compared to the normal flu, it was also extremely weak against young people, Hydroxychloroquine, the sun, vitamin-D, Ivermectin and some more. This may indicate that there was some kind of lab virus. But as most of us know, most of the damage was done by bad medical treatments including ventilators and euthanasia. Treatments that were pushed by the WHO and with covid rewards from the governments.