I'm going to try my best to recreate a post I made on /s/saidit to here, and add onto it.
- Being automatically subscribed to every single sub is a bit silly. Saidit is only going to grow from here, and having all those subs already subscribed to, is going to be a pain in the ass. It was also a bit obscure on what to do about it, meaning unsubscribing to all subs in preferences. This information should be a little bit more upfront.. I had to read a lot just to see that information. Also, I would have never found preferences on the app.. I had to do it through the website.
Edit: I've already got someone agreeing with me on this as an owner of a sub with a subowner perspective. Quoting /u/SierraKiloBravo
I do kind of agree with this one, from the perspective of being a sub owner - I would like to know how many people have chosen to follow the sub. With numbers in the thousands, I am fairly certain not all of then opted to follow (and the engagement / submissions would suggest the actual active subscribers is vastly smaller).
Maybe, it's just my opinion here, but I feel that this is more than enough reason not to be automatically subscribed to all the subs as a default for newcomers. Possibly just add the most popular subsaidits as a default instead?
It took me a long time to figure out the insightful and fun "slide" thing on the app. In fact, I stumbled upon it by accident. I read about it, and actually saw it on the website.. but I originally thought that feature was not available on the app. Possibly make this information a little bit more upfront too? (Maybe sticky information on how to use the saidit app in the "hopefully" created subsaidit I mention in point 3).
Create a subsaidit specifically for announcements and saidit updates. Like /s/saiditannouncements or something.
Include inbox notification on the saidit app.
Include a feature for crossposting. I was already informed by /u/d3rr that it's on the list to work on.
If I think of more, I'll add it here.
Also.. does Saidit make use of mentions of users?
there doesn't seem to be anything here