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[–]stereomatch 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

What date was day1 of symptoms for you and your boyfriend?

Do you have an oximeter - should get one or borrow from a friend - usually cost $20-30.

Omicron typically has 3 days from exposure to day1 of symptoms:

  • 1 - exposure

  • 2

  • 3 - day1 of symptoms (live viral load is at max)

Omicron typically has 5 days from exposure to day1 of symptoms:

  • 1 - exposure

  • 2

  • 3

  • 4-5 - day1 of symptoms (live viral load is at max)


The FLCCC protocol mentions Ivermectin and other drugs for day1 onwards.

Adding Famotidine (Pepsid) will help:

  • Famotidine 20mg+20mg per day - for 5-10 days


Day1 onwards can be handled many ways:

  • IVM + Famotidine

  • H1/H2 blocker antihistamines

  • Fluvoxamine


However, steroids-at-day7-8 is the lifesaver.

You don't want to start steroids much earlier than day7-8 - and not much later (since want to catch the hyperinflammation which usually becomes visible day7-8 onwards.


These are the signals for hyperinflammatory stage post-day7-8:

  • oximeter daily decline

  • pulse rate in 90s or 100+ while at rest (even without fever)

  • anomalous fever returning at day7-8 ("hyperinflammatory fever")

All these are signs that steroids-at-day7-8 needs to be started.

Usually Prednisolone 40mg per day for 1 week, then taper to zero over next week.

However when start steroids should watch for the signals above reversing next day i.e. oximeter readings improving.

If they are improving next day, you know the steroids dose is sufficient - and usually within 3-4 days the patient will be at oximeter 99 and feeling good.

If by next day do not see a clear improvement happening - this means the steroids dose is not sufficient - and need to escalate to 60mg and then 80mg per day - or higher that works.


You mentioned your boyfriend has 101 fever - and is "out of breath".

Usually during day1-7 (i.e. prior to hyperinflammatory stage) - the patient is not really "out of breath".

So this is making me wonder if the boyfriend may be in his post-day8 stage. If that is the case, the "fever" may be "hyperinflammatory fever" and the "out of breath" may be the post-day8 oximeter decline.

If this the case, then he needs to be started on Prednisolone (as described above) by your early treatment doctor.

If he is in the post-day8 stage, then at the right dose he will rapidly recover to oximeter 99.


His oximeter/pulse rate needs to be monitored - to see if it is indicating a post-day8 type of situation.

You need to examine your timelines - and establish the day1 of first symptoms of each.

For example he may have gotten day1 of symptoms first.

How many days later did you show day1 of symptoms?

If it is 3 days (it is probably Omicron) or 4-5 days (probably Delta).

But after day1 appeared - how many days has it been since then - is it now past day7-8? If so he may need a precautionary protocol of Prednisolone (steroids) as described above.


So in summary, I find the boyfriend's fever + "out of breath" suggestive that he may be in post-day8 hyperinflammatory stage - and thus may needs his early treatment doctor to start him on steroids before there is too much oximeter decline or lung issues.

This can be confirmed by checking his oximeter readings - are they at 98-99?

If they are below 97 - then he may be in post-day8 stage.

If they are below 95 or 93 (i.e. he cannot raise oximeter levels above that even with deep breathing) - then that is also indicative of post-day8 stage - and possibly is at day10 or so.

In such a case an early treatment doctor will start aggressive steroids to try to quell the hyperinflammation quickly - and may also start him on Cyproheptadine 8mg - 3 times a day (will make sleepy and only wake up for meals) - Cyproheptadine should be tapered off and should not be stopped suddenly as may cause more problems. And Inhaled Budesonide (rotacaps) - 4-5 times a day.

[–]spelllingchamp 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Uh I've done parts of the I-RECOVER protocol. You don't want to be in that situation. Don't get long COVID and don't get vaccine injured... not only will you have health problems, most doctors won't want to treat you (or don't know how).