Hi all,
I quickly made a throwaway for this, need some advice from my favorite lesbians.
My (24) GF (29) is very masculine while I am very feminine. This is fine and never caused problems however I’ve been getting frustrated with how she ‘talks’ about ‘women’.
She always talks about how she needs ‘a woman’. For doing things as cooking and cleaning for example.
Sometimes when we argue or have a different opinion she says things as ‘women are difficult’, ‘I don’t understand women.’
She doesn’t like to have the idea that she is doing more than 50% of housework for example, although I am the one doing the most.
She drinks and drives but when I call her out she says ‘Women are difficult’, how she doesn’t like to be put under pressure.
Whenever de disagree on something she immediately refers to me as ‘such a woman’.
I’m a bit at a loss and not certain how I should be handling this? Is this normal ?
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