About all racism, race-related issues, and exposing social engineering by the ruling class to disrupt, divide, and dominate.
Most of humanity are stupider than average or very close to average, so unfortunately most people can't see deeply - past superficiality, propaganda, manipulation, short and long term unfairness, injustice, exploitation, and eugenics.
Like it or not, racism exists with legitimate issues and views on all sides, not because racism is good, but because people want to defend their communities and cultures and be unified against the authoritarians pushing systemic diversity or a systemic racist police state upon the masses at the expense of social cohesion and tranquility.
Related content about elite-driven division may be shared here. For example but not limited to, /s/Africa, African Americans, Africans, ageism, /s/AltRight, Asia, Asians, Black Panthers, Bollywood, borders, booties & bling, /s/censorship, childless leadership, CIA, COINTELPRO, /s/Conservatives,, /s/Christian, /s/Christianity, /s/ChristianMusic, /s/ChristianRight, /s/Christians, cultural identity, diversity, drug culture, /s/Drugs, /s/Education, /s/Europe, FBI, /s/gang, gangsters, ghettos, graffiti, illusion of democracy, /s/Illusions, /s/Intelligence, /s/Islam, /s/Israel, /s/Israelexposed, IQ tests, /s/Jesuits, /s/JesuitsAndZionists, /s/JewishSupremacy, /s/Jews, /s/JustBeWhite, /s/Justice, /s/Justice_v_Injustice, /s/justiceserved, liberalism, migrants, multiculturalism, /s/Nationalism, NSA, oppression, prison industrial complex, progressivism, /s/PsyOps, /s/RaceRealism, rap, reclaiming the hood, refugees, /s/Religion, religious identity, respect, rigged justice, rigged systems, rigged voting, /s/Sex, sex-related issues, SJW insanity, social engineering, /s/Solutions, /s/South_Africa, stereotypes, suburbia, superiority complexes, /s/SupportForTheAccused, suppression, thug life, tribalism, /s/usa, /s/USAmerica, /s/USIsrael, /s/Voting_IsARiggedJoke, Zionism, Zionist hypocrisy, Zionist propaganda.
Feel free to post any content that relates to or exposes racism and race-related issues. Awareness is critical and censoring what others are doing won't happen here. As for ourselves and our comments, even if shared content is disrespectful, do not perpetuate it here.
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