This is essentially part 2 of what I posted before.
I don't have a problem with the idea of gay people in general, but the ones that straight up annoy me to no end are the half-assed pseudo lesbians. Being single and straight is hard enough as it is. But then we have to have women who to like use, exploit, and abuse men while still openly being attracted to pussy and truly wanting to be with women. At least sexually, if not romantically.
It's like WHY the fuck are you wasting men's time, then? You don't see too many gay dudes going after women; although some of them in the LGBT-whatever community, do that too, cause it "makes them feel more like a man."
But straight women usually shutdown half-assed gay men hardcore. Why are so many 'males' mega-cucks for weekend-lesbians? Women who outright ADMIT they're queer and want nothing to do with you or men, but will still use and exploit you for financial and physical protection anyway, all because women are harder to simp and exploit, and are generally more annoying to date (something even the lesbians admit is the truth.)
It's SO absolutely fucking selfish and disgusting. As if actual committed lesbians out there aren't looking for a partner, too. But no, we gotta have the half-assed, "one foot still in the closet" part-time dykes fucking over men, while still wanting to literally fuck women.
And I have NO RESPECT for the "men" (males technically; they don't deserve to be called men) who have this abuse-and-neglect fetish to be fucked over by a weekend lesbian. I mean, come the fuck on! Grow some fucking balls, you shriveled-up pussies! This shit is beyond pathetic and emasculating! Just get with a straight woman who might actually respect you! Stop literally simping and cuckolding to dykes! Women who outright TELL YOU they willfully want women and that they aren't into you. Why are you chasing a woman who just admitted she's not hetero? You two have no future! And what kind of "straight" man would want to fuck a lesbian, anyway? Full-time ones, or part-time.
I know they try to imply 'all women are queer' or whatever, but I don't believe that to be true. Straight women actually still exist, even if they're becoming rare as shit nowadays because every other chick has fuckin' gone lesbo, now. But don't give up the good hetero women just because these nasty fucking weekend lesbians are now every other female.
In a world of OnlyFans and pseudo-lesbians, you can still get yourself a straight biological monogamous woman. And she doesn't even have to be a feminist, girl-boss, OnlyFans whore, or other selfish piece-of-shit human being either!
And if you're actually a male over six feet tall, you have NO FUCKING excuse to be simping to part-time lesbians. At least I can understand short, overweight, or ugly guys being that absolutely desperate and self-deprecating. But guys who actually have a semi-decent chance of getting straight women, have no excuse to end up with queer females! That shit is nauseating and emasculate as fuck!
This shit legitimately makes me HATE humanity even more than I already do. Everyone's a degenerate piece-of-shit nowadays. Being a lazy half-assed whore on OnlyFans...
Or a foot fag.
Or a Furry.
Or a so-called "ethical pedophile" who really should be in prison (MAPs).
Or an immature manchild/womanchild duo, cheating on each other and having the gall to call it an "open" relationship, when really you're just a pair of massive fucking losers too afraid to work on being actual adults, or at least admit you can't handle an actual relationship and need to just fuck around with strangers instead of working on actually improving yourself, relationship issues, or anything else.
Or an exploiting, gaslighting piece-of-shit "label rejecting" lesbian, abusing straight men by calling yourself the bullshit term "bisexual" instead of just being with out-of-the-closet lesbians. All so you can fuck over men and leave other honest lesbians alone and even more suicidal than usual.
Or just an abusive hetero woman, or man, cause they exist too.
And that's the thing; even if you scooped every queer-female turd out of the dating pool, you'd still have trannies, "poly" shitstains, and your basic run-of-the-mill cheaters and whores in there, too. That dating pool needs to be bleached and drained empty.
But besides the tranny rapist assholes who justify the "Trans Panic" existing, no one lies and cons more than pseudo-lesbians. Although I'll give the abusing dykes "credit" in not being as fucked-up and awful as the transwomen who trick men into gay rape, as if they consented to fucking another biological man. So yeah, the fake-hetero females aren't as bad as the fake-females. Not that that means much.
I know there's still good people in the world, but fuck if I know any. While I do put foot fags, Furries (animal fuckers/abusers), and actual pedophiles as the "worst of the worst" people who deserve to be exiled to "live on the moon," if that... The abusive pieces-of-shit piss me off almost as much, and so many ball-less fucking LOSER males, have a fetish for this shit. Being taken advantage of by a woman who OPENLY ADMITS she's into women and wants to be with women, but you metaphorically chop your dick off for that half-shaved Michelle Rodriguez or Amber Heard type weekend-lesbian, anyway.
Seriously; I literally cannot comprehend why some bitch-ass, zero testosterone "males" would choose to be with part-time lesbians in a relationship or sex, anyway. I can't wrap my head around that level of self-abuse and cuckoldry. Is them "just being female" good enough for you? You need to simp and be taken advantage of and abused by an openly-gay woman too? Is it cause of those pathetic three-way fantasies? The ones where men get off on being cucked by two gay women going down on each other in bed? Is that why so many men lack basic self-respect nowadays?
The flamingly queer men who pull this shit and claim to "be into women" are seen as the pathetic tools they are, and most women usually laugh at them, for good reason. You can't "suck some dick" and then claim to "still be into women." And all those women who laugh at these gay guys trying to "save face" and still act like they're masculine, are absolutely justified in doing so.
Yet for some reason, people take it seriously when lesbians do the same exact thing... Maybe because these beta-males' pathetic fetishes and wishes for a three-way, supersedes their common sense to not be abused by a queer woman. I literally cannot respect a guy who can't even respect himself by trying to at least date/sleep with actual straight women. Women who'll actually respect him cause at the very least, they're ATTRACTED TO MEN!
Queer women cannot be sexually or romantically ever be attracted to you (regardless of what lies they tell you to get paid); WHY are you going after them, dude? They don't even want to fuck you, even if some are willing to if you simp hard enough.
OnlyFans, MAPS, Furries, foot freaks, "poly" degenerates, etc., makes me absolutely despise modern Western humanity. But at least those other things get some more pushback in society. But so many men out there are ball-less, effeminate losers when it comes to self respect and basic masculinity; ironic cause even most women don't go after the gay dudes who claim they "like girls."
And I feel bad for the actual committed lesbians, cause they're getting fucked over just as much as the straight men with actual self-respect are, when they're trying to find a partner or someone to be in a relationship with, only to find out the shitstain lying queer females fuck-over "both sides" and claim "they're about gender equality" just because men simp, but women are what actually makes them wet. True committed lesbians get fucked over by these awful human beings just as much as straight males do. Everyone loses but the part-time queer female here.
Yet society still condones this fucked up behavior cause they're part of the alphabet umbrella and shit. Same way society condones tranny rape and ignores it when a straight man is tricked into fucking another man.
there doesn't seem to be anything here