"Today we have a group of people who call themselves Salafi and claim to love MIAW (Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahab). These people love to defend him and make it a habit of theirs to fight the suffiyah on this issue especially on twitter.
Now lets look closer.
Firstly the word Salafi as a term of identification is very new in Arabia comming into common use during the 80's. The Najdiyyah would call themselves Muwahideen or The People Of Tawhid. When the actual Najdi Scholars died or started dying like Ibn Sahman and As-Saadi they were replaced with the likes of Ibn Baz and Ibn Uthaymeen. These men were instrumental in forming what is commonly known as the Saudi Salafi Movement. At first as is evident from their books they did not leave the Najdi school. However during the 80's and 90's many things changed,starting with Takfir.
Now the Najdi Scholars up untill Ibn Baz had only one view in regards to the ruler who rules with man made laws and that was such a individual is a kaffir and a taghut and must be fought against and in the books of the Najdiyyah there is no mention of Kufr Duna Kufr along with discussions of making takfir on such a person. The View is very clear there is no excuse in this regard for such a person. This is evident from Tarikh An-Najd where people were made takfir on for not ruling with the sharia. MIAW and the Najdi Scholars made takfir on the Ottomans for a similar reason that was included with other reasons being them ruling with other than the Sharia. For this reason we see today the so called followers of MIAW the Saudi Salafis who love to attach themselves to the Shaykh never mention him or his sons or any of the Najdi Scholars when speaking about takfir on the ruler who rules with Man Made laws. You will also find they never mention any Najdi Scholars except MIAW prefering Ibn Baz and Ibn Uthaymeen. For this reason there is no harm in calling them Baziyyah.
Ibn Baz and Al-Albani arguably had the biggest influence on the movement in regards to beliefs. In the space of 20 years there was a complete overhaul and silencing or mass conversion of the Najdi Scholars. There was a sudden movement away from open identification with the Hanbali school in exchange for the Anti-Taqlid views of many individuals from around the world from India to Sham and Egypt. Also the Irja of the Indian Ahlul Hadith movement also entered via Al-Albani. For the first time we see in Saudi open criticism of the Najdi Dawah in the works of Al-Albani and others influenced by him with weak accusations of Ghulu placed on the Muslim Najdi Scholars. However what resulted is a disconnect in the views on the Najdi Dawah between the Laymen and Scholars. The Laymen of the Salafi sect are completely unaware of most of the Najdi Scholars. They are also unaware of the differences between the two schools.
Now Ibn Baz as we know due to his close association with the rulers and cowardly and devious nature began planting the seeds of Irja. At first he questioned and went against the consensus of Ahlus Sunnah on making takfir on a person or people who replace the Sharia for any other Law. He also blatantly released Fatawa that had no scholarly basis at all. Like his protecting of King Fahd for wearing a cross even though there was no legitimate excuse. He also called Yasser Arafat the Leader of the Muslims in Palestine. What is problematic with the Fatwa is that Yasser Arafat was a Socialist Liberal who were a group of People he made takfir on. Now if we assume he was ignorant that means he was giving Fatawa without research.
The Ulama of Najd spoke and wrote very comprehensively on the issue of Tawalli and Mawallat. They spoke against and made takfir on Allying with the disbelievers against the Believers. They Also made Takfir on people who took the kaffir as their close friends and Allies. All this is found in their books with no opposing view among them.
The Saudi State is a Kafir State and this is well known. Their close relationship with the Kuffar is not to be compared to how the Abbasids and Ummayads and other Muslim Dynasties traded with Kuffar because they still showed open emnity towards the disbelievers. If trade between Muslims and Non Muslims results in relations becoming like those of close friends then there is no doubt that such a thing is very Dangerous. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): “You will not find any people who believe in Allaah and the Last Day, making friendship with those who oppose Allaah and His Messenger…” [al-Mujaadilah 58:22]
The Saudi State has zero emnity towards the enemies of Allah and his Messenger. The Saudi goverment even invites the Tawagheet who kill the Muslims in the hundreds of Thousands like Bush,Obama and Trump. They even dance with them and compliment these Tawagheet even while they attack the Muslim Lands.
They also have partnership's with the Kuffar via Organisations dedicated to fighting the Muwahideen. Even if one were to say the Mujahideen are Khawarij which is a lie and a slander then lets look at the Khawarij.
The Khawarij have many groups with differing beliefs but one commom denominator unites them that being mass takfir on the Muslims. If one says he holds the view of takfir on the Khawarij and makes takfir on the Mujahideen then what is known to everyone is that the Mujahideen like Ad-Dawlah which is a Hanbali,Athari State does not make takfir on the Muslims unless they see Kufr from them. Along with this they openly call themselves Sunni,Hanbali and Athari.
Anyone who reads about the Aqeedah of the Mujahideen from their own sources will see their ignoring of Ibn Baz and their reliance on the works of the Najdi Scholars in regards to Takfir and other issues. They explain their methodology for takfir from the books of Ibn Hassan and Ibn Sahman and MIAW and this is well known.
Hence The Modern Day Salafi Movement is a completely different movement who are from Ahlul Biddah and their predeccesors are the likes of Jahm Ibn Safwan and Ibn Abi Sulayman.
The Muslim Muwahidd should Identify as a Muslim and if asked further then should identify as a Athari or from which of the four school he belongs to. Being a Athari and following the Quran and the Sunnah will make you a Salafi for indeed the Salaf followed the Quran and the Sunnah. Also we find the term Salafi in many Hadith books to describe a righteous man who followed the Salaf. The People who give themselves this title today are in reality Murjiah upon the same deviance the Murjiah are upon being Ahl Al-Irjaa."
[–]Airbus320 1 insightful - 2 fun1 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 2 fun - (0 children)