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[–]TwerKing 7 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 0 fun8 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Newspaper reports mention that Chang dealt exclusively with young women. One of his methods was to have a waiter pass a note to pretty girls in his restaurants saying that he admired them and would like to have a quiet dinner with them sometime.[5][7] Many then went on to become his customers, and some his lovers. His easy manners, charisma and exotic appeal meant that he was able to build up a large female clientele that was close to a fan club.


"Chang smiled broadly and quickly left the court. As he passed out, several well-dressed girls patted his shoulder, while one ran her fingers through his hair".[8]

and then

Chang's home was raided twice, and on one of those occasions, the police found two chorus girls in his bed.

and the excerpt I like the most,

At his trial, Chang was asked if he thought the police planted the drugs found at his home. He replied diplomatically that he thought they probably had been left by a previous occupant. His defence weakened, however, after Payne testified that she sometimes stayed the night with Chang, enabling the prosecution to link the supply of drugs to inter-racial sexual activity. A police detective argued "This man would sell drugs to a white girl only if she gave herself to him as well as paying him."

Dayyumm!! Pablo escobar got nothing on him. Billy chang is the badass og dope lord that galvanized escobar. It seems billy carried out retribution against anglos who forced opium on the chinese. He also got pay back towards other europeans that were a part of the eight-nation alliance for what they did to his ancestral country of china.

Edit: Chang was not only a supplier of dope throughout europe where he particularly operated from angloland, he was also a self employed full time sex worker being paid by women to sleep with him!!

[–]chinamancometh[S] 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

should make a movie on this guy would be epic