[WP] Let others write a story on the basis of a prompt.
"A boy meets his soulmate during final exam. How does he contact her."
[CW] Cooperative writing.
Start with a paragraph, and let the other write the next paragraph.
"A team of adventurers walk to a dungeon. They are well prepared. The rogue opens the door with a tool..."
[SCENE] In a scene describe what someone would say.
Like scene from the hat, but with more freedom.
"A flat-earther is abducted by an alien.."
[STORY] Write about anything that you like.
"<Your title here>"
[DIRECTOR] Write a story. Other people request to change the story in a certain way.
"After a long walk the astronauts found a huge crater on Mars..'
"Now make it a love story/ Horror/ Western".
[META] For discussions.
Feel free to add your own ideas or rules.
"Must be a song"
"Questions only"