Our present realm - eliteDom @ usurperDom
is undergirded by Indirect Systems and the Hierarchy Paradigm
Its opposite: elite-free Dom @ usurper-free Dom
would be undergirded by Direct Systems & the Reciprocity Paradigm.
The difference between the two are the underlying systems and paradigms
To get to the latter,
all everyone needs to do is Direct Change: just shift one's own mind
-- it's that simple!
First, an individual mind shift, then a mind shift avalanche,
Next, societal value change,
Then, real structural change.
The faster people make the mind shift,
the sooner we will all have Heaven on Earth!
So, hurry - there is no time to waste!
Direct Change now!
Any kid at the playground will tell you:
"This is true! This is how we change from one game to another
-- as soon as the majority of everyone agrees to the change"
Now, which of you adults do not wish Heaven on Earth for your progeny?
The Monkey Trap Story
Source: this 2-minute video
The Hunters, in order to catch monkeys alive,
made a monkey trap using a calabash, filling it with some fruits and
tied it to a prominent position on a a tree frequented by monkeys.
A monkey approached the tree, and upon seeing the calabash, inserted its hand into it and seized the fruit.
But trouble ensued: the monkey struggled to become free.
The monkey did not realize that before it could withdraw its hand from the calabash, it must first open its hand and release the booty.
Whether owing to its cupidity, or stupidity, the monkey would rather be caught than let go its prize.
And thus the monkey was taken prisoner by the Hunters.
The Trapped can do Direct Change - by simply releasing their mind grip on the old Indirect Systems & Hierarchy paradigm,
they will have real freedom.
For they are not really shackled by anything other than their own mindset.
there doesn't seem to be anything here