The Story of the Israelites' exodus
from the land of their enslavement
to the Promised Land
has powerful deeper lessons:
-- if the lessons were heeded, we would have:
Heaven on Earth - Humanity's Promised Land
Instead, the Exodus Story - in particular 'the Promised Land' -
has been superficially co-opted to justify political land grab.
Not only has the lessons of great hope in the Story been obscured,
'the Promised Land' has been turned into a source of great strife.
The Exodus offered Great Hope as it showed:
the way to the Promised Land
laid not in overcoming physical / external obstacles,
but in overcoming mental, psychological ones
- our own preconceived mindset.
Failure to do so meant decades of needless wandering in the desert (of scarcity).
Only by fully dedicating one's focus on the new / unfamiliar
- SHUNNING pre-occupations with the old / familiar -
would allow one AND be sufficient to enter into the Promised Land (of abundance).
The monkey trap parable teaches a similar lesson:
The monkey was trapped because it was not willing to let go the booty found in the trap
i.e. Mindset Seals Fate!
Are we better than the monkey
if we too are unable / not willing to let go of our old mindset
thus ensuring imprisonment for our descendants in the Hierarchical Indirect Systems?
Why then, when with a simple mind shift:
-- to Cooperative Direct Systems --
our descendants would have Heaven, rather than Hell on Earth,
do we not FOCUS on doing so?
Are "those for peace" happy to be caught in perpetual heated & divisive debates - who is right , who is wrong - re: the Palestine Question?
When they could instead leverage this very moment i.e. just as:
- the usurpers attempt once again to divide us
- everyone is focused on this issue by their Corporate media
i.e. Pivot everyone to recall the Original Lessons
AND shake everyone of their stupor:
To end the strife in far away Palestine
AND for freedom and abundance for our descendants
We must all change the Paradigm!
exclusive focus on a piece of land makes no sense
Heaven on Earth IS the Promised Land for Everyone!
there doesn't seem to be anything here