"If you do not fast from the world, you will not find [the true realm of Oneness]"
"If you do not keep the Sabbath as a Sabbath, you will never see [your true self: your origin & purpose]."
Meaning: if we do not have Periodic Reckoning, we are directionless, i.e. lost
If we do not take time off from 'business' to consider where we want to go VS where we are, then we will not be really getting anywhere
The Sabbath = Periodic Reckoning
Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) = Periodic Reckoning
PDCA > Narratives
- Narratives can be, and are hierarchically controlled
- Narratives can be used to distract us
- Endless Narratives are being used to siren us to ruin
- With PDCA/Periodic Reckoning, we can be immunized from the effects of Narratives
- Periodic Reckoning puts power back in everyone's hands - re-Agency-fies everyone,
just as the Sabbath puts power in the hands of every Jew
to correct the course of their own life (albeit, within the bounds placed by the Sabbath tradition).
Periodic Reckoning is the Scientific Method for our everyday world.
"It is not possible for one to enter the house of a strong man and take it by force unless the strong man is disabled; then one will ran-sack the strong man's house."
Meaning: It is not possible for the 1% to dominate our world unless the 99% are disabled; then the 1% will rapaciously sack (plunder) everything and everyone in it.
"'Disabled?' How?"
A: Intoxication
Intoxicate = To stupefy by doping with chemical substances such as alcohol.
Stupefy = Dull the senses or capacity to think thereby reducing responsiveness; to dazzle or stun.
Intoxicated = (self) incapacitated = (self) de-Agency-fied
An intoxicated strong man = a de-Agency-fied strong man
The strong man IS strong, but made (largely/totally) unresponsive.
The strong man, in order to become strong again, to be re-Agency-fied, has to stop with the intoxification, and detox
Detox = identify, remove & shun everything that dazzles/stuns/dulls one's capacity to think & reduces one's responsiveness
An intoxicated/de-Agency-fied strong man becomes strong again when he has detoxed himself
"..for the moment they are intoxicated. When they shake off their wine, then they will [be good again]."
Q: What then must the 99% detox selfs from?
- Hierarchically controlled Narratives
- The hierarchical control paradigm
- Hierarchically controlled systems
Hierarchy only serves to subjugate the Many strong men (the 99%) for the Few (the 1%)
The Hierarchically controlled Narratives, Paradigm and Systems serves to de-Agency-fy the Many
The 99% should observe/do periodic reckoning to keep selfs detoxed.
In short: PDCAs > NPSDs
PDCAs = Plan-Do-Check-Act (Periodic Reckoning) Cycles
NPSDs = Narratives, Paradigm & Systems of De-Agency-fication
there doesn't seem to be anything here