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[–]Jesus[S] 1 insightful - 2 fun1 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Guy who made this is a PSYOP denier though, but when I heard Corbett say this and his dumb fight with Sibel Edmonds, I knew he was a gatekeeper, again, EVEN IF HE SPEAKS 95% truth. It's how they sometiems go about things or say things that has me questioning them and everyone still left on YouTUbe. By now, we should also know that Adam Green(stein) who with over 110,000 subs and an ardent critic of Zionism is up on YouTUbe to spout whatever he needs to say brcause he is gatekeeping, and yet I and hunderds of others cannot even upload or publish a video for it will be deleted immediately. NOBODY, I MEAN NOBODY, except for a smal handful still on YouTUbe are legit. They all are gatekeepers of some sort.

Read books instead.