all 19 comments

[–]HibikiBlackCaudillo[S] 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (4 children)

Well considering there is a lot of conspiracy theories about the CIA seeking to shape public opinion I thought about sharing this again.

There has been many public operations the CIA has made involving psyops in order to influence the narratives people follow.

[–]HibikiBlackCaudillo[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

Five companies control 90% of the media in the US. There are Jews and Catholics/apprentices of the Jesuits that have influence in many of those places. But the CIA is the organization that has the greatest control over all of them and It's control goes even beyond the US. Jews are openly discriminated against in the CIA, so It's safe to say that the media is for the most part controlled by the Jesuits and their apprentices:

The CIA uses journalists who double as undercover contacts, as well as missionaries.

How the CIA Hoodwinked Hollywood.

Washington DC’s role behind the scenes in Hollywood goes deeper than you think.

The CIA and the Media- Carl Bernstein.

CIA influence on public opinion.

CIA Operation Mockingbird.

Editor of major German newspaper says he planted stories for the CIA. He says the corruption of journalists and major news outlets by the CIA is routine, accepted, and widespread, and that journalists who do not comply either cannot get jobs or find their careers cut.

Udo Ulfkotte, former editor of large German newspaper said that he was paid by the CIA in order to edit his articles and that the CIA owns everyone of any significance in the major media sites.

Documents expose how Hollywood promotes war on behalf of the Pentagon, CIA and NSA.

The CIA behind Animal Farm.

The CIA in Hollywood: How the Agency Shapes Film and Television Paperback by Tricia Jenkins.

Operation Hollywood: How the Pentagon Shapes and Censors the Movies by David L. Robb.

The ties of Youtube and Facebook with the CIA. Much of the initial funding for Facebook came from CIA backed venture capital firms to the tune of nearly $50 million.

The CIA's relationship with Google.

Reddit co-founder Aaron Swartzs' father claims the government killed his son.

In 1939, Knight of Malta Joseph Kennedy instructed all Jewish Hollywood studio owners to not make anti-Nazi films and to cease having Jews appear in films altogether.

Kennedy's fellow knight of Malta William Donovan is regarded as the founder of American intelligence.

The fact that they have been controlling the Vatican for hundreds of years needs to be made clear.

Both Hitler and Himmler admitted the influence the Jesuits had on the ideals of the national socialists... and it was the Vatican that allowed many of them to escape, out of which many of them helped in the creation of the CIA and were part of many of its operations.

The founding father of the CIA, William J. Donovan was granted the Grand Cross of the Order of St. Sylvester. Only like a hundred men have been given this award... and it is granted by the pope himself because of some service to the Vatican.

The CIA's director of intelligence Allen Dulles and the Jesuit priest Avery Dulles were blood related. Allen was also the CIA director that was in power for the longest time.

Like Donovan, the CIA's director John A. McCone was given the Grand Cross of the Order of St. Sylvester because of his service to the Vatican. John was also involved in the creation of the CIA itself.

Finally, the CIA itself is a Catholic organization, like its nickname implies. Which Catholics themselves openly boost about through their media.

Doctor Stephen D. Mumford, wrote in American democracy & the Vatican: Population Growth & national security, pg 172:

"The CIA serves as an agency through which secret assistance to the Holy Mother Roman Catholic Church can be provided by secret American society members acting as her defenders.

For creating the Office of Strategic Services [OSS], the wartime predecessor to the CIA, and this special arrangement with the Vatican, General William (Wild Bill) Donovan was decorated in July 1944 by Pope Pius XII with the Grand Cross of the Order of Saint Sylvester, the oldest and most prestigious of papal knighthoods. This award has been given to only one hundred other men in history, who by feat of arms or writing or outstanding deeds have spread the faith and have safeguarded and championed the Roman Catholic Church.

Donovan did more to safeguard and champion the Roman Catholic Church than any other American, and he was rewarded for his services with the highest Roman Catholic award ever received by an American. No doubt, thousands of others have striven with their deeds for similar recognition."

Former CIA officer E. Howard Hunt said in an interview in the documentary "A Coup Made in America" which aired on Canadian television series Turning Points of History in 1998, speaking on his role in the coup d’état in Guatemala in 1954 that:

“We had gotten the okay from Cardinal Spellman to go ahead with this… and I wouldn't presume to trace the lines of authority within the Catholic Church… how they get their information they deal with… We've always said in an admiring way that the Jesuits form the greatest intelligence service in the world and always have."

Make sure to visit the s/Jesuits sub Saidit!

[–]Jesus 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (13 children)

Jews are openly discriminated against in the CIA...

That's why the CIA had multiple Jewish directors? Jesuit theorists go back to a bygone era when the CIA, still corrupt, was, in fact, against Israel and Jewish supremacy. Then you had the tough veteran CIA officials hoped to be appointed by Fullbright and JFK, both fervently anti-Israel and anti-Zionist advocates in private. The CIA in opposition of this—for the president resides over the CIA who determines its direction and reach—was the masonic, pro-interventionist/unconventional warfare Zionists connected to the Irgun and Israel LLC. In this case, it was usually freemasonic protestants like Gigliotti and his masonic Jewish buddies that signed an anti-JFK pact, that lead to JFK's assassination. From that time on Jewish supremacists and masons took reign over the CIA.

[–]HibikiBlackCaudillo[S] 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (12 children)

LMAO, if there was anyone involved in JFK's murder it was the Dulles... But whatever, everything is the protestant's and the Jews' fault...

[–]Jesus 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I have read over 50 books on the Assassination of JFK. I know what I'm talking about. You, however, at least on this topic as far as I can see, do not know what you're talking about and on top of that you have put words in my mouth. When did I say Jews as an entire ethnic group killed JFK? I know the entities that funded the assassination. Tibor Rosenbaum, Luis Bloomfield, recruited former Mussoliniyists, the pro-interventionist Zionists aligned CIA, Seligman bank, Jewish, yes, but also particularly Zionist; as well as the Masonic World Brotherhood Inc, Permindex and the P2 lodge who signed an anti-JFK pact in letter with all the Grand Orient masons and Scottish Rite leaders in the US and Protestant leaders. Obviously JFK was not a secret protestant or Gigliotti and his Zionist Jewish supremacist friends in Israel and neo-fascists in Italy wouldn't have wanted him dead.

Garrison wanted me to find a publisher says A. J. Weberman for a manuscript he had written on the assassination of JFK. WHen I read the manuscript I found that it was a fictional work that placed the blame for John Kennedy's death on the Mossad—the Israeli intelligence service.

Of course, it wasn't fictional and Metta nad Piper have proven without a doubt that Mossad played a large role in his assassination. The latter, having devled into permindex and the Israelis involved and the former having proved that the entire world of masonry was also involved.

Piper writes:

I don't know if all of the Warren Commission members were Masons. However, some, notably Michael A. Hoffman II, a very brilliant researcher, have demonstrated quite a bit of Masonic imagery in events surrounding the assassination. I don't dispute that. It's likely there was high-level Masonic support for the assassination, particularly since JFK was a Catholic. Zionism and Freemasonry are both heartily anti-Catholic and do overlap in many areas of intrigue. No question about it. To understand the assassination in its most basic form, we need only look at JFK's conflicts with Israel, Organized Crime and the CIA. That says it all.

But Metta has proven that both Zionist Jewish Israelis and the Masonic world together sought to take down JFK.

'CMC. The Italian Undercover CIA and Mossad Station and the Assassination of JFK', published in 2018, wholly confirms and reinforces my own beliefs of this case. Metta's conscientious investigation also confirms the probing that was undertaken by the much maligned New Orleans D.A. Jim Garrison in his indictment of Clay Shaw and his association with the Centro Mondiale Commerciale/Permindex.

CMC documents showing Bloomfield was the CMC majority shareholder:

Bloomfiled's papers at the Canada Archive at our request, the Archive, in August, 2019, answered that a very large part of Bloomfield's papers is forbidden.

Besides, in order to understand the great importance of it, here you can read the Foreword to Metta's book written by the appreciated journalist and writer Jim DeBrosse:

WHEN New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison discovered in 1967 the links to the JFK assassination among local businessman Clay Shaw, anti-Castro groups, the CIA and a murky world trade promotion group known as “CMC-Permindex,” Garrison was truly, as the title of his 1988 book declaims, “on the trail of the assassins.” Unfortunately, as we all know, Garrison didn’t get very far in his prosecution of Shaw and his fellow conspirators.

Garrison’s investigation was sabotaged from the inside by FBI and CIA agents and sympathizers and from the outside by the disappearance of key witnesses. Some simply fled to other states, where governors refused to extradite them for Garrison’s case. And, of course, his star witness, David Ferrie — an associate of both Shaw and alleged assassin Lee Harvey Oswald — died under mysterious circumstances of a cerebral hemorrhage less than a week after he learned of Garrison’s investigation. Adding insult (more accurately, slander) to injury, Garrison was pilloried in the media as an egomaniac and loose cannon making wild accusations against innocent people, especially “poor” Clay Shaw who — despite the repeated denials at the time, both personal and official — was later revealed to be a CIA agent.

No one in the U.S. media, nor among America’s independent JFK investigators, was brave or perhaps smart enough to “follow the money” and enter the investigative door so courageously and widely opened by Garrison. The Montreal paper Le Devoir and the Italian leftist newspaper Paese Sera were the first to report on the workings of CMC-Permindex in articles published in March 1967, not long after Jim Garrison arrested Shaw. Paese Sera wrote that CMC (Centro Mondiale Commerciale) “was the creature of the CIA … set up as a cover for the transfer of CIA … funds in Italy for illegal political-espionage activities.”

It wasn’t until decades later in the 1990s that CMC-Permindex received any mainstream attention at all in America. That’s when, thanks to the release of Oliver Stone’s movie JFK in 1991, Garrison’s book became a best seller.

So now, more than 50 years after the failed prosecution of Shaw, someone has done an actual documented investigation into the history, aims, operations and tangled international relationships of CMC-Permindex. Not surprisingly, that man – Michele Metta – is an Italian, not an American, journalist. Having finally found the CMC internal papers, including the minutes of their board of directors’ meetings, Metta has been able to examine the workings of CMC from the inside. The resulting book is a major breakthrough in the JFK murder case, documenting startling new information that goes to the root of the complex and tangled international conspiracy behind the assassination.

The bottom line in Metta’s investigation is this: starting in the late 1950s, CMC-Permindex acted as the covert funding and planning source for right-wing political terror in both Europe and the U.S., including the assassination of JFK. The board membership and financial resources of CMC-Permindex included men associated with the CIA, the American and Italian Freemasons as well as American, Italian and Jewish organized crime, Italian and German neo-fascists and neo-Nazis, the Israeli Mossad and Israel’s early leaders and Zionist supporters, and the French secret paramilitary organization, OAS, enraged at de Gaulle for having ceded Algeria to the Arabs. All of these groups represented different and sometimes conflicting interests but shared one key characteristic — they were rabidly anti-Communist and rabidly anti-Soviet and willing to maim, kill and assassinate to stop the perceived threat to a conservative world order.

[–]Jesus 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (10 children)

I know who was involved, I know the entities, I never claiemd Jews as a whole were the reason, I do know that Israel, Mossad and it's leaders were involved as was the pro-interventionist sect of the CIA at odds with the CIA agents that Fullbright, and JFK wished to appoint. But yes, LMFAO is the only answer you'll get from an ignoramous.

[–]HibikiBlackCaudillo[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (6 children)

Kind of hard to believe when you keep pushing for the Greater Israel narratives... Besides, you mention Jews in nearly every single one of your posts.

[–]Jesus 3 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 2 fun -  (5 children)


Hibikiblack thinks that if you expose the Greater Israel narrative, which has nothing to do with what I am even talking about, though one could argue that it does in regards to creating a Jewish state via stealing nuclear triggers and having Americans pay 500,000,000 to clean up their mess in PA; that I'm untrustworthy.

So, Hibs thinks if you expose the Greater Israel Porject, you're anti-Jew. I'm anti Judaism, obviously, but the Greater Israel project is a thing, and was exposed by Israel Shahak, a Jew mind you.

[–]HibikiBlackCaudillo[S] 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (4 children)

There is no Jew plan to conquer the world. People like the Rothschilds are nothing but traitor scumbags that even helped the Vatican push for the anti-Semitic narratives despite the suffering it has caused to the Jewish community over the years:

The black pope Ledochowski conspired to block the policies of Pope Pius XI seeking to condemn anti-Semitism in Europe.

Jesuit Pietro Tacchi Venturi played a vital role in Italian fascism and Mussolini's anti-Semitic policies.

Leo H. Lehmann mentioned that the Jesuits were behind the creation of the Protocols of the elders of Zion.

The Jesuits were responsible for the creation of the anti-Semitic myths, which started with their demonization of the Jews and the Rothschilds in their magazine La Civilita Cattolica as part of a worldwide Jewish conspiracy.

Also notice how the claim made by Eustace Mullins about the Roths controlling the Vatican is fake, similar to how some books pushing for the "Jesuits are Jews" narrative say that Loyola was a converso, when it fact, he was a Basque from a noble family.

The coming technocracy is seeking for the supernaturalist Omega Point and the Jesuits have always been a group of insane radical supernaturalists, you just have to take a look at what they did during the Jesuit Communist Empire in Latin America... This wasn't something a few of them were involved in... it was something the whole order was part of. They keep pushing for their deranged monkery in the communist regimes today.

But of course, we are supposed to believe the words of the supernaturalist, Catholic dude, who despite supposedly reading 100+ books about the CIA barely mentions the Catholic influence over it despite the fact that Catholics themselves openly boost about it the whole time through their own media. Come on Jesus, you are probably the type of person who believes people can be saved through their actions right? How about you confess your own sins? You must feel guilty to some extend.

[–]Jesus 4 insightful - 2 fun4 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 2 fun -  (2 children)

I talk about Great Israel Proect written out by the Jew Yinon. Hibs somehow conflates that with all Jews wanting to take over the world. How does that world Hibs?

Why are you talking about a Jew plan to conquer the world? I did not mention this here? Are you covering for Zionist Jews? I'm talking about JFK and those who killed him for their racist sub-franchise limited liability bankers colony.

But if you want to go there... Chabadniks and supremacist Jews opnely state that they will conquer the world for 'world peace' under noahidism and only Chabadnik Jews promote noahidism as do Masons and the subverted Church, who has a former brothel worker and a promotor of anti-Christ rabbinicalism as its leader.

There is no Jew plan to conquer the world. People like the Rothschilds are nothing but traitor scumbags that even helped the Vatican push for the anti-Semitic narratives YouTube despite the suffering it has caused to the Jewish community over the years.

Your point? My post had nothing to do with what you are now writing. You change the subject to Jesuits and Catholics when it is quite clear who killed JFK and why. Your free to read the books I sourced. Many of those involved were Jews; Orthodox, Zionist, Atheistical, reform, etc., they nonetheless reject Christ. The key of course, was Israel, which had nothing to do with Catholics because Catholcis have always been agaisnt Judaism as it is anti-Christ. It was only when Marranos took over the Jesuit order were they able to slowly but surely subvert the Church. Today, Israel is a Jewish majority state and what they have done to the Palestinians is beyond reprehensible. This Aparthied is anti-Semitic! The Likud and the entire Jewish majority government in Israel are anti-Semitic against Palestinian Arabs; muslims, Christians, etc. But leave it to supremacist Jews to hijack that word for their own supremacist agenda. Isntead, why don't you call a spade a spade. Call it anti-Jew or anti-Judaism.

Jesuit Pietro Tacchi Venturi played a vital role in Italian fascism and Mussolini's anti-Semitic policies.

The founder of Fascism was also Jewish, and Mussolini worked with notorious Zionist Jew Jabotinsky in his Ethiopian campaign. Hitler, on the other hand was anti-Zionist to the core, despite what people like Christopehr Jon Bjerknes say.

Leo H. Lehmann mentioned that the Jesuits were behind the creation of the Protocols of the elders of Zion.

Lehmann is Jewish. I've already posted to you elsewhere that various Chabadnik rabbis have already admitted to who wrote the elders of Zion and it wasn't a Jesuit but they postualte Asher Ginsburg, among two others. But, if we go with the theory that it was a jesuit, it is more likely a Talmudic Marrano did so, which was a theory of many scholars on the authenticity of the Jesuit oath that was released during the anti-converso lobby era due to marrano infiltration of the order, who unsurprisingly now control the Catholic Church. Hence, Talmudic Jewish subvertion won. So, traditional Christians understand that the Church today is not Christian. It is not Catholic. It is Marrano.

The Jesuits were responsible for the creation of the anti-Semitic myths, which started with their demonization of the Jews and the Rothschilds in their magazine La Civilita Cattolica as part of a worldwide Jewish conspiracy.

Already sent me this. Jesuits, no more, have a right to be concerned about Jews who have a long history of subverting Christian organizations. Jews are Edomites, Kahzars (Ashkenaz) and Cannanites; none have the right to claim semitism or a right to steal, pillage and plunder the biblical land of Israel for their racist Jewish majority state created by the rabbinical Jewish Rothschild family.

Weren’t their children in Israel celebrating Purim by dressing up as the burning twin towers? Yes, there was. Teaching kids the trade of Purim on the goyim!

And when supremacist Jews aren’t celebrating their attack and openly talking about enslaving the goyim, they’re probably infiltrating and subverting institutions such as what the American Zionist Council's in 1962-63 openly boasted about doing. Magazines, TV, radio. Films, Christian Religious Groups, yup, they openly worked to infiltrate a religion whose institution is in opposition of the Jewish natural messiahs because their kind, the religious kind, the Pharisetical kind, crucifed Christ; Academic circles, daily press, books, publishers, speakers, and counteracting their opposition by -- as is listed in the document -- monitoring and counteraction of ALL activities carried out here by the Arabs...

Archives: and

Case in point:

Case in point, serious hand rubbing about enslaving goyim at 11:30 “it’s ahhh, going to be world peace.” :

Maurice Pinay contends that 9/11 really was Purim for the Goyim, he writes:

Everywhere in the establishment media the question is being raised, "what have we learned since 9-11?" and everywhere the answers given are calculated to assure that nothing truly relevant is learned about the fundamental function of this recurring 9-11 psychodrama. Those with an understanding of the religion of Judaism will have at least a faint understanding of what has happened to the West since 9-11.

In Judaism, Judaic people are re-traumatized each year by a tale of paranoia and vengeance from the book of Esther according to which 'The Jews' are allegedly threatened with annihilation but then preemptively annihilate their perceived attackers first.

Since 9-11, the West is annually re-traumatized by a solemn retelling of the 9-11 terror attacks in a not-very-subtle justification for ongoing alleged preemptive vengeance. (Note however that 9-11 only grants Goys permission to attack 'enemies' selected for them by the Judaic establishment: people and nations constituting obstacles to the 'greater Israel' project. Goys don't have the Judaic establishment's permission to bring their real enemies to justice who very often are part of, or servants of, the Judaic establishment themselves. This may be evident to those who understand the two-tiered, double-standard nature and 'Noahide'/Judaic relationship of the religion of Judaism. 9-11 is, strictly speaking, a 'Noahide' version of Purim.

According to Judaism, the universe and everything in it exists only to serve 'The Jews.' A 'Noahide' is a non-Judaic person who has resigned himself to live according to this delusion, therefore his existence is valid only to the degree that he is a servant to Judaic interests. The paranoia and rage fostered in non-Judaic people by the annual retelling of the 9-11 terror attack is valid only to the degree that it's channeled to advance Judaic interests; in support for destruction of more countries in the proximity of the 'greater Israel' project.)

Also notice how the claim made by Eustace Mullins about the Roths controlling the Vatican is fake, similar to how some books pushing for the "Jesuits are Jews" narrative say that Loyola was a converso, when it fact, he was a Basque from a noble family.

The Roths controlling the Vatican is a dimwitted lie. They didn't control the vatican via rabbinical theology but surely they do now with a Marrano in power. As for the INCORPORATION OF THE JESUIT ORDER, yes, there were various Jesuits of Jewish ancestry and some who were open conversos that then went on to spread the gospel all over the world. Markys in his books shows via Toledo archives that although Loyola was not a practicer of Judaism he came from Jewish ancestry. The sources you link are older sources and never searched these archives. There is, however, a difference in pracicing Judaism and having Jewish ancestry. So, the Jesuit order was not officially set up for Jewish purposes but rather as an arm of the Church. After 40 years, however, many supremacist Jews tried to subvert the order and were keen on destroying it completely. In fact Toledo archives show that that was their goal.

you just have to take a look at what they did during the Jesuit Communist Empire in Latin America... This wasn't something a few of them were involved in... it was something the whole order was part of. They keep pushing for their deranged monkery in the communist regimes today.

Jesuits were assassinated by Masons in Mexico and central America who were provided money by various entities agaisnt the mystical body of Christ. If monkery = communism? what about monkery in communist, fascist or capitalist regimes? You are obviously sounding more and more like a Zionist who hates the mystical body of christ.

But of course, we are supposed to believe the words of the supernaturalist, Catholic dude, who despite supposedly reading 100+ books about the CIA barely mentions the Catholic influence over it despite the fact that Catholics themselves openly boost about it the whole time through their own media. Come on Jesus, you are probably the type of person who believes people can be saved through their actions right? How about you confess your own sins? You must feel guilty to some extend.

But of course we are suppose to believe the words of someone who uses deragatory language, hates Catholics/Jesuits, thinks Jesus was Ceasar, thinks Jews are semitic, which is patently false; says the Greater Israel Project is a lie even though I have the Yinon documents in my hand. I confess meysins everyday but the 'Catholics' or those taught in public Jesuit universities that you always mention are not Catholcis but Masons and Marranos working for the Synagogue of Satan. For they call themselves Jews but they are not.

[–]HibikiBlackCaudillo[S] 1 insightful - 2 fun1 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 2 fun -  (1 child)

Greater Israel isn't a Jewish world domination plan then? I'm not sure how does that even work. Well, I suppose I at least tried getting to you...

[–]Jesus 5 insightful - 2 fun5 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

It's a resource and land agenda obviously. They're already expanding settelments and bombing Syria. Smark remark.

[–]TheJamesRocket 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

Whats the best book you've ever read on the JFK assassination?

[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

[–]TheJamesRocket 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Thank you for the book recommendations. Michael Collins Piper is always excellent.

[–][deleted] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

From the early 1950s until 1967, the international program of the [National Student Association], and some of its domestic activities, were underwritten by clandestine funding from the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)...

In 1969, the NSA held its annual meeting in El Paso, Texas, where thousands of student delegates overwhelmed the city, particularly the Hotel Cortez, with music, drugs, and free love.

The CIA propped up far-left hippie organizations during the Cold War — pro'ly cause they were infiltrated by Communists.

The National Student Association eventually became the United States Student Association, a left-wing organization probably under the control of the CIA. If you see the USSA anywhere: keep in mind that it's a deep state psyop.

I bet they also funded BLM, which is why they won't arrest the Antifa rioters who burned down Portland, Seattle, Kenosha, etc.

[–][deleted] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

This is the guy who you want moderating conspiracy theory. Might as well just go back to Reddit. What a joke hibi is.

[–]Node 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

It's okay as long as the beliefs he claims to hold don't translate into moderator actions.