The matter of our working today is the horse dung 3 sided pyramid of the news cycle of Dominion, Fox, and Tucker. This interesting specimen is a tetrahedron of waxy white hue and phosphorus green glow coming from it's veiled center.
So listen up apprentice, a true philosopher is going to teach you the art of how the gold is made from the horse dung.
Forget all the details you have been taught concerning the news cycle. The information must be purified and free from the dross. The first steps in alchemy are putrification, distillation, separation, and purification. In other words break it down to it's component parts, it's prima materia.
This is allegorically called the woman's work. This being because the soiled dirty man's thong is taken down to the stream and washed in the waters of the moon and then hung up to dry in the fires of the sun. This is repeated until the impurity has been removed. If left in the sun to long it burns if left in the water to long it rots and putrifies. It is a balance of the sun and moon, fire and water that purifies.
Distilled down the main points of that whole news cycle of Tucker, Fox, and Dominion we are left with some crud at the bottom of our pelican.
Dominion that's an interesting name for a voting machine company, what does it mean? Words are spells cast to imprint meaning. I suggest you, my apprentice, take the time to know these things.
The other crud left at the bottom of the pelican is that a media corporation gave a voting machine company $600+million laundered through a no contest show trial, while publicly sacrificing their most valuable journalist in the name of this transaction.
We philosophers do not take sides nor make assumptions based off the dross. By experimentation we have purified the essence from the dung. This occult ritual payment is very strange indeed. The real question left is was it for services rendered or for services yet to come?
[–]monkeymagic 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun - (0 children)