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[–]LGBTQIAIDSAnally Injected Death Sentence 4 insightful - 2 fun4 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 2 fun -  (2 children)

There's definitely an asymmetry here.

The British friend-enemy distinction essentially maps onto a liberal-illiberal distinction. They simply can't identify that they're in a race war against people like Professor Ladwa and Mr. Kumar, who are open about their intent being nothing short of seizing their country.

Meanwhile, the 'British Indian' friend-enemy distinction remains highly ascriptive. 'Friends' are fellow ethnic 'minorities' who are useful 'allies'; enemies are the British people. Beliefs, values and the like simply play very little into how they determine friends from enemies.

So the race war is simply being fought by one side whilst the other seems to be almost completely incapable of understanding that there is indeed even a war to begin with. I think that the 'minorities' sense this weakness and are simply using it, quite predatorily, as an opportunity to fulfill various kinds of self-interests (we can't make a land like this, so we must take it; then we will have the 'privileges' that our European competitors [supposedly] have but which they have been 'withholding' from us, and without them in it), justified by revenge fantasies, ressentiment and the like.

I think these people will be very disappointed to find that if (more likely a matter of when) they take over, that is actually nothing that is being withheld from them, and that things will rapidly devolve into contests between the 'minority' groups themselves. It isn't going to lead to them having more resources or living the sort of playboy lifestyle—this semi-mythical lifestyle full of fun and fast cars, one that in reality very few Europeans live—that so many of them seem to desire and romanticize (especially the younger ones).

There isn't really a 'White privilege' where many Whites are living like aristocrats and monarchs and are unfairly or unjustly withholding all these goodies from the lumpens and have-nots, who just need to take from the haves. But it's exactly how they argue: the White majority parts of a city are not better than the 'minority' parts in spite of keeping 'minorities' out (i.e. the Leftist argument: the Whites withhold, keep to themselves, what is good from others), but because of it (the Whites are not keeping anything to themselves, it's just that 'minorities' have a reverse Midas touch and turn good into bad, gold into shit). Whites don't build the good and withhold it from 'minorities'; 'minorities' take the good and trash it.

But notice that the outcome ends up the same in either scenario: namely, the Whites are left with what is good and the 'minorities' are not, and that it is easy for 'minorities' to simply reinterpret the latter scenario (we have nothing good because we destroy the good) into the much more psychologically acceptable former (we have nothing good because they keep the good).

[–]arainynightinskyrim[S] 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (1 child)

There has to be a turning point for whites to realize that they're in a race war and act accordingly. It's difficult to believe that they have to become a minority to realize it, especially when prominent non whites are openly celebrating it.

[–]LGBTQIAIDSAnally Injected Death Sentence 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I don't think there is a turning point or mass awakening that is a natural consequence of minoritization. I do think, however, that a larger number of Whites cannot be prevented from individually 'awakening' and that there will be a lot of violence over the coming decades: there will be many more Brevik type of incidents whilst the rest of the Whites who aren't quite unaccepting enough to go down in a 'blaze of glory' wonder just what the hell they're going to do as a hated minority.

In any group of people, especially one that numbers several hundred million like the entire White/European race, only a very small percentage need to refuse marginalization and minoritization to plague the whole world with 'terrorism'. Well, that's what happens when you push people into a corner and onto 'death ground'. The other races will just have to accept routine violence throughout the 2040s, 2050s, etc. They don't really have any way of identifying 'terrorist Whites' from ones that are insufficiently opposed. Someone can get 'radicalized' over night. Everything clicked to me practically in the span of a day simply by realizing that I was the sole person of my kind in a large physical space, although admittedly I was always socially Far-Right—just not necessarily racially Far-Right, which is what clicked in that instant—as if by nature. They can only end 'White terrorism' by killing every White person. Andrew Yang's fears in that regard, of Whites refusing a peaceful transition to marginalized minority status, will all be made true.

Either way, we'll know the outcome soon enough. There's not much time before the demographic tipping point and non-whites brag about their 'majority-minority' status everywhere. They'll be very confident, emboldened and explicit about their intents by that time. Within most of our lifetimes, we'll know the outcome. The older I get, the faster that time seems to fly, so I will not be waiting for long to see shit unfold.

Given that the world will (generally, not necessarily in every place) be poorer in a few decades (it is often mentioned, for example, that the youngest crop of Americans [probably of all races] are worse off than their parents) and given that global population will also begin a gradual (and then exceedingly rapid) decline around 2060, there's no way the current state of affairs—this sort of 'managed decline'—can go on indefinitely. The species shows every sign of having reached its apex, after which must come mass decline in numbers to all races. The only question for me is whether they actually drop to zero, or only to a sustainable level, at which they might survive in a degenerate state or (least likely of the three scenarios, I think) make something of a comeback.

Whether Whites survive the coming global 'shit up' and mass chaos and destruction that I think we're already beginning to see unfold with mass protests in numerous countries like Sri Lanka and Argentina, I'm not sure. Covid/Covid response/sanctions on Russia, the things which are its proximate cause, simply aren't going away any time soon. Unless something rapidly changes with Covid and its response (basically impossible) or there is massive shift towards accepting Russia's actions (also seemingly impossible because of the extreme adherence to 'liberal democratic' ideology overriding material interests: people seem to prefer continuing adherence to this ideology even if they economically suffer as a consequence of it, albeit perhaps only within a tolerance threshold which has yet to be exceeded). It might very well be that the extreme ideology in the West ends up hamstringing any restabilization of the liberal international order which we have for decades hoped would collapse.

Either way, if Whites become extinct, whether by gradual or outright genocidal means, I frankly do not give a shit what happens to the rest of this wretched dumb fuck species. If the rest of them also go extinct immediately thereafter—for example, I believe that East Asians also have a high chance of extinction (I imagine zero purebred East Asians within the next few thousand years), and even that Africa would also be extremely underpopulated if not outright extinct if the rest of the world collapses around it—it is just payback for what they did to us. Non-whites don't have any business crying about what they're doing to us being done to themselves.

[–]asterias 1 insightful - 3 fun1 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 3 fun -  (3 children)

Isn't it strange how Asians in other parts of the world usually means Chinese or Koreans, while in UK it means Indians and other browns?

[–]arainynightinskyrim[S] 2 insightful - 3 fun2 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 3 fun -  (2 children)

It's on purpose, when a crime is committed by a paki they'll call him asian and your average person will think about the peaceful Chinese and not about the filth from southern asia.

[–]MarkimusNational Socialist 1 insightful - 3 fun1 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 3 fun -  (1 child)

It's less nefarious than that, it's just that the empire was in India and those were our first colonial immigrants. Pakis/Asians and Indians being 2 separate things. If you look at old maps you will see Turkey kinda area is 'Asia Minor' then a little bit eastwards is 'Asia', it's just because of that. We distinguished between Indians and non-Indians from that 'Asia' region for political reasons IE Pakis and Indians hating each other.

[–]arainynightinskyrim[S] 1 insightful - 2 fun1 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

I was not aware of this side of the story about the term asian, I always assumed that it was used to hide the fact that grooming gangs were made of Pakistanis in the UK.