all 9 comments

[–]iamonlyoneman 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

reminder: preventing transmission was not an enpoint in the original studies and everyone saying they did was lying

[–]SoCo[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (6 children)

My humble quick interpretation which is prone to possible misinterpretations, misunderstandings, and inaccuracies; I am not a virologist:

Note: The ability to prevent transmission is based on the standard of a laboratory surrogate based on viral load, qRT-PCR cycle threshold (Ct). This adds some context to transmission rate measurement and how it can be accurate in some ways and less accurate in others.

Reminder: The higher the Ct value, the more you are protected from transmitting; a higher value is better.

  • Both Delta and Omicron results were pretty similar, but differed slightly in some minor, but interesting ways of Ct and Ct related to time.

  • The Pfizer vaccinated lowered transmission rate a good amount compared to the unvaccinated.

  • This amount of lowered transmission was comparable to a non-vaccinated person who was previously infected.

  • The difference of lowered transmission rate between 2 vaccine does and 3 wasn't much, implying boosting isn't very helpful specifically for preventing transmission.

  • The vaccine gained reduction of transmission rate wanes quickly, wearing down to a non-vaccinated+non-previously -infected rate by about 70 days.

  • The unvaccinated's natural reduction of transmission after re-infection, which was comparable to the vaccinated's best reduction, also wanted, but didn't fall to the unvaccinated first time infection's rate until 20 months after their first infection.

  • This implies that, very generally, a previous natural infection makes the reinfected's transmission rate reduce to as protected as being vaccinated, but lasting almost 10 times as long.

[–]Bigs 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (5 children)

And in the real world, none of that matters because it's like discussing just exactly how fast the bullet was travelling after it already passed through your chest.

None of the vaccines, regardless of dose or time - or being previously infected - will make a damn bit of difference to you:

  1. Breathing in the virus
  2. The virus getting a hold and replicating in your lungs for a bit, until your mucosal immune system kicks in
  3. Breathing out the virus and infecting other people

Expecting it to do so is like taking the rabies vaccine to stop dogs biting you.

Injections into your arm muscle or blood make jack-shit difference to your lungs' immune response. The injections can only possibly reduce symptoms from a deep, severe infection in your bloodstream (and even that is mostly bullshit, because for 2 weeks after the injection you're MORE vulnerable, and then the protection wanes away and leaves you at GREATER risk of severe illness, as well as wrecking your general immune system and fucking up your heart with auto-immune issues)

I'm just a humble hypnotherapist and writer, but even I knew this shit nearly 2 years ago, but hey, bring on more "studies" for us to "study" this stuff some more?

Oh talking of studies, despite the fake (and watch for new, hastily faked ones to counter it) a new study shows that infection with covid doesn't cause myocarditis.


Carry on?

[–]SoCo[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (4 children)

This is true in regards to it only measuring the reduction viral load output from those infected and having nothing to do with protecting input to people who come in contact with that viral load, as the hard to swallow truth is that neither previous infection, nor vaccination can prevent infection. Their best hope is only to minimize the infection and fight it better, reducing hospitalization and death. We usually assume that an infection the body fights off quickly and strongly, will have a minimal transmission rate, by having less virus to leak as viral load from your body to others. This study really quantifies the vaccine's shortcomings, in this particular area, for these particular variants.

The scientific consensus, if one can believe anything after the level of coordinated deception and censorship Covid compelled, is that this injection in your arm teaches your body's immune system, which will protect any location in your body, including your lungs. How effective that is and what side effects or unforeseen consequences may be prevalent are definitely a huge interest to the public, who where pressured into being administered this experimental treatment, while being deceived repeatedly about safety testing.

My own immune disease that began disrupting my life the very day I got my first Moderna injection, then ramped up to severely to moderately disabling me within a couple months of my second Moderna injection, continuing to persist until today, a total of around 19 months now, with nothing but baffled doctors and specialist as some symptoms don't fit the immune disorder or anything else.

Yet, when I add this to a growing casual observation of others with very similar mystery digestive issues and months of expensive medical testing finding no cause, I begin to suspect that there may be a wide spread similar issue many are having. My few co-workers and several family and friends I keep up with from afar, having these similar persistent issues, don't really prove even a localized, rather on wide spread problem, but if there this was wide spread, it would be so obvious to medical professionals, that its existence being hidden from the public would be suspiciously sinister. I can imagine it would be a massive financial boom as Gastric Surgeons are loving doing tons of invasive tests while people desperately try to get their mystery problem diagnosed and treated, racking up tens of thousands in bills doing EGDs, colonoscopies, gall bladder ultrasounds, and various related tests left with only no answered.

The best description of the symptoms I'm seeing in multiple people, vaccinated and not, previously Covid infected and not:

A bowel-obstruction-like issues that suddenly appeared this year of chronic digestive issues and constipation like pain, with the painful "football" protruding from your side(s) or the painful "sausage" laying across the top of your stomach like a mysterious fat roll that appeared along the your breast plate and rolls up, along and over, your the bottom of your ribs over your stomach.

[–]Bigs 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

Ooer. I'm not at all familiar with the digestive issues you're describing.

Regarding "will protect any location in your body inc lungs", no. The lungs, nose and throat have their own specialized immune system, because they are effectively external organs, and so the 1st line of defense.

Injection-derived antibodies are basically like giving you a massive, severe infection, triggering blood-based antibodies that have nothing to do with the lungs per se (and antibodies don't do much themselves, they just trigger the immune system to attack).

One great bleating cry of the sheep was the idea that the 'vaccinated' would have a lower viral load, thus be less infectious. I believe many are still pushing that bullshit as the official narrative even now, but at least 2 studies have shown the injected are actually 'superspreaders' and have a HIGHER viral load. If their symptoms are suppressed during the brief period the vaccine actually manages that, it means they're more likely to go to work or go shopping, and spread their super-loads onto others.

In every way shape and form these vaccines have proven dangerous and ineffective, regardless of the 'safe and effective' marketing slogan.

[–]SoCo[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

I don't think the public messaging about the immune system seems to refer to is as anything but one fully contiguous system. I'm not familial enough with such details, but I think it would seem somewhat silly and over-simplified as a biological design to be a single layered system. Contrary to this assumption that wants to agree with your point, I do realize that all vaccines, despite their type, are entered into the arm (aside from few nasal sprays). Those are widely accepted to be effective at impacting various viruses known for infecting such many areas of the body like the lungs.

I do think the political messaging that the vaccinated should go out and spread without caution was directly responsible for doubling Covid infections and deaths in America, and maybe be the only reason it is still even around today. It encouraged mutations and it also helped spread Covid to rural areas, despite being largely contained in high population urban travel hubs.

[–][deleted] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Don't you really lack evidence that the original covid strain mutated much at all? Wouldn't you have a hard time providing me ground truth evidence that omicron is even a coronavirus?

[–]SoCo[S] 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Personally, I have no clue, but the number of independent groups and governments who came to the same conclusion gives me reasonable confidence that the publicized progression of mutations are reliable. (We must keep aware that this type of assumption is vulnerable to a Sybil attack of information sources colluding to provide false information and censoring information that questions or contradicts it.)

Many healthcare groups and governments monitored DNA samples from their infected citizens as the Covid pandemic progressed. The assumption is that infection samples, were compared with prior samples as well as established Covid DNA sequences. This would make it easy to, not only associate by the timing of the infection during the Covid pandemic, but also do specific DNA comparisons of the strain; One would expect many DNA similarities. Many studies analyzed the prevalence, timing, and geographical reach of new strains as they emerged, as well as studying the DNA differences and similarities in depth.

[–]IkeConn 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

The Juden will find out if big pharma is trying to kill them and take action. When they do big pharma is fucked.