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[–][deleted] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Freelance jobs are feudalism. /facepalm because she doesn't understand why.

Most freelance jobs actually pay very well. She means app based freelancing like Uber doesn't she? Let me explain why these apps shouldn't be businesses.

Most tech is financed by venture capital. They put billions into an app to 'disrupt' an industry i.e. to monopolise it and bankrupt competitors. The money mostly comes from hedge funds, but also from intelligence agencies if they are interested in the data. Hedge funds make money by making leveraged bets on price movements, which means they use bank credit with pools of their own money to turn that credit into bank deposits. This activity can move prices, but it doesn't contribute to any economic activity, its essentially creating money out of nothing and leaving masses of debt in the system which will have to be bailed out at a latter stage. The reason these apps pay so little is because their owners set the prices using some kind of metrics other than natural price discover.

Open source versions of these apps are entirely possible and would allow natural price discovery, and therefore pay better, but you'd have to persuade politicians that the tech barons that they think will usher in the tech utopia are actually causing problems (and without the tech barons realising because they'll replace the politicians).

[–]dcjogger 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)


The problems of today could be solved by doing what the government did in the past- NOTHING.

Americans scream FEMA camps are the only solution for natural disasters, but San Francisco recovered from the 1906 earthquake without government help.

Americans insist concentration camps are the only answer to viruses, but the government did nothing about a cholera outbreak in 1832.

Americans say the only possible solutions to deal with illegal immigrants are to build a wall, have warrantless searches, DNA databases, license plate scanners, and build concentration camps, but the US used to have open borders.

Americans say the only solution to recessions is to give billion dollar bailouts to bankers who commit fraud and give welfare to the lazy, but the US recovered from the Panic of 1893 without government action.

The government starts a problem and offers a solution. Why not avoid starting a problem in the first place?

If the government starts a trade war that kills the economy and then offers bailouts, why not just avoid starting a trade war in the first place?

If the government increases the minimum wage and regulations that kill businesses and raise prices and then offers welfare, why not just reduce the minimum wage and regulations?

The government is not a holy god. The government is force.

Why not allow the free market to handle problems?

The private market and charities cannot provide disaster relief?

The free market cannot provide medical care, delivery companies, railroads, airports, schools, fire departments, private mediation, and security companies?

Do your shoes come from government shoes factories?

Can't churches teach morals?

Do you really trust the government to tell you what the truth is?

Does the government spend your money better than you do?

People don't have any personal responsibility?

Can't you move away from people you don't like?

Can't you save money to prepare for downturns?

Can't Americans boycott products with cheap prices instead of begging for a trade war that kills the economy?

Can't Americans quit low paying jobs, learn a skill, move to another city, or start a business instead of thinking a minimum wage will magically make them rich with no unintended consequences?

Is tyranny something that only affects others, but not you?

Are Americans retarded children?

Didn't tyranny kill millions of people in Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union, China, and Cambodia?
