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[–]AsInBeer 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

The reason this guy is wrong about everything is because he is a racist, just like BLM.

A racists, let me rremind you, is someone who disregards individual's identities and considers everyone of a certain race to be nothing more or less than an mere exemplar of that race. Everone is an interchangeable token of the race they belong to. That's it.

So if the number of White people wanes, as it has done since the 60s, then Whites will be overwhelmed by non-Whites who all think alike and will act as a "black block" against them.

To these people, and believe me, I have talked with them at length, the races will always be at war and "your skin is your uniform and you can't take it off".

This is the Charles Mason Helter Skelter School of Political Philosophy. Now taking over the Ivy Leagues, as it happens.

But people are not exemplars of their race. Yes, some people, a very very noisy and angry minority are racists who believe this and act on it. We see them in the streets now. They're a constant minority.

More worrying than the Black racists featured in this video is the insane elites, most of whom are White as it happens. They are far more worrying and pose a much greater threat to civilization. They are truly insane the same way Hitler was insane. They have taken over the major institutions and that, my friends, is the problem to be dealt with.

White fecundity can increase at any time- just stop using birth control. The real issue behind the declining numbers is the complexity of modern life. Instead of being an adult in the community at age 15, you have to wait until you're 24, at least. Then you have to start a career on a minimal salary. But this is prime reproductive years.

Feminist sold a terrible ideology to women in the 60s and 70s which basically said your career was more important and rewarding then reproducing. It was a lie born out of their own need for power. The fact that it is a lie will be filtering back to younger generations who will be urged to not make the mistakes the previous generation made. Actually, that's already starting to happen.

It just goes to show you that a bad idea really can spread and have devastating impacts on civilization itself.

There's a lot we can do. We can forgoe college which is largely unnecessary for a broad range of careers many of them highly technical. We can EXPEECT that women will marry and have children first then start careers at 30 or 35. It takes 10-15 years to become expert in something, which makes them 40-45 which is very young in today's society. We can essentially shift the whole adult/ motherhood / career window forward by 15 years for women. We can accommodate women and their very limited window of fertility.

Under feminism, we haven't done a damn thing for women except screw them out of their motherhood for careers which, as they discover, aren't really all that rewarding in most cases.

But overall, people like the guy who made this video are just racists thinking like racists think. The world is so much more complex and people are so much more complex than what this guy allows for.

Probably, racism is the mark fo someone whose brain lacks a specific capacity for personalization. They cannot understand individuals as individuals. It's just too complex a task for the brain they have. So they compress everything into some salient but mostly irrelevant feature they can deal with.

It was the specific, if not yet fully realized, genius of our Founding Fathers and the Enlightenment generally to consider people as political individuals, not subjects, not interchangeable members of a set someone else defined. This is a developing strain of thought which can be traced back to the Protestant Reformation and Martin Luther's rejection of the Catholic intermediary between God and the individual and before that to Christianity itself, which preached that each individual was a unique soul, had an individual relationship to God and would be held accountable for their own, individual, life's actions.

People whose brains have to run all individuals through the reducing valve of racism will always be with us, or until we know enough about brains to make it so none of us have those brains, whichever comes first.

For now understand that however well spoken and together and intelligent such people appear to be, they have a very narrow and specific deficit with respect to their emotional or conceptual ability to deal with a world filled with individuals and not "specimens".

TRUMP 2020 baby !