all 5 comments

[–][deleted] 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Probably because only emotional Faggots are leftists.

[–]jw329 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Nypost is a globalist corporation. They promote globalist propagandists like that girl taking in the video. Ignore that shit. It doesn't belong in the news and does not deserve attention.

[–]boston_blackie 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Maybe life is trying to tell you something. In some ways its not really your fault; you've been inculcated with liberal views your entire life from television, NPR, movies, magazines, the Internet, social media, schools and government. I suspect many liberals are uncomfortable associating with non-liberals because of the inevitable questions that arise and prefer the liberal echo chamber where everyone espouses the same ideas and philosophies.

Somehow you've been convinced that all illegal immigrants are good and deserving, that POC are "better" than whites, that whites are selfish and privileged, you've been taught to hate your own race for reasons you can't express. You've been taught that all whites had slaves in the past, but ignore that the vast majority of whites disagreed with slavery, and that the vast majority of slave traders were jewish. You've been taught that Republicans are racist and the Democrats are "inclusive", but don't know that Abraham Lincoln helped found the Republican Party on an anti-slavery platform, and that the Democrats embraced slavery long after the Emancipation Proclamation. Read about the Dixiecrats in your the liberal Wikipedia articles that you lean on so heavily for "fact-checking" of suspect, non-liberal ideas.

Not only have you been taught to hate your own race, but you as a woman have been conditioned so strongly that aborting your child is a sacred right, that it has overridden a your natural instinct to have and raise children, Look at the falling birthrates in the US and the world and tell me if this is a good thing. Depopulation is one of the central underlying themes of your liberal religion. You have placed your trust in the WHO, the UN, the FDA, the AMA, the US Gov, the social media companies and the MS media as the infrastructure of your life and worldview, when actually they despise you and wish you dead, hence, the depopulation propaganda message on every wavelength of the spectrum you are attuned to. Whites must be eliminated and the Second Amendment must be outlawed; why? Global conquest and the New World Order, The Great Reset, where you'll own nothing and be happy. Translation: The greedy bastards want all of your wealth so they can live on a vastly depopulated earth as their satanic paradise where they rule and you serve. Do you feel like you're part of a liberal movement? Their leaders consider you to be "useful idiots".

Many of the leaders of those organizations have ties to pedophilia and satinism, but the media will be quick to tell you that that has been debunked, and by the way the age of consent for children should be lowered to 5, and that children should be taught about masturbation and oral sex and drag queens at the age of 5 and if you complain or resist this being taught to your children without your knowledge and permission, you're a right wing extremist and terrorist. If you don't support LGBTQXYZ, you're somehow, you know, like, not cool, right. Think for yourself.

This country was settled by white Christians, who were flawed like us all, and didn't have all of the benefits of training from NPR, Facebook and Instagram, and yet somehow managed to build the advanced, comfortable, technological society you enjoy. Yes they had slaves, and used foreign Chinese workers. Yes the Democrats locked up the Japanese Americans in WWII and we bombed the Japanese with the atomic bombs. Yes NPR, we did the Tuskegee experiments on black men. Yes we did all those things and we must bear that burden and try to move on. There's a joke that says "Whites are so evil, that we build the societies where all their victims want to move to." Liberals threatened to leave the US en masse if Trump was elected; they quietly stayed. I suggest they go live in South Africa.

So let me try to bring this back to you. You are a product of your training and the media you have consumed. The media is almost monolithically liberal, and they have created you in their image. They have taught you to eschew dating conservative white men and to prefer liberals of any other race so you can proudly virtue signal your personal stand against racism, because there is nothing as bad as being a racist! Think about it! They have taught you to adopt their view on who you should date, and their views about having children. Think about how deeply you have been conditioned. Think for yourself.

I suggest you try dating the men the media has told your are forbidden and try thinking about some of the things the media forbids you to think about. Try reading the Epoch Times Newspaper for instance. See where that leads. Maybe you'll begin to realize that most everything you have been taught in your life was and is liberal propaganda. Try venturing outside of the liberal echo chamber. Don't let peer pressure influence your life choices. Think for yourself. Best regards.

This is my own opinion and I approved this message.

[–]jet199 1 insightful - 2 fun1 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Male upper body strength is directly correlated with conservative politics

[–]SoCo 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Identity politics only meant to subvert the public and keep them busy while the proverbial cage is built around them and their pockets are looted.