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[–]dcjogger 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

People have lived under kings and tyrants for thousands of years.

The US was founded on liberty, but now Americans have thrown away their freedom. Soon Americans will face boxcars, gulags, and concentration camps.

No one deserves to be enslaved more than Americans do.

Americans do not know history or have critical thinking skills. The elites say the US should have a trade war and closed borders and Americans nod their heads like zombies and agree that the USA should have a trade war and closed borders.

The US just gets worse by the day.

Americans have gone batshit insane.

These trade wars will drive up prices, kill jobs, and reduce exports.

Americans used to be able to buy cheap imports, but now they will be forced to buy expensive shitty US products. American companies will have no incentive to produce quality goods now that imports are highly taxed.

Do Americans not understand that the USSR failed?

Do Americans know that the US is supposed to be a free country?

You don’t need to be a libtard to understand that trade wars are bad.

No one is saying companies cannot make goods in the USA.

The problem is that North Korea has closed borders, but no one wants to live a police state.

Hong Kong has no tariffs, but they are rich.

The US benefits if a country dumps products on the US. If a nation sold $50 tires to the US for $40 then the USA wins by getting cheap products.

If a foreign country had a 900% import tax then their prices would be very high.

If China had a 200% import tax and the US had no tariffs, but then the USA raised the import tax, wouldn’t China retaliate?

A country would get jobs in the short term by exporting products at a loss, but eventually they would go bankrupt.

You cannot get rich by decree. You cannot set rents at $10 per month, wages at $1000 per hour, and have 200% tariffs with no consequences.

Fundamentally, there are only two ways of coordinating the economic activities of millions. One is central direction involving the use of coercion – the technique of the army and of the modern totalitarian state. The other is voluntary cooperation of individuals – the technique of the marketplace.

This is not the Soviet Union.

If you want more jobs and want to compete on the world market then the USA needs to cut wages and reduce regulations. You can’t pay Americans $23 per hour and expect to compete with Chinese workers who will work for $1 per hour.

Did you know that there was a stock market crash in 1929, a trade war and depression in the 1930’s, and WWII started in 1939?

Did you know that there was a stock market crash in 2008, a trade war and depression in the 2010’s, and WWIII is likely to start by 2025?

Trade wars made the Great Depression worse. Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

What country is this?

You know that you live in the Twilight Zone when Americans support tyranny. Are Americans Commies now?

Those who own imported cars, clothes, televisions, phones, and computers sound like hypocrites when they slam free trade. Vote with your feet and don’t buy foreign products if you hate free trade.

Where would the US get rare earth materials from without free trade?

Where would the US get olive oil from without free trade?

Should Burger King ask for a government decree that sets the minimum price for hamburgers at $2 if Mcdonald’s sold hamburgers for $1?

Americans believe that the reason the US has a trade deficit is because other countries cheat and have high tariffs. Americans don’t realize the US benefits by getting low priced imports and could also be a successful exporting country if the US had lower wages and fewer regulations.

Those who sell more products work harder, work more cheaply, have better quality, or use more technology.

Americans say a trade war is the only way to help the economy, but wouldn't tariffs drive up costs and kill exports? Couldn't Americans boycott imports? Don't US tariffs fund wars, welfare, debt, tyranny, and illegal aliens?

Racists scream that the US never had black people before today, but that isn't true.

Immigration didn't destroy the US. The US has always had immigrants.

Americans insist mudshits hate liberty, but why are the only people defending freedom today are Gabbard, Amash, and Kokesh? Gandhi and Martin Luther King, Jr. fought for freedom.

If shitskins hate freedom then why do Hong Kong and Chile have more freedom than the US does?

If mudshits are fat then why are Vietnamese thinner than Americans?

If brown people are poor then why does Singapore have more money than the US?

If brown people are stupid then why does South Korea have a higher IQ than Iceland?

If brown people are immoral then why does India have a lower divorce rate than the US?

If brown people are violent then why does 63% white Florence, AZ have a lower crime rate than 88% white Rexburg, ID?

Americans hate illegal aliens because they are illegal, brown, and get welfare, but if they were legalized then illegal immigrants wouldn't be illegal.

If the US had reciprocal work visas with countries like Poland then the white population would rise.

If welfare was ended then illegal aliens wouldn't get welfare.

What if immigrants paid sales taxes that funded welfare for Americans?

Americans hate freedom so much now that Americans want a wall to keep Americans IN.

Americans hate freedom so much now that Americans want to ban guns because blacks might buy them.

Americans hate freedom so much now that Americans want churches closed because Muslims exist.

What do you gain if you lose your freedom?

Are Americans retarded?