all 37 comments

[–][deleted] 3 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 2 fun -  (13 children)

If you don't mind, I have a few questions. They're mostly from the image you linked. If you don't mind, what can you tell me about "We were never humans"? Why do you feel all they do, and everything that happens, happens, what is the point of all of this? And lastly, what is your opinion on reality? What is reality?

The image you linked - it flows as if it's a chart of different-levels of understanding, but I know/have heard/read about many of the things that are in the lower levels (an equal amount, I've never heard of), and the same goes for the upper levels.

edit: never heard of this either:

Thx 4 the image, you're either gonna drive me insane or send me on one interesting search.

Edit 2: If you don't mind, could you explain the 3 most important things you feel are on that image you shared?

Edit 3: Aw man, what the fuck is this shit:

[–]369[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (12 children)

I should have mentioned that part of my intent is ensuring you don't have too much simply explained to you and instead grow curious enough to figure things out on your own. This is going to be extremely important for all internet-dwellers from here on out and not at all exclusively to places like this place.

We were never humans

See, some of these topics are just ambiguous enough that they can be taken in a variety of specific directions by someone like me. Most would probably explain what we were before "becoming human", so I feel prompted to head down that road:

Prior to about 10k years ago, before the Great Deluge, man had significantly more control over this reality and had "abilities" (as you would best understand them) that, if they were explained to you, would likely completely shatter your overton window. I think this type of topic is best explained as an explanation for why Egyptian art features so many chimeras. Before humans took this specific form, we adopted many aspects of "life" and sort of experimented with different utilities offered to us by "nature". I'm going to be careful with this conversation because I don't want to say too much so that you rely on my explanation such that you don't learn anything on your own.

So, to cut it down a little shorter, you're looking for the inspiration for Egyptian art featuring chimeric humans. Why were they displayed this way? Are these representations indeed metaphorical, or were they a bit more informed than we're told? That should get you started, if nothing else.

Why do you feel all they do, and everything that happens, happens

I think it's best we first define "they" and narrow things down a little more specifically. Why do they wash their clothes with X brand of soap and not Y? Why do they eat strictly at 5 PM every Saturday? Why do they only walk their dogs counter-clockwise around their neighborhood block?

I think it's important we ask the right questions the right ways. I don't really mean to be pedantic.

what is the point of all of this

I'm guessing you mean the quarantine. It's pretty simple - they just don't want people with appropriate enthusiasm levels and agency to vote, hence their children being told to convince them not to go in public and all that fun stuff. Have you ever noticed the historical probability of having some kind of outbreak on election years over the past two decades or so?

what is your opinion on reality? What is reality?

It's pretty cool for the most part. But, to be more specific, "reality" is more or less the way The Matrix described it but there's not a whole different world we awaken from once we realize what's going on, it's more like you just start to realize how stupid everyone is if you're more cynical about it or how pitiful everyone is if you're more prideful or optimistic. '

Let's be frank about this one, though: you're being farmed.

first video

I really don't know enough as I should about Hinduism but Milk means many things to many people and I think if I knew more about who the deity was just based on visuals, I could probably explain a little more but, you know, I didn't claim to be omniscient or anything.

3 most important things

I'm actually trying not to look at it. I have once before when I originally found and saved the image but that was a while ago now and I did earlier because I was too curious about the bottom and what they'd say is the most important but I thought those topics were too vague to be very useful in helping me construct a foundation for you, so I quickly stopped reading. Anyway, the idea is for you to pick a couple (should you choose to use the image as a guide) that stand out to you a bit and see if I know anything about the topic.

last two links

Yeah, chemtrails are, unfortunately, a little more effective and real than probably any of us would like to notice.

There's an important thing to note in light of the article (which I briefly skimmed): people that are quick to insist you don't believe them and who encourage you to go invest time on your own in any given subject are either skilled in the way of deception (in which case, good fucking luck) or are exhibiting their willingness to concede the topic at hand for very good reason (which usually is the case and usually means they're pretty much completely right).

Thanks. I'm hoping the others can give me decent questions as well.

[–][deleted] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (11 children)

I could tell you didn't want to Spoon-Feed, that's why I was asking those specific questions. Thank you for dropping the information you did.

See, some of these topics are just ambiguous enough

I feel like I'm going to run into a limestone-wall on the Egyptian one, but you mentioned the flood. Personally, I believe in the Law of One, and believe we are one being experiencing reality from multiple perspectives.. The Law of One does involve "Ra's dialogue", and in that dialogue he says we have experienced every form of life there is on this planet already.


Sorry, by "they" I meant "the powers that be", and I did not mean the quarantine; I meant this whole "life" (or simulation), why is this life happening? Why has life and civilization been going down this path since before I was born?

Hinduism but Milk - I think if I knew more about who the deity was just based on visuals

I could tell right away it looked like "Shiva" which I've read and watched a lot about; the Lord of Destruction, the lord of destruction that brings both the beginning and the end. Shiva's hands, say a lot (or maybe it's the single hand facing you, not holding a weapon or anything, that says the most?)

There's an important thing to note in light of the article (which I briefly skimmed): people that are quick to insist you don't believe them and who encourage you to go invest time on your own in any given subject are either skilled in the way of deception (in which case, good fucking luck) or are exhibiting their willingness to concede the topic at hand for very good reason (which usually is the case and usually means they're pretty much completely right).

That's why I'm hoping I'll get something out of you I don't already know, or at least something that will send me down a research path :) As for the quarantine, I've been watching this unfold since December.

But yeah: Who are "the Powers That Be" and why are they running the world as they are? And could you actually elaborate on both of these statements?:

It's pretty cool for the most part. But, to be more specific, "reality" is more or less the way The Matrix described it but there's not a whole different world we awaken from once we realize what's going on, it's more like you just start to realize how stupid everyone is if you're more cynical about it or how pitiful everyone is if you're more prideful or optimistic. '

Let's be frank about this one, though: you're being farmed.

Being farmed? Why and by who, and could you explain this "Matrix" that we're in to me? A matrix is nothing more than a closed-system, or a "array of numbers, symbols, or expressions, arranged in rows and columns".

And thank you for the response, I genuinely appreciate it. I hope I do learn something new, or you tell me something that sets me on a new path of discovery.

PS: /u/369, please check my other new comment in this thread and the imgur album I shared with you and everyone else. Also check/accept the invite in your PM (you could always leave if you want, just wanted to give you access so you could see - the users there are all good people who actively research different aspects of life, for the most part who just want some truth). I think you would have gotten better results if you would have posted this there.

[–]369[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (10 children)

why is this life happening?

The whole entire point is for you to remember. I know it's not easy and I'm still not claiming I truly grasp it, but without remembering, you won't make much more progress along the spiral. You must search further within yourself and the answer should one day stare you in the face.

it looked like "Shiva"

I had that feeling as well. Why would The Destroyer be given Milk?... Yeah, not really sure on this one, especially without having more context for Milk in Hinduism. I won't avoid admitting I've been lazy with these things.

Who are "the Powers That Be" and why are they running the world as they are?

I think defining them in a place like this would be sort of naive, but part of this game we play has to do with not knowing on purpose. Y is important, though. It would help you better understand the dynamic, if nothing else.

As for why they're running things the way they are: it's complicated. See, things are not hegemonic and their vying for control manifests in a variety of ways. There's no real simple way of explaining it, but the best we can do is explain that people like myself are at odds with them. While we want to take the vibration one way (the "hard way"), they want to take it in another direction (the "easy way", from their perspective). They wish to force "God"'s hand. The last time that happened, there was a lot more water around...

Being farmed? Why and by who, and could you explain this "Matrix" that we're in to me? A matrix is nothing more than a closed-system, or a "array of numbers, symbols, or expressions, arranged in rows and columns".

I've been trying to show you some pieces to the puzzle for a while now and I think we can both guess, if nothing else, who each other is at this point. With that being said, I'd advise you to look back through the things I said with this question in mind and ask yourself why I chose to speak of those particular things.

I've already answered the "by who" part, I'd think. Why is a weird answer, but it should be explained that it satiates them.

Anyway, it's a Matrix of confusion. There's indeed a closed system, but you're not supposed to think of everything as being so physical. Sometimes these metaphors are expressed in a purely psychological manner, a manner of energy or ether, or something along those lines.

As you know, it's hard for me to be too specific about these things mostly because these aren't explanations that I have an easy time transferring in to verbal expressions.

last part

I'm confident there's little reason to avoid taking things like this to another place. I'll likely take you up on it sometime in the future.

[–][deleted] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (9 children)

I'm sorry, I didn't see this comment until last night.

I think we can both guess, if nothing else, who each other is at this point.

How? You literally could be anyone larping on the internet, yeah I could guess, but what does guessing do for me? Your answers are very vague and ambiguous, and as someone who's spent the majority of their life researching all of this unfortunately (as I mentioned to you earlier, my rabbit hole started as a child, witnessing 9/11, with my father telling me "the government did it" when I was freaking out about terrorists, and when I asked him to explain, he told me: "research it yourself if you want to understand". This lead to only more questions than answers.

If you do indeed have a message to share with people who are open-minded and willing to hear it and want to learn more, why not just share it? Is this because it's "part of the game of unknowing which must be"? Then why even make this thread? Even the things "you'd like us" to research, are spoken in riddles. Empathizing with you, someone who hypothetically has "more or a better understanding" of certain topics and has created a thread to help educate people, I don't understand why you do this. I wouldn't spoon-feed either if I were in your hypothetical position, but I would not be as ambiguous if I wanted people to actually learn something. There is a clear difference between being spoon-food, and answering questions with ambiguous phrases.

Most of us here are aware of a lot of the things you're talking about, but there is a ceiling level when it comes to the internet and researching topics on your own - you do hit a dead end, or multiple theories about a topic. There's also disinformation thrown into the mix. So for people who are hitting dead-ends despite researching, and are asking specific questions, why not explain things to them? Why be so ambiguous and clandestine if you're even going to post this thread?

Honestly, I'd like to learn new things - but this approach isn't helping (and I'm honestly not trying to attack you). I can already see the symbolism you're pointing out (which people interpret in personal ways), but there is no explanation from you. You're acting like you're leaving breadcrumbs for me, but I could have put that much together on my own (like with the whole Shiva thing).. Some of us didn't have access to "masters" or the opportunity to become "an apprentice". It doesn't mean we don't see things. But if you had the opportunity, why not actually share the knowledge? Everything that's been discussed in this thread is already known by the majority of users here, and has been discussed here as well if you check the website out. However, there is no agreed upon consensus concerning the majority of these topics.

Honestly, it feels kind of frustrating if you are for real. Because I do have serious questions and would like to learn - if some of these questions were answered clearly, I could better make sense of other things I didn't understand, and things I thought I understood, but didn't.

[–]369[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (8 children)

Sorry, man. I was pretty confident you were who I thought you were, especially with you sending me an invite to post in that sub. I suppose I was wrong.

I figured if you were the person I thought you were, that I could simply point you to things that we both know I've already said in other places, in which case, you might find some of those things pretty enlightening after I'm only able to be ambiguous here in some of my answers.

With that being said, you asked me questions that were pretty vague and unfortunately chose a topic from the image that I'm not going to be able to say much of anything intelligent about. Hinduism simply hasn't caught my eye thus far, so I've given it little attention. Asking about why we're here seems super redundant, sort of like the video you linked to mentioned (about the Egg), so I can't really take that anywhere beyond reminding you that you need to remember and that that's your journey alone.

There's not much reason to discuss who "they" are here, but I did give you a hint that you could use to match against other explanations from other groups that we've talked about here (Y is a reference to a popular topic over at the Q research board and, despite invoking multiple meanings, as is my guess, it at least paints a clearer picture).

You asked about how and why we were being farmed, but I avoided mentioning Loosh because I'm not sure how much I shouldn't talk about this here...

You also asked about my opinion on reality, which, who isn't going to be vague about that? We're all children with lips of an infant (in terms of our understanding of this reality), so who here could actually explain this adequately beyond simple things that resonate with them personally?

In other words, and at risk of coming off pretty harsh, your questions were vague, so the answers can only really be vague.

Yes, I want to help you ride the spiral too, but I can't do that if the majority of your questions are so vague like this. There's no way you can't sense the balancing act at play here, man...

Finally, I brought up Max for good reason. He very obviously said too much and was murdered for it. The reason I mentioned him had two inspirations, the first was to explain why I can't go in to a whole lot of detail about some things and the second was because he's already covered these topics extensively. What he did was extremely important and if you fail to realize that, it's no wonder you'd still fall back on these questions each time someone that seems intelligent is willing to answer your questions.

Besides, I sort of figured that us both having similar "watch lists" made things pretty evident...

[–][deleted] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (7 children)

I'm sorry d00d, if you're for real (even if not), I genuinely appreciate your effort and all the time you've taken here.

I can't learn the way you're describing things in hints, riddles and breadcrumbs instead of being straight-forward - as I said, there's multiple ways certain cultures and people interpenetrate different symbolism. Because of this, there are ceilings you hit when researching and you have to decide for your own, based on the little knowledge you have, with no proof of that being correct. There's also so much disinformation sprinkled into all topics of research.

Like I said before, if you really intended to spread information to an audience that is open-minded, and is already aware of many of the things you're discussing, but doesn't have a firm grasp on some of these topics, or the "understanding" you claim to have, I don't understand why you can't be more direct. If this thread was on Reddit, I'd understand your format and commenting-style, but you're posting this to SaidIt - it'd be like posting this to Voat (which would go absolutely no where with the way you're wording everything and how their user-base is).

For example:

"Prior to about 10k years ago, before the Great Deluge, man had significantly more control over this reality and had "abilities" (as you would best understand them) that, if they were explained to you, would likely completely shatter your overton window. I think this type of topic is best explained as an explanation for why Egyptian art features so many chimeras. Before humans took this specific form, we adopted many aspects of "life" and sort of experimented with different utilities offered to us by "nature".

I'm going to be careful with this conversation because I don't want to say too much so that you rely on my explanation such that you don't learn anything on your own.

So, to cut it down a little shorter,"

First - don't cut it shorter, if you truly want people to understand, explain. And second, I'm sure all of us here are aware of the homunculus and chimera. But you are not going into depth; you are not explaining exactly what you mean (and this is one example), when this explanation could be interpreted in many ways. For example, for me personally, I'm not sure if you're talking about alchemy here, but I personally lean towards the Law of One as a piece of the puzzle when I'm reading your answer to that question.

In Gnosticism, there's also the Demiurge who 'created the illusion of time', and according to some, was involved in the Great Deluge (or flood). So that's three different ways I could interpret your message from the knowledge I do have. Again, I wish you would be more literal if your intent is to share to knowledge, rather than being allusive like you are. I feel I could have an honest and real conversation with you then; as of right now, this conversation is one-sided, and you're expecting others to put together a puzzle using their unique puzzle pieces (or personal insights) without you sharing the correct puzzle-set with them, if that makes any sense as a metaphor.

Again, I'm not attacking you or attempting to be hostile towards you. I'd really like to have a human-to-human conversation with you, because even if you aren't real and are larping, you are aware of some topics I am not and I'd like to actually discuss them with you, to the point where I walk away from the conversation with some understanding of what you're actually talking about or a real/true direction to head in research-wise. I'm not asking to be spoon-fed, I'm asking for a two-way conversation where you see where I'm coming from and how I'm interpreting what you're saying, and correct me if the need be. But in this format, it isn't a discussion. I wish I could have a real conversation with you.

Thank you for sharing what you have shared though, I honestly do appreciate it.

[–]369[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (6 children)

Voat is essentially useless at this point. Reddit would get nowhere fast with anything like this. 4chan nukes me too often for anything of real value to arise, but you seem so familiar that I'd guess you're already familiar with those events.

Look, I've already explained that you asked rather general questions, which nearly forces me to give pretty general answers. If you want to know more about Egypt, Atlantis, the Deluge or Egyptian gods, look no further than Robert Sepehr. He does great work on the topic, from what I've seen.

I'm sure all of us here are aware of the homunculus and chimera.

This is odd. Are you sure? You really seem to stand out from the bunch, first off. Second, these aren't very normie-tier topics and I find it hard to believe that a place like this would delve all that far in to these topics. Granted, I did in fact mention that I'm hardly familiar with this site in its entirety. Of course, it's not too surprising that somewhere out there would be a group of people that find topics that bore me pretty interesting. I can say more about this, though: Josef Mengele still runs experiments in the genre of chimeras to this day. He also still does shit with twins...

Anyway, to actually respond to what you said, I'll relent, since you've really pushed this through, that I'm not so much here to "inform the masses of super special info only I posses and can impart upon them". The ego-inflation is useful, sure, but that's not exactly my aim. I was sort of aiming at people that aren't quite like you in particular, someone that's both highly-intelligent and competent enough to poke holes while also being willing to confront me about it. People like you are a treasure to come across and, frankly, I used to be intimidated by you guys. In fact, I'm considering showing you something as a result.

If you'd like, you should send me a message about some of your interests and we can talk more privately.

[–][deleted] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (5 children)

Voat is essentially useless at this point. Reddit would get nowhere fast with anything like this. 4chan nukes me too often for anything of real value to arise, but you seem so familiar that I'd guess you're already familiar with those events.

I'm not familiar with the specific events, I'm familiar with the websites, and I've seen "Q&A's" like this pop up on them before, and they always get attacked or are dumbed-down. Or are by someone who actually doesn't know anything and is larping. But you do know things.

I was sort of aiming at people that aren't quite like you in particular, someone that's both highly-intelligent and competent enough to poke holes while also being willing to confront me about it.

Ouch my d00d!!

This is odd. Are you sure? You really seem to stand out from the bunch, first off. Second, these aren't very normie-tier topics.

Again, I grew up witnessing 9/11 as a child and went down the "occult and conspiracy" Rabbit Hole in middle school a few years after. This attracted me to related content, dealing with the occult, philosophy and alchemy. The concept of the government I loved and saw as morally superior than the rest of us (through my innocent, childhood-eyes), being capable of killing it's own citizens flipped my reality upside-down - what else have I been lied to about/think I know, that's completely wrong?

I grew up reading things like Full Metal Alchemist, Animal Farm, 1984, Fahrenheit 451 and finally the Ra Material when I was 17 (and listening to musical artists like Immortal Technique - I was around 11 when I made this YT channel lol - can you catch all the symbolism and bread-crumbs from 11/12-year-old me in that video? lmaoooo!) - Of course on my own time, I'm going to research what the real philosopher's stone is, what a real homunculus and chimera are. Stories may be fiction, but there's a grain of truth in every story..

These are the things that lead me to the Ra Material, The Thule and Vril Societies, The Ages of the Mother, the Father as well as the Age of Aquarius.. Vril! What an insane concept, yet I have no one to talk to about it, or ask questions. I'm the ceiling, I haven't found anyone who can educate me further, or help point me to a path of honest, further research. No answers or clues about Agharta, Asgard, nor what's frozen under the ice in Antarctica that is slowly melting.. They hint about it as you said, on "tell-a-vision", so I can guess.. Rather than the topics you mentioned, and it appeared I was interested in because I was trying to piece these things together via your answers on those topics, this is what I'd like to discuss with you, if it's ok.

If you don't mind, may I PM you with a dialogue about this and it's relating topics (Atlantis may actually come in here..)? You did mention "The Angel of Death" but dodged that imgur album I shared with you the first time around, so I believe you do have some knowledge on this topic.

I mean, even the numbers in your account name are important.. This is why I'm trying to get a 2-sided conversation out of you, there aren't many people to talk to about these subjects. If you do find someone, it's usually all about ego on their end (how much they know), rather than the exchange of knowledge.

"I'll relent, since you've really pushed this through. If you'd like, you should send me a message about some of your interests and we can talk more privately."

Thank you! Honestly, I'm not trying to force you into a discussion; if you don't want to have this conversation, you don't have to, but I honestly want to learn more and would appreciate that dialogue with you. I have some questions, I don't want to take up too much of your time (as I have already) so I'll get to the point. If it's okay for me to PM you still, given the topics and subjects I just mentioned, let me know and I'll upload more of the official files I have that I had to hunt down for, and we can have a real conversation about them.

I appreciate your time more than you, thank you!

Edit: Yep, I was 11. Just so you know, between that YT channel and this website I made when I was 11, I'm sharing some serious cringe with you lmao, this website was in the description of some of the videos on the channel, I totally forgot it even existed:

"Almost everybody is aware of Sarah Palin's "crib notes" on her hand used for the Tea Party convention. These notes were most likely used for the interviews and questions, leading to the assumption in which she probably saw the questions which were going to be asked beforehand. However, notice how the media makes a huge commotion out of this, and how OBVIOUS she made it she had notes written on her hand? A middle school student could write notes on his/her hand and not make it as obvious as Palin did.

These stills and the video itself make me question why she made it so obvious and didn't even try to hide the fact that she had notes written on her hand.. Or why she even had to write a couple of words on her hand in order to remember such simple terms.. Come on, could she really not remember "Tax"? She had to write a 3 letter word down? That's ridiculous. Either this was purposely done, or she's incredibly unintelligent and needs to take lessons from an 11 year old. I lean towards the purposely done side."

[–]369[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (4 children)

Ouch my d00d!!

No, you're the exception. You weren't apart of the target audience because you stand out so much and can see things others can't.

But here, I'll send you something.

[–]Canbot 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Do you think that if you prove that the mainstream narrative is a lie that this should be enough for people to believe your narrative or should you be held to a higher standard having to prove your version of things?

Do you take people who ask for proof as curious and discerning or as adversaries (shills, bots, sheep etc)?

[–]369[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Do you think that if you prove that the mainstream narrative is a lie that this should be enough for people to believe your narrative or should you be held to a higher standard having to prove your version of things?

Considering the "mainstream" media is full of glorified prostitutes and literal drones, I doubt it should be all that difficult to truly break the spell. However, in terms of me being held to a higher standard as to proving "my version", I think we should all be held to high standards. Hell, I 'm not sure why we even lowered our standards in the first place...

Do you take people who ask for proof as curious and discerning or as adversaries (shills, bots, sheep etc)?

It depends on what you want me to source because, frankly, there's likely to be some things that I won't be capable of sourcing. Either way, I don't really do sources all on purpose, which has been an experiment of sorts for me over the past couple of years or so. Firstly, I want to better hone my ability to notice Truth when it comes across my path. Secondly, I want to see how accurate by being informed of future events was. Which, if we're keeping track, the info has been eerily accurate so far, which I'm both excited for myself (mostly for relief's sake) and anxious for everyone else about.

With that being said, I'm going to regret to inform you that an extremely disappointing amount of people you interact with via the internet aren't nearly as genuine as you'd like for them to be. Don't get me wrong, there's unquestionably heaps of people out there that are in all sorts of weird places who have anything but malicious intent, but that doesn't mean they're some honest and innocent child merely holding out their hand hoping to get another piece of the pie of knowledge.

[–]fred_red_beans 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)


There is a smorgasbord of topics in your picture. Such as The Strange Case of the Human-Bigfoot War of 1855

Your picture seems to point to a quantum view of reality. Do you feel the field of possibilities are narrowing at this point?

Do you think money will be worth anything in the near future?

What do you think the timeline will look like in the next year, 5 years, and 10 years?

[–]369[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

I like people like you.

I've been informed of exactly nothing pertaining to the topic you chose from the pic, I'm going to be honest. I purposefully stay away from anything having to do with "Bigfoot" entirely on purpose - mostly for lack of interest but also because chimeras aren't all that curious, new or exciting to me.

Do you feel the field of possibilities are narrowing at this point?

In a broad sense, without any question. I do think we should narrow some things down, though.

If you want me to answer it just as an open question, I think you need to look in to Bill Wood and also consider whether or not you used the right word there. "Possibilities"? Are you sure that's what you meant to say?

Do you think money will be worth anything in the near future?

If by "money" you mean Federal Reserve Notes, you're probably going to be devastated to hear that they've never been worth anything. If you mean precious metals, the obvious answer is going to be "a bit more than now, yes". Then there's crypto which is a whole different can of worms. The biggest thing you need to remember is that all of crypto has been propped up against a valueless currency this whole time. If you play your cards right, the field of currencies can be "abused" in a sense so that you can extract wealth from a valueless economy, but unless you know how to do that, crypto is going to be pretty worthless to you (which, is entirely by design, mind you).

next year

By the beginning of next year, there could very likely be some world-shattering revelations being made.

5 years

We've already touched on this, actually, just not as far as you might be able to tell. While I can't promise (which, I have no authority to do so anyway) that the frame of reference you'll develop from understanding it, NESARA/GESARA would probably a good thing to look in to. Jubilee has already been publicly flaunted anyway by way of recent Democratic debates, so there's no way that could possibly be ruled out. The real question is more about to what extent debts are cancelled, to what extent the economy is reformed, etc.

10 years

I think a lot of facets of society will seem very different from today. I've said for some time now and still believe that Blockchain was one of the most important "inventions" of human history (or rediscoveries... I'm not quite sure). I've seen some explain legitimate and landscape-changing hypotheses about ways Blockchain can be used for Healthcare, Education, Government and a variety of other fields. For me, those three were enough to drop my jaw. The freaky part is how much sense it makes. If you thought Blockchain was just an economic tool, you're very wrong.

[–]fred_red_beans 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

I seem to recall seeing that or similar image to the one you posted some years ago.

I did find this 2012 interview with Bill Wood:

The first half was 9/11 stuff I was already aware of, but the second half was more interesting to me.

The word "probabilities" could be used instead of "possibilities", although in understanding that reality is really just consciousness, probabilities become possibilities as it just depends on where consciousness directs it's attention to. In fact, a big part of the grand play is directing and distracting consciousness. Of course, there are the many who also allow this to happen to their consciousness. While there are the few who hold onto their sovereignty, we also live in a veiled reality and ignorance is leveraged to the hilt.

While I'm a bit in awe of the global coordination in this lockdown, the action itself lends to fewer outcomes and has a bit of a smell of desperation.

you're being farmed

I see this as an action of archons

I think the experiment may be about to end. I feel there may be a major shift in consciousness within the next 10 years. Things like blockchain may not even be relevant.

[–]369[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

You may be right about Blockchain, as I'm more of a fanboy than anything else.

Regardless, the shift in consciousness has already begun. Unfortunately, the transition has been hidden for the past year or two extensively, hence extreme levels of censorship online. Ten years is an outrageous stretch, by the way. Try by the end of the next POTUS term, at the latest, although we're certainly in the beginnings right now.

The word "probabilities" could be used instead of "possibilities", although in understanding that reality is really just consciousness, probabilities become possibilities as it just depends on where consciousness directs it's attention to. In fact, a big part of the grand play is directing and distracting consciousness. Of course, there are the many who also allow this to happen to their consciousness. While there are the few who hold onto their sovereignty, we also live in a veiled reality and ignorance is leveraged to the hilt.

There's not really much to critique there. This is a pretty good explanation of things.

[–]Placebo 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

These kinds of threads irk me, and yet, interest me a great deal. They tend to appear with some frequency on, and more or less so on other random corners of the internet. A lot of them are by people "in the know" and usually take the form of someone who "feels sorry" for the people they are speaking to. The OP's tend to claim to have a hold on some sort of inside knowledge and be well connected. Usually they tend to not last long, and are probably just trolls. Every once in awhile they will make me spit out my coffee mid-sip because the OP will say something meaningful or of value that is relatable. When something resonates, it really resonates, you know?

I'll get to some questions OP, eventually. Don't worry.

The most interesting thread I've read was entitled "I am a Rofschild" (the misspelling was intentional, I'm guessing so that it is easy (or difficult) to google?). If you search for it exactly you can still find it. Somebody who claimed to be an actual Rothschild did a Q&A like this one, lasting for several months. It's tone was arrogant, dismissive, sexist, but informative. In fact, it probably had more to do with my own 'awakening' than any other one thing I've read. The author, whether he/she/it was a Rothschild or not, spoke many truths about how the world really works. To everyone here, if you can find it, I highly suggest reading the whole thing. It changed my world view.

So here we are again, with someone who without context, credentials, or any claim of such wishes to impart useful knowledge upon the select corners of the internet. Energy, egyptians, money, etc..... The usual topics and of the usual responses. Written in a genuine way, by someone of some intelligence. Alright, I'll bite. I should mention that I haven't clicked on the image you linked to, or watched any of the videos, as they are of little interest to me in comparison to the words you write.

I don't expect any answers on how the OP came to possess "secret" knowledge, what club they belong too, or what purpose/master they serve. I'll still ask.

Thank you, OP, for your consideration, and your time. You speak calmly, without the aggression or arrogance that many other's impart. You have my respect for that.

1) How did you come to possess your "secret" knowledge? 2) What secret organization do you belong to? 3) What/which master do you serve? 4) What is your take on free will vs destiny? Also, your opinion on synchronicity?

In regard to your comments about life in general: we are surely being farmed, ready for the 'harvest' as it were. Given that:

5) Perhaps you could impart upon us some more details on how this occurs? And why? 6) If your goal is to break the chains, what are we to do to help this process along? It seems a mass movement is in order, but the people that control the general populace seems ironclad. We are well fed and well entertained...

I suspect that few here will be asking you about General Flynn or politics in general, we all have Q for that. Anyone who's interested in the topic is already following Q and is patiently (or not) waiting for Q to make good on many, many promises, or has their minds made up on the subjects. But on that note:

7) Your opinion on Q?

On your writings about currencies: I'm always amused at people who praise 'blockchain' and dismiss 'cryptocurrencies'. It seems they believe that there is a difference when in fact there is none, and I suspect a lack of understanding about the technology is at work. I will give you the benefit of the doubt, however, so perhaps you could elaborate on the reasons you believe cryptocurrencies will be worthless and blockchain will be valuable in our future? Recognizing that the world is enslaved isn't difficult; recognizing the means of its enslavement is a little trickier but not impossible. One of the low hanging fruits of this category is via the world's financial system, most obviously by federal reserve notes, but also by the whole of everything other aspect of finance. I confess that I have placed much hope in cryptocurrencies to disrupt this method of control, so this topic is of great interest to me.

Cryptocurrencies that are truly worth their salt are decentralized. They are borderless, and can be run by anyone. The merit's of "blockchain" are in that information becomes trustless; third parties run blockchains. A shared ledger can be verified by parties with competing interests; the integrity of the information on the blockchain is the shared goal. Currently, the rewards for running any blockchain software come in the form of cryptocurrency, which meets the basic definition of a currency and has obvious value. Of course, as I write this, that value of bitcoin is at approximately $10,000, as in someone will gladly hand over that some of paper in exchange for a private key to a single bitcoin. Blockchains that are centralized, such as in a bank, a government, healthcare setting, etc, are merely shared databases. There are already plenty of those. Without the financial reward of cryptocurrencies, what would motivate trustless third parties to run a blockchain and therefore make it secure?

8) What is the value of blockchain, in your opinion, without cryptocurrency?

I did not gloss over your sentiments on gold maintaining some increased value, although I could not reconcile your dismissing of cryptocurrencies as only holding value against federal reserve notes, as gold also only holds value against federal reserve notes. The utility of gold is usually mentioned here; but aside from gold's usage in electronics and the fact that it can be made into shiny jewelry, there is little utility. Valuing gold based on this "utility" is hardly persuasive. I believe gold to will have a place in future economies, its just that I believe math has more value than metal. Especially when it comes to divisibility. If one were to check the spot prices of bitcoin and gold, it seems the "free" market agrees with me.

I look forward to your responses!

[–]369[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Before I begin, I'd like to mention that I enjoy you and people like you. You're the very specific target audience I had in mind, someone that was calm, willing to point out any bullshit and also respectful of the one holding the pearls. You should do well in a general sense (if you haven't already). People like you seem to really be deserving the veil really being torn down. I'm glad you found a front row seat.

How did you come to possess your "secret" knowledge?

First off, it's not secret for the most part. I'd venture a guess that plenty of you know a lot more about a lot of things than me. What I do isn't really something I can explain. Hell, I still have no way to really express this shit verbally. I tend to somewhat candid and just mention that I can merely see things you can't. Of course, I'm using a pretty ambiguous definition of the word see.

What secret organization do you belong to?

The only sort of club I could say that I "belong to" isn't well defined. Sure, there's a place we sort of frequent (me not so much at this point), but that's a bout it. Outside of that, I'm nothing beyond formless.

What/which master do you serve?

This isn't really an applicable question considering I have the agency to do this if I please without being questioned or anything beyond infrequent warnings from well-meaning people that hardly seem to realize the importance of bringing people up to speed during these times.

In other words, I don't exactly have a master. I may have a mentor or two for all I know, but that's about it.

What is your take on free will vs destiny?

The concept of "Destiny" is a mere falsehood. It's never existed and it will never exist.

your opinion on synchronicity?

What most often see as "synchronicity" is more just like a somewhat skewed version of cause and effect. You have far more control over what happens to you than anyone could ever possibly explain (anyone that would consider it, that is).

Perhaps you could impart upon us some more details on how this occurs? Why?

How about I just suggest you watch the big Max Spiers interviews. You should if you haven't already anyway.

I'd understand if you or someone else were hesitant, but let me remind you he was murdered. Afterward, he was painted as a psycho who did too many drugs. What genuine threat would someone like that pose to anyone beyond themselves, family members having to deal with their addictions or people physically attempting to help them? From that, do you seriously suspect a family member murdered him out of convenience? Do you think a physician or psychiatrist murdered him? Those people are VERY LIKELY to murder themselves already - why "poison" a patient?

If your goal is to break the chains, what are we to do to help this process along? It seems a mass movement is in order, but the people that control the general populace seems ironclad.

I can't break your own illusion. Only you can accomplish that.

As far as a mass moment goes... you're sort of late on that one.

Your opinion on Q

If I said certain things or showed you certain images, it appears you would recognize me. It looks like I'll likely say very little about Q that you don't already sort of suspect. However, I can say one thing about them that you may misunderstand - I've been intrigued as of late with people insisting Q isn't at all what any of us think they are. As far as I can tell, all of the anons and especially Norman still have a meaningless foundation for this realm. Most of them still think Magic is fairy tales and that things they see on the TV are never even close to accurate and that all of media is just fantasy. They're fucking wrong. Q has shown us this and many still appear to deny it. Maybe we're venturing toward an area where I circle back around to describing myself more to you though, which I'm going to avoid doing any more of at this point.

It seems they believe that there is a difference when in fact there is none, and I suspect a lack of understanding about the technology is at work.

I suppose that what I said wasn't very clear after having gone back through and reading through what I wrote. My apologies for the confusion.

Crypto has long been propped up against a valueless economy, which is why we all saw it get cut nearly in half recently. It's funny that you've explained these things, because you've explained quite well what I always tend to dance around: the currencies are not worthless. In fact, they're a revolutionary (dual-meaning again) tool. What I meant to say is that while crypto isn't worthless, the financial system we use to measure it against is. Again, I enjoyed your frame for things.

I see crypto as an extremely useful tool. There's several particular projects I tend to speak of but I'll avoid naming anything other than LINK because it's a great way to explain the Saturnian magic, hence the symbolism invoked. In short, LINK will be ground-breaking without question. I'd guess that once people truly respect it as the keystone that it is, despite the Saturnian magic at play, it'll likely fly off uncontrollably and we're likely to see sell walls become absolutely demolished for quite a while.

This sort of brings us to your last question, by the way:

What is the value of blockchain, in your opinion, without cryptocurrency?

I've seen mentions (which I believe I mentioned elsewhere) of potential uses for Blockchain outside of cryptocurrencies which left me entirely astonished. I like the idea of a governmental overhaul brought on by Blockchain, I like the idea of the Education world being entirely revamped and I've enjoyed the thought of Blockchain coming to a hospital near you. People are going even further than that, though. I'd look in to a project called Fantom if you want a better idea of what I mean: a project that promises to help plan cities in Africa or underdeveloped nations. While seeming a bit far-fetched, this has an illusive promise to it.

As for precious metals, there are four big ones (think Revelations). Gold and Silver are the first two, which, if nothing else, I'd expect a bimetal standard in the future if I were you. But, on top of that, there's apparently some more sophisticated explanations that are due when it comes to utility. Unfortunately, these things are outside of my scope at the moment. Maybe these explanations are better left to someone more competent or focused on the topic.

I'm hoping this is helpful, but maybe I should finish by saying I'm not really all that important. I may be good at putting together things when other anons suffer, but I'm genuinely not all that intelligent compared to some.

Oh, and it's funny you bring up Rofsy because I too thought those were extremely intriguing. Just don't forget: words have meaning.

[–]kazenmusic 1 insightful - 2 fun1 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 2 fun -  (4 children)

When I was about 20 (more than 50 years ago) I seemed to be offered some kind of enlightenment. It would be based in part on contempt for my fellow man and disregard for his fate, but the powers that would be granted would be superior talent and capability, the ability to bend others to my will and control things like business outcomes, possibly the ability to bend time to some extent, possibly the opportunity to occupy several different realities, a program of ongoing training, and a lot I didn't perceive properly or can't remember.

There was a certain amount of resonance with the ideas around angels and devils, and some kind of relationship with insects and birds; as though those equations were similar to political parties vying for power, let's say.

I failed to be accepted. There was something I couldn't understand, something I should relinquish that I could not freely part with. I think I wouldn't have agreed anyway, but at the time I don't believe I thought I had access to whatever that was anyway. The whole process took a number of months as I measure time, and ended with an emotional collapse (a 'nervous breakdown') from which I've never fully recovered, though I went on to a full and satisfying life.

I've always said to myself that I'll have some questions for Saint Peter when I meet him at the gate; but in the meantime I might as well ask you, since you appear to have about an equal measure of arrogance. Have you some ideas about all this that you could explain to me?

[–]369[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

Let me start off by saying I know practically nothing still. Some of the people I've encountered over the years were intellectually stunning. Even after years of searching for deeper truths, I don't just think I know next to nothing, I know that I don't.

Now, don't get me wrong, you're among many more than you might be able to guess which have made claims of my arrogance before. Still, I didn't choose this particular role because I lack arrogance. I learned how to do things at a very odd stage in my life, things that apparently qualify me for this type of role. As such, I bear the markings of someone seemingly implanted in this role, markings that seem to display the very arrogance you describe, an arrogance which I've found more or less necessary when it comes to acting out this sort of dynamic.

Since we've got that all out in the open though, I think I should ask you to be more specific. What exactly are you looking for me to touch upon? Are you asking me to describe generally what sort of position you found yourself in?

I can say a little, though:

The stories of Owls and Spiders are rather old from what I gather. Arachne has always spun her web. Athena was always jealous. The biggest thing separating them, however, was Athena's tendencies toward deception and Arachne's reliance upon Truth. Where Athena used her illusions of deception, Arachne would merely spin Truth. The reality of the situation is that Athena never realized it wasn't Arachne who was under Athena's illusion, but Athena who was under her own. She never could quite come to grips with reality - that she didn't have near the amount of control that Arachne did. This is why Arachne was punished - for daring to challenge Athena (the gods) with Truth.

Now, here we sit, speaking of tales of Truth and Deception as if we were shouting in a mirror, all while failing to realize that all we do is describe ourselves.

Always remember, to reach out, you must look within. You'll hardly find anything worthwhile in the binding agent that forms organized religion. Reading the signs is imperative.

[–]kazenmusic 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

What to touch upon?

I've spent the rest of my life wondering what might have happened if I had not 'failed the exam'. It always seemed like a double-edged sword; being successful would have meant abandoning morality and civility for my fellow man. Not being successful left me as I have been; a slave rather than a controller, but with a controller's ambition.

The current situation where we've all been scared into house arrest by what appears likely to be one of the biggest criminal conspiracies of all time, is a metaphor for the price of failure.  Nonetheless, I believe success would have been even more damaging ultimately to my soul, though it seemed like an exciting prospect and it appealed to my ego at the time.  

Nowadays we use words like 'psyop' to describe that kind of directive psychology; but there was an occult quality to it as well that I didn't understand, and still don't.  Was I involved in "neuro-linguistic programming"?  Is there a psychic overlordship that operates in and out of this time structure?  What part does decision play in creating one's reality?  What are other dimensions like, and how do they operate in resonance with this one?  Stuff like that.  

 In the end, and I'm fairly close to the end now,  I can't figure out whether I missed an adventure or dodged a bullet. 

[–]kazenmusic 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Something happened to the formatting there, sorry. Hope you can read it.

[–]369[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I'm just now seeing I didn't respond to this. Sorry, man.

Was I involved in "neuro-linguistic programming"?

No. That's a methodology used by people who know what they're doing. NLP is not a club or something, but a set of formulas to enact deception.

Is there a psychic overlordship that operates in and out of this time structure?

Sort of... but not better understanding that "time" is a construct and not an innate quality of this realm is probably impeding your comprehension. The thing that created this place and serves as its master is as much apart of you as it is everything else. Delineating between it and the divine tether pretty much explains the concept of duality as a whole.

What part does decision play in creating one's reality?

It's a sort of cause and effect kind of thing, which explains the whole "time" debacle. In short, you create your own reality by the decisions you make.

What are other dimensions like, and how do they operate in resonance with this one?

Maybe this realm should be thought of more as a test plane/realm. The further down you go, the "worse" things get. The higher up you get, the more "pure" things tend to be. Beyond this, I can't exactly say a whole lot more about this topic considering my having never been to another dimension (so far as I remember). I can mention, though, that there's some interaction between dimensions, but that's something we all sort of suspect without being able to explain.

In the end, and I'm fairly close to the end now, I can't figure out whether I missed an adventure or dodged a bullet.

Considering they tend to be the self-serving type who demean their fellow man, I'd say you dodged a bullet. You don't want all of that shit on your conscience once you get a better grasp of the terrible things they have done or are currently doing.

Go take a look at interviews that were given by spectators or family members who "lost a kid" during a school shooting or other false flag from the past ten years or so. You'll probably recognize some symbolism...

[–][deleted] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (10 children)

Alright I got questions.

What is going to happen in the future? Are human societies due for a big cataclysm as a form of correction? What long term changes do you foresee from this pandemic? Is it better to go primitive primal religion and give up on vices and technological developments in order to survive? Be a prepper nutter and run-hide in a bunker?

[–]369[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (9 children)

What is going to happen in the future?

This is too vague.

Are human societies due for a big cataclysm as a form of correction?

They sure are, but I would think of a "cataclysm" in this sense as being more of an overhaul of humanity's purview. I'll admit, I'm continually surprised to see people don't already feel different or at least the difference.

What long term changes do you foresee from this pandemic?

People should be (rightfully) very skeptical of inoculation from now on. Which, I should be specific enough here so I can avoid petty labels and say that immunization is a field of study for a good reason. While I'd insist that no one should feel compelled to inoculate themselves in order to provide herd immunity to people with weaker immune systems, the evident prospect of eradicating certain ailments is a bit more than simply rewarding. Instead, I would advice anyone and everyone willing to pay attention to get a feel for the landscape of vaccines and to understand at least the basics of assertions suggesting what could go wrong with each element of a given vaccine and decide on your own how helpful it would be to become immunized to something specific whether it's for you or a child. I would be especially cautious of any vaccine a child might get, although I do acknowledge that some of them are unarguably helpful.

Beyond that, I'd guess people will be a bit less trusting of China for at least a generation or two. It's my guess China is fucked on the world stage at this point. I wouldn't be surprised if HK goes independent Brexit style after this recent stunt. I'd also keep an eye on Africa and their ports if the China thing really blows up.

Is it better to go primitive primal religion and give up on vices and technological developments in order to survive?

Better? It's certainly not inadvisable but I would stay away from ANY organized "Religion". I would learn more about the etymology of "Religion" and keep in mind that it is not Religio and remember only fuckos will try to convince you that's correct. Also, I would not forsake technological developments and especially not over the next ten years. If things are going the way I'm being show (so long as I'm interpreting things correctly, that is), you'll likely hardly recognize how different the world is after a decade. I'd say plenty of sectors are going to go parabolic in terms of innovation and progress.

Be a prepper nutter and run-hide in a bunker?

This hasn't been necessary since the Dark Ages and I have a very difficult time believing it will ever be a situation that needs to be considered again (in our lifetime, at least).

A lot of this is speculation, though. I was sort of hoping you guys would lean more toward explaining things you didn't understand, like what's happening with Flynn right now, what's coming down the pipe the next couple of weeks on the political stage, or something like that.

[–][deleted] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

Meh.. I just asked a bunch of general questions that the collapse narrative has encouraged, we may be closer to that mythos or perhaps not. My apologies for being off the mark and I have no idea who Flynn is or what is happening with that. The bigger picture of what could happen intrigues me more than just the next couple of weeks because many drastic events (like 9/11) tend to have longer term consequences that we underestimate.

In my opinion, we seem to be in an end-game/game-changer of some sort but can't completely figure it out, much less benefit in any way from it.

[–]369[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

You can unquestionably benefit from it.

Flynn is an important General that worked in the Intelligence Community who is about to spill some beans.

Finally, you're correct - we're at an end-game scenario here. Although, I would call it start-game if I were you...

[–][deleted] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I'm all up for an end-game/start-game movement as long as the end result involves a little more intelligence and improvement from our current standing. It gets tiresome to keep brown-nosing these boomer anti-improvement forces from the past with their inefficiencies. Like worshiping idols and being lazy. why?

[–][deleted] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (5 children)

I was sort of hoping you guys would lean more toward explaining things you didn't understand, like what's happening with Flynn right now, what's coming down the pipe the next couple of weeks on the political stage, or something like that.

Doesn't that seem like the smaller picture though? I'm sure we could all imagine what's coming if we've been paying attention and researching for years, as well as have friends in government. No matter who you talk to though, no one knows everything - no one even knows the gist. They can't explain the rational behind any of this.

What I simply never understood, as a child who witnessed 9/11 in the 4th grade and started researching shit when I was in middle school, why do the things have to be this way? Why aren't we in a world of peace and utopia right now? Why did the story go down this path, when it could have gone down a beautiful path? This path seems like it takes much more effort than peace, which is ironic. There has to be a reason.

I have one more question for you before you go: What do you know of New Swabia, Inner Earth and the Vril & Thule societies?

I've read a lot about the Nazi's research into the center of the earth.. I even have declassified papers from the FBI and CIA about Hitler, the Nazi's, Argentina, what they were studying and even "inner earth". There were official Nazi maps with entrances lol. The Thule Society, Vril, etc.

Edit: Here's some of the things I was talking about, for everyone in this thread to take a look at, as well as research if they've never heard of this shite, I uploaded both declassified FBI documents on the Germans, their technology and their survival after WWII, as well as German Military information from that time too, which is "non-existent", that people like me have copies of:

[–]369[S] 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (4 children)

Humanity may not move forward without experiencing adversity. Times of great chaos, of great despair, are opportunities for heroes to emerge, for a shift to take hold.

Things have to happen this way because a long time ago we were dragged down to the state we're in now. When that occurred, we were parted with our abilities which made us more effective in shaping the world around us. The atrophy that took hold has taken its course and we still haven't even gotten close to fully recovering. Because of this, the ones that lie in wait and who preserve the continuity of this place and our people have to play a very careful hand. If things recover too quickly, we may lose our chance to escape the grasp of the ones holding us here. If things happen too slowly, we may fall back in to apathy and dismay and concede the chance to progress along the spiral.

In short, things have to happen this way because there's still stragglers out there, ones that haven't awoken from the dream. People today still lead lives which are too comfortable, assume positions that are too pampered, and avoid at all cost any sharp edges. Should they jump in the deep end, realize how scary it isn't and begin to work their way up from the bottom again, we can all have an easier time along this pay.

I think this is a good time to remind you (yes, remind you) that things have got to be difficult for a reason. Little good ever happens here without sizable adversity. In the beginning of the series The Magicians (which is filled with quite a few tasteless themes, mind you), it's explained that the characters in the story do not acquire magic from a soft and unimpeded upbringing, but from disaster, from pain and from adversity. But, what if it wasn't just some tell-a-vision show?

I was hoping that by now you would have guessed that despite both of our efforts, this remains a legitimate area of question for good reason. I'm still of the opinion we're not supposed to know, again, for very good reason.

I want to know also, but I think it may help a little to know that the reason we can't scrape any more away is because that part of the story is still being written. After all, considering your fascination with this subject, I'd venture to guess that you're more versed on it than I. I can reiterate some things though - TMNT, Byrd and the Arianni are important and what's been recorded as having been found under the ice caps are all important to understand.

Still, as unfortunate as it sounds, the ones you call "Jews" continue to work today in tandem with what you would call the "4th Reich". The spiritual elements of Nazism are, from what I gather, their real value. Unfortunately, it's not simple to understand these subjects, so I'm going to relent while I still can.

Again, I'd like to know more, but I just don't see the same value in understanding as you seem to. I hope you find what you're looking for regardless, friend.

[–][deleted] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

Not gonna lie d00d, you creeped me out with this:

I think this is a good time to remind you (yes, remind you) that things have got to be difficult for a reason. Little good ever happens here without sizable adversity. In the beginning of the series The Magicians (which is filled with quite a few tasteless themes, mind you), it's explained that the characters in the story do not acquire magic from a soft and unimpeded upbringing, but from disaster, from pain and from adversity. But, what if it wasn't just some tell-a-vision show?

lmao, how da fuck u know what I just started watching? I agree with everything you said (including the tasteless themes in the show - it's like I'm watching 50 minutes of garbage for 5 minutes worth of actually interesting content that relates to the real world), including everything you've said outside of this quote. I understand what you're saying. "Nothing good comes from the comfort zone". How can one learn if they stay in the comfort zone? And hypothetically, if a being is trying to develop spiritually, how can they learn from staying in a zone filled with comfort?

Again, 2 final questions if you'll entertain me once more now that you've now brought up new content via your response:

"When that occurred, we were parted with our abilities which made us more effective in shaping the world around us."

This is ambigious; it can be taken in many ways. Are you talking Alchemy? Mysticism? Gnosticism?

"If things recover too quickly, we may lose our chance to escape the grasp of the ones holding us here."

Who are the ones holding us here, or at the very least, why are they holding us here? You mentioned earlier "we are being farmed". Is this why?

Thank you for your thoughtful responses, I genuinely appreciate them.

[–]369[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

Are you talking Alchemy? Mysticism? Gnosticism?

Those are all areas that apply but it's up to you to attribute reason to the topics. All I can do is show you what to aim at.

Who are the ones holding us here, or at the very least, why are they holding us here? You mentioned earlier "we are being farmed". Is this why?

We've already covered "who", but they're holding us here as an experiment of sorts, as far as I know. Besides, you pretty much answered your own question.

By the way, I think the reason you started watching it recently is probably for the same reason I started watching it a short while ago. I think it just means both of us are paying closer attention than we realize.

Twin Peaks is probably next for me. Hell, we've got some catching up to do... don't we? Did you ever get around to watching Lost?

[–][deleted] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

I'm not even kidding or saying this to "appease" you, but Twinpeaks is next for me too, it's been recommended to me by several people irl lmao. And yeah, I've watched Lost a bunch of times! It's actually the first show or "series" I ever watched, that got me into watching series like these!

Edit: Btw, I do believe a lot is revealed through these "series" or "tell-a-vision" or "programming" shows. It's just it's mostly filled with garbage. But if you pay attention, for whatever reason, they do reveal truths from time to time; sometimes it doesn't even relate to the story being told, it just appears in the form of a joke.

Besides, you pretty much answered your own question

Hmm, I think I understand what you mean by this, so then you agree with what I said about everything in relation 2 "The Egg/comfort"?

[–]369[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Hmm, I think I understand what you mean by this, so then you agree with what I said about everything in relation "The Egg/comfort"?

When it comes to sensations like comfort, there is always an antithesis. The value in understanding that is that through synthesis comes about growth. Comfort eases adversity. Adversity rewards comfort. I tend to imagine it as a pendulum.