Intellectual property laws should be abolished and freedom of information should be protected as a right, including copying and distributing any piece of information. The first a reason based on why it should be true on principle and the second based on why it should be true based on the esteemed cause.
Firstly, there is no moral basis for making copying illegal as it does not constitute stealing. This is true if you accept that stealing constitutes taking someone else's property. This is a reason to argue that copying should be legal if you think that the law should reflect right and wrong.
Copying is not necessarily dishonest either. One could imagine a system which protects one's moral rights (the right to claim a work as originally yours) but not economic rights (the rights to distribute, edit and reproduce the work). In this case, it would be illegal as fraud to claim that a work was yours when it wasn't but it would not be illegal to distribute it at a profit, due to the fact that the copies are your physical possessions (provided they were obtained otherwise legally).
So by virtue of the fact that copying a work is not stealing it, copying is not wrong on principle and therefore should not be illegal.
Secondly, abolishing intellectual property laws would have a myriad of positive effects.
If it was legal, even for employees at a company, to copy data and share it then governments and corporations would not be able to keep secrets from the public. Organisations of course would be free to have employees sign contracts and agreements and to take any efforts required to make their data difficult to access, however, any breach of these contracts or lawful obtaining of data would not be prosecuted.
Another positive effect would be the redistribution of wealth and the creation of jobs and, perhaps, entirely new industries. By decriminalising copying, people would be free to redistribute popular art, software or any form of media. So long as it's agreed that this would not constitute stealing, there would be no moral issue with someone making a copy of a work and selling it as their product.
In such a situation, the cinema industry could be diversified as people could be creative with the selection of films and style. People could open cinemas and show any film that they had obtained a copy of, as the copy would be their property to distribute as they liked. Furthermore, this would help independent artists who could use edited media to enhance their own art without fear of being prosecuted for violating copyright.
Abolishing intellectual property laws would make things free as in speech and free as in beer.
Obviously there could be loads of bad effects of doing this but this is just a wild idea.
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