NOT to be confused with
the singular private sub,
Analysis of social engineering that is intentionally creating chaos to manufacture consent for more authoritarianism, greater regulation (selectively-enforced), and global tyranny - all for distraction from real issues and division to make us weak and unable to focus on resisting and fighting the ruling class.
"Our" corporate-dominated consumer culture is a trap - we're forced to pay for our own enslavement entrainment without any say in any of it.
The corporatocracy does everything it can to suppress or stomp out organic natural culture and authentic entertainment, essentially forcing us to consume their engineered propaganda, while maintaining an iron grip on their "intellectual properties" backed up by armies of lawyers and their monopoly on violence for full spectrum dominance.
The Project Veritas vs The New York Times drama is an example of distractions and erosion of confidence in real information and journalism - while they perpetuate the myths of COVID and Climate Change.
The intentional drama over the destruction of beloved entertainment brands such as Star Wars, Star Trek, Doctor Who, etc. are perfect examples that foster the divisive problems such as:
● Consumer Culture
● Fake News
● Fandom Menace
● Gamergate
● Gender Wars
● Gruen Transfer
● Intellectual Property
● Manufactured Consent
● Mary Sue / Gary Stu
● Political Tribalism
● Propaganda
● Racism
● Social Justice Warriors
● Social Engineering
Please suggest additions for this list.
Feel free to employ other "culture war" meanings for this sub beyond just cultural analysis, corporate entertainment, and the agendas of infotainment-news propaganda.
● /s/Agenda21_Agenda2030
● /s/AlternativeMedia
● /s/Antiwar
● /s/BitChute
● /s/Books
● /s/Cassy
● /s/Cassy/wiki
● /s/Censorship
● /s/CopyrightActivism
● /s/CorporateMedia
● /s/Corporatocracy
● /s/ClassWar
● /s/CultureShank
● /s/CultureWar - private
● /s/CultureWarRoundup
● /s/CultureWars
● /s/CyberWar
● /s/DecentralizeAllThings
● /s/DecentralizeAllThings/wiki
● /s/DeepState
● /s/Entertainment
● /s/FakeNews
● /s/FederateAllMedia
● /s/Filmmaking
● /s/FLOSS
● /s/FreeMediaHeckYeah
● /s/FreeMediaHeckYeah/wiki
● /s/Gaslighting
● /s/Illusions
● /s/Journalism
● /s/LibreCulture
● /s/MediaAnalysys
● /s/MovieAnalysys - spoilers
● /s/MovieCritiques - spoilers
● /s/MovieReviews - spoiler-free
● /s/MovieAnalysys
● /s/Music
● /s/Occult
● /s/Odysee
● /s/Permaculture
● /s/PhoenixForum
● /s/PhoenixForum/wiki
● /s/PoliticalAnalysys
● /s/Propaganda
● /s/PsyOps
● /s/Race_DivisionByElites
● /s/ResistanceAnalysis
● /s/Screenwriting
● /s/SocialJusticeInAction
● /s/Surveillance
● /s/Surveillance/wiki
● /s/Technocracy
● /s/Tyranny
● /s/WarWatch
● /s/WikiSpooks
● /s/YouTube
Please suggest additions for this list.
Ask to be co-moderator or earn an invitation.
CSS and banner images by /u/JasonCarswell
[–]Oyveygoyim 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun - (2 children)
[–]JasonCarswell[S] 1 insightful - 2 fun1 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 2 fun - (1 child)
[–]Oyveygoyim 1 insightful - 2 fun1 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 2 fun - (0 children)