viewing revision from 4 years ago






<- /u/JasonCarswell/, subsaidits, posts, comments, wiki page, InfoGalactic projects


Restricted view-only feed and wiki, for now.

/s/GlossedAndProfound + wiki + InfoGalactic GaP project

All Glossed And Profound content, discussions, posts, comments, and images are free and open source like SaidIt, however note, though forks may come or go, Glossed And Profound will always be the official original source.

GaP - Wiki

This wiki page, for now, will be a scratch pad to draft up ideas and future content to share, etc.

GaP - Sidebar

Please try to keep this subsaidit family friendly.

Glossed And Profound is a new open crowd-sourced model for project development and production management that will be transparently published on this subsaidit as it develops, refines, and evolves with public feedback and participation. Join the conversations in /s/GlossedOver to participate in the development of the five related projects.

This open-source model may fail or it may succeed. Others may emulate or learn from our mistakes. If we don't try we'll never know. If we don't try we'll never achieve success no matter how great or small.

GaP - To Do List

add to Content Overview summaries:

  • Project Status'
  • To Do Lists on wikis
  • "creating a virtual worker coop" early in summary
  • fostering open source transparency, crowd sourcing, and strong community
  • fostering strong branding and "official origin" status recognition despite being open source
  • Prepare for infiltration and expect attempts to subvert or silence our truths and free speech
  • Prepare for government tax men
  • Prepare for the worst of everything, vHOPE for the best
  • Bittersweet Seeds: What is vHOPE?
  • online resources - find, make, manage, and backups
  • online production resources, wiki lists, etc. - for writing, publishing, animation, filmmaking, merch, etc.

draft and post:

  • TT20: Content Overview
  • G.O : Content Overview
  • G.O : BsS: Predictions - Before it's all unveiled I want to hear your ideas about where this story may be going and the ideas presented, as a whole or scene by scene as I release them, much the way people speculate what the next Star Wars movie will be about.
  • G.O : T101: Predictions - Before it's all unveiled I want to hear your ideas about where this story may be going and the ideas presented, as a whole or scene by scene as I release them, much the way people speculate what the next Star Wars movie will be about.
  • BsS : Vomit Draft, Introduction - preparatory explanations
  • BsS : VD, Act 1A - not in screenplay format
  • BsS : VD, Act 1B - not in screenplay format
  • T101: Pre-Production - Conceptual Outline
  • G.O : T101: Pre-Production - Character Naming
  • T101: Pre-Production - Topical Overview
  • T101: Content Summary Variations, with SPOILERS
  • GaP : Origin Story, A Brief History On How These Projects Came To Be
  • BsS : VD, Act 2A - not in screenplay format
  • BsS : VD, Act 2B - not in screenplay format
  • T101: Pre-Production - Set Development & Sketches
  • T101: Pre-Production - Character Development & Sketches
  • T101: Pre-Production - Stylization Development & Sketches
  • BsS : VD, Act 3A - not in screenplay format
  • BsS : VD, Act 3B - not in screenplay format
  • BsS : VD, Conclusion - reflections, admissions, processes, and anticipations
  • BsS : Story Summary Variations, with SPOILERS
  • T101: Pre-Production - Design Options
  • T101: Pre-Production - Design Development
  • GaP : A New Business Model - point to [Glossed And Profound: Content Overview]
  • Set Up : BsS, GaP, T101 - Donations & Gifts

|| Participate in discussions, developments, and feedback at /s/GlossedOver. (The wiki is restricted view-only, just for now.) ||

|| Glossed And Profound: Content Overview, the hub of all these projects ||

|| donate options + merchandise store planned ||

|| Glossed And Profound & Glossed Over & Truther Top 20s = F/LOSS content ||

|| Bittersweet Seeds & Trutherism 101 © Jason Carswell of Glossed And Profound ||

When these projects become established with momentum, sustainability, and security, then these projects will be open-sourced. Upon the untimely demise of the creator, me, Jason Carswell, I hereby will that all of it become F/LOSS.,, and were registered on 2019-05-01 for future use.

Long in conception, finally here on SaidIt, the official origin place, started on May Day, 2019. May 1 is a metonym for International Workers Day, a day of celebration of the working class. Behind it lies a complex largely forgotten history dating back over one-and-a-half centuries. Look into it.

revision by JasonCarswell— view source