As someone who has lifelong experience with eating disorders and is diagnosed with BDD, I can't help but notice striking similarities between BDD and gender dysphoria. Here are some musings, and I'd love to hear what someone more familiar with mental illness has to say about my analysis.
Section one: BDD and Gender Dysphoria
In both cases, the dysphoria is a result of a mind-body disconnect. The anorexic feels dysphoria because they feel bigger they look bigger than what they think they should look - what they should look like in their head.
From the many discussions I've had with anorexics, they don't literally see themselves as obese and that is not my experience either. Rather, we hone in on "problem areas" - every bulge of fat - and overemphasise it in our heads, obsessing about it to the point of it seeming much bigger than it is. This creates an overall picture of being "fat" even while being severely underweight.
Appearance alone isn't the only thing that can trigger dysphoria in anorexics, though - triggers can come from what other people say, reminders of trauma, certain seasons, certain people, certain foods, even social media posts. The feeling of "fat" seems to be as vague of a feeling as the feeling of gender dysphoria, with numerous different sources, and it is difficult to articulate unless one has also experienced it.
Does the honing in on flaws sound familiar? In the same way as anorexics see more fat as they lose weight, because what remains becomes more and more strikingly obvious, trans people often hyper fixate on what remains to be masculine or feminine about their appearances as they transition. The ones who can afford it will go under the knife dozens of times in order to remedy this, but as they have more and more surgery, the worse this dysphoria often gets. Suicide rates are high among trans people who medically transition, as they are among anorexics.
Section 2: Treatment
While there are meaningful similarities between BDD and gender dysphoria, the treatments are worlds apart. You would not prescribe anorexics weight loss pills nor liposuction so they could lose weight to the point of being more comfortable with their appearance, even though weight loss does relieve BDD temporarily on a superficial level, from what I've gathered from many experiences. However, trans people are encouraged to medically transition at once, otherwise they are at a risk of suicide. This is a hugely different approach and while anorexics are told they are delusional, and not seeing reality correctly, trans people are "validated" in their delusion and told that just because they feel like men or women, they actually in reality ARE men and women, that they were simply born in the wrong body and that the people around them should validate their delusion or else they are bigots. Transition works temporarily in alliviating gender dysphoria in the same way as SSRIs may be prescribed to alleviate depression associated with EDs. Both testosterone and estrogen work in conjunction to have an antidepressant effect, and those who transition have abnormally high levels of both sex Hormones.
Testosterone needs estrogens help to inhibit depression:
The antidepressant like effect of testosterone and estrogen:
Indeed, while more studies need to be done, research into curing gender dysphoria is too controversial for many to be undertaken. But the fact that transition does seem to cause "euphoria" in the nonsexual sense at first may be to do with the antidepressant properties of high amounts of testosterone in females and estrogen in males. Similarly, anorexics may experience "starvation highs" and find that restriction numbs emotion - transition is a similar way of altering body chemistry in order to avoid uncomfortable emotions.
Section 3: Social Contagion
I'm sure many here are familiar with Pro-Anorexia ("Pro-Ana") content which Tumblr was absolutely full of in the early 2010s. Similarly, Tumblr and other websites are now absolutely filled with Pro-Trans as Pro-Transition content. While you could argue both anorexia and gender dysphoria can and do also have deeper underlying causes (such as trauma, or perhaps even a genetic predisposition) environment does play a role and as does socialisation and social contagion in its development.
While the thin body is the ideal, the perfect man and woman is also an ideal now more than ever. Gender roles are firmer and more rigid than ever and young teens care deeply about fitting in. Anorexia is one way to achieve that, but today the "new" way is via transition.
Females are especially predisposed to this because puberty is so traumatic for us as a result of sudden male attention and the bodily changes that occur so much faster for us than they do for boys, who tend to experience puberty at an older age. We become objectified by men very early on and the prevalence of sexual assault or at the very least sexual harassment is huge. This lead to certain teenagers attempting to escape from womanhood by starving themselves (thus the loss of the period, the loss of womanly curves and the loss of being attractive to males) and one could argue that trans men are similarly trying to escape womanhood through the trans card, with testosterone leading to similar effects - the main and final one being loss of sexual availability to males. As a personal anecdote, homosexual women are VERY prevalent in anorexic communities online, and I don't think that's a coincidence since we have even more of a reason to resent sudden male attention during puberty. Similarly, at least with people who experience actual sex dysphoria, they are often homosexual. Here I am also mostly referring to people who develop gender dysphoria around adolescence, and this is where the social media contagion also applies most.
With both pro-anorexia and pro-transition, the affliction is regarded as a personal choice and not a disease and defended via the card of bodily autonomy. However, while anorexia is currently regarded as, indeed, a symptom of an unhealthy society and the unique pressures experienced mainly by women, transness is seen as innate and similar to homosexuality by the masses. Both anorexia and transness are mostly modern phenomena, however, and products of our current society, while homosexuality has been documented for as long as we have existed.
Final Note:
I decided to write this up about seeing how in online support groups for anorexics, up to 30% of individuals have also experienced gender dysphoria to some extent and a huge amount are homosexual as far as female, while if that wasn't correlated in some way the statistical significance should remain the same as in the general population, a mere 1-3%. This is all simply speculation because I am not a professional and what I have personally noticed but I think it says a lot about how dysphoria should really be treated, NOT with transition, and now it is truly a mental ILLNESS.
[–]Jinera 19 insightful - 1 fun19 insightful - 0 fun20 insightful - 0 fun20 insightful - 1 fun - (0 children)
[–]HelloMomo 15 insightful - 1 fun15 insightful - 0 fun16 insightful - 0 fun16 insightful - 1 fun - (0 children)
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