Posts like this really help solidify my opinion that truscum are just as insane and delusional as tucutes. r/truscum is calling Buck Angel a "right wing grifter" for checks notes acknowledging that she's biologically female.
Now just to be clear, I don't follow Buck Angel at all. I know nothing of her politics, so I can't speak to whether she's actually right wing or not. But the fact that they're calling her out for selling a damn t shirt that just says "biologically female" is just... incredible. I didn't know believing in sexual dimorphism was a political statement. I could have sworn it was just a scientific fact.
Some gems from the comments:
Dude is grifting so hard he now identifies more with female than transsex man
Yeah, it's almost like she thinks you would have to be female in order to be an FtM TRANSsexual. I mean, there's just so many biological males that have to transition and take T to look male, right??
TBF... In his mind they are the same thing. Sex is an immutable thing, gender is flexible. So all transsexual men(gender) are female(sex). It's an overly reductive and outdated stance lacking nuance.
Weird, I kind of thought being female was a requisite for being FtM. Silly me. Also. HUMAN ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY IS OUTDATED Y'ALL.
sex isnt really immutable though. there are maybe 3 ways we can identify sex. through primary and secondary sex characteristics or through chromosomes. primary and secondary sex characteristics can, for the most part, be completely converted. [...] gender is the immutable one really
Ah yes, genitals, reproductive systems, musculoskeletal structures, pfft that shit is so easy to change, we're like Mr. Potato Heads, really. BUT MY DESIRE TO WEAR PRETTY DRESSES WAS DECIDED BY THE GODS THEMSELVES.
As a transwoman, I should buy this.
Yeah give Buck Angel your money. That'll show her!
Sooo... I'm not convinced this guy is trans. Sorry. Just don't see how any trans man on earth would want to LARP as a woman.
A woman larping as a woman, lmao this one is too funny and ironic. I guess she just did all that "transition" stuff for fun?
And this is just more of why we need to drop the T, these people make us all look like insane clowns. Not to mention, this kind of logic they're pushing that sex is not immutable and is even easily changeable is exactly why we're in this shithole right now isn't it? If you can't coherently define sex then you can't coherently define what it means to be homosexual or bisexual either, now can you?
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