Among other images I found this thumbnail from the pre-existing very different concept than mine, My MetaVote™ concept is different and obviously needs a new name with strong branding. Feel free to suggest ideas.
MetaVote™ - Part 1: A Brief Outline Of A Potentially Revolutionary New GUI Data-Input Form
A tool for more quality information and profoundly deeper, stronger applications - including STABs management.
Without images or animation to illustrate how simple it can be.
The technocracy is collecting our data to use against us. Humanity NEEDS better information tools, like search, wikis, etc. Just because most people are simpleminded doesn't mean we should give up and only have 2-option vote systems.
Note: If you are curious but find this technical outline as tedious as I do, then please ask for me to illustrate it in another post. Without interest in it I'm not going to bother.
MetaVote™ v0.0 - Intro
I had an epiphany a regarding a completely revolutionary forum voting and metatag interface. It's so simple and clear and qualitative that if I believed in patents I'd register it in hopes to make some money - but the ugly truth is that intellectual properties are the ruling class' rigged game defended by armies of lawyers and corrupt justice systems.
Since I joined SaidIt I've had various ideas about how to improve the voting. I don't like the 2/1 insightful/fun point system, and I've personally fallen into very inconsistent habitual usages. I thought there should be a downvote to count unpopularity - but NOT have it affect the points (like the YouTube ratio). I thought we needed more qualitative information about the vote ie. 0-10 (like Amazon or IMDb). My new concept is VERY uniquely different and could be as revolutionary and commonplace as the tag clouds of words you see everywhere.
This voting system would help tame vote-pooling, abuses, and inaccuracies rampant with the basic 2 option limitations of too many forums. A 0-10 vote system would be marginally better, but also has huge limitations. There's nothing to stop a few asstrolls from trying to manipulate the qualitative results - as is evident on IMDb for some controversial movies, yet most IMDb scores are a very good measure. Facebook still has their "like" button but now offers many more emojis to choose from.
My proposed system is not better or worse, is similar yet different, and much more qualitative. As for manipulation by numbers of different thinkers (asstrolls, tribalists, etc.) they can be spotted, filtered, and isolated as necessary with their metadata.
Problematically this outline pales by comparison to the clear simplicity that can be illustrated with some graphics. Words are not the way to present this. Neither are images. Short animated examples are the best way. If this concept is well received I can better convey with some images or even make vaporware animations to inspire coders to co-develop it further into modules that can be implemented in countless scenarios on countless platforms.
This can apply fare beyond just metatags and votes. This is a revolutionary new kind of GUI (graphic user interface) data-input form.
MetaVote™ v0.1 - Inspiration
Everyone was (and still are) always going on about wanting a downvote. I don't mind a downvote as long as it doesn't influence the upvotes. A score of 0
is not very accurate if 20
liked and 20
disliked. IMDb's 0-10 scores with the number of votes clearly indicate that 10/10
with 5 biased voters is not nearly as good as a 9.2/10
with 97,542 voters.
For a LONG time I was stuck on the idea of a Y shaped voting thing with up-left to insightful, up-right to fun, and downvote - AND with some in between spots on the Y branches for "levels of intensity" and thus more qualitative information. This Y was always irritating to me. What if something was insightful AND fun? What if it was just meh? How would we avoid abuses? There's no end to the questions.
Mid-January it suddenly occurred to me - and now it just seems SO DAMN OBVIOUS. It came to me when I realized we needed more than just a downvote and more than just the opposite(s) of "insightful" and "fun". It's so fucking simple! And, in part, a version had been staring us all in the face. Yes, by comparison it's a little bit bulky - but the QUALITATIVE INFORMATION TO BE GAINED from it would be a RADICAL GAME CHANGER. Remember how "different" not having a downvote was? Up/Down is mono-dimensional. 0-10 is barely 2D. This extends way beyond just three dimensions. This opens up vast wide arrays of possibility.
Currently on most forums the points-voting is on the left in a squarish graphic block. If we were going to add metatags/hashtags to content it seems obvious it should go to the right and/or below the title and other extant information - but if, rather than text, it were a graphic block interface it would make more sense to simply be on the right, bookending the post title and/or comment info.
[vote] [title, details, content] [tags]
Users could only submit a SINGLE vote in the left-vote section. This is qualitative information is their OPINION about how they feel about the content.
Users could select or deselect as MANY votes right-tag section TOPICS as they think applies to the content.
If users have stronger or different feelings about their left-vote or need more topical right-tag options I have some VERY simple ideas to hugely and dramatically increase their options. This is a whole other conversation with deep and wide GUI ramifications, better served with illustrations than verbose descriptions.
Besides "Opinion" and "Topics" this interface input-form has no end to the different scenarios, applications, and things it can be used for.
MetaVote™ v0.2 - The Universal 5x5 Interface
Opinion Left-Vote
With text instead of icons here are two examples:
wisdom |
clever |
witty |
punny |
fun |
insightful |
smart |
good |
like |
amused |
informed |
obvious |
neutral |
okay |
appreciated |
skeptical |
dislike |
weak |
meh |
disappointed |
outrage |
distressed |
annoyed |
tedious |
bored |
The example above has the emotions of "fun" and "outrage" at a diagonal, mixing it up more.
The example below has the extreme emotions on the right side.
wisdom |
clever |
witty |
punny |
fun |
smart |
insightful |
good |
amused |
like |
informed |
obvious |
neutral |
okay |
appreciated |
meh |
disappointed |
weak |
skeptical |
dislike |
bored |
tedious |
annoyed |
distressed |
outrage |
The same example with only the main points:
wisdom |
... |
... |
... |
fun |
... |
... |
... |
... |
... |
... |
... |
neutral |
... |
... |
... |
... |
... |
... |
... |
bored |
... |
... |
... |
outrage |
A first pass at the words, but you get the idea. Admins and/or the community can help determine the best descriptors and/or emojis/icons. Of course users would soon grow accustomed to what the variables are, but most important are the corners in this grid (other grids may differ). Because there is so much information in this 5x5 grid I would insist on having cursor hover descriptions come up, among several other animations and options. The mobile interface would face different hurdles too. I've got MANY variations and solutions to propose. There is no single version that stands out - yet.
To help understand how you and others vote each corner would have it's own colour (green, blue, purple, red) and the mid-boxes would naturally fall between on that colour spectrum. The colours would be muted to start and with more and more votes the saturation and brightness would increase showing the general "tag cloud" of people's opinions. The strongest should "glow" brightest. Your own selected squares would be outlined in orange and other indicators could be in yellow. I'd also like to indicate how the original poster chooses to tag their own content. I also have GUI ideas for endorsing/challenging others' opinions.
Most important is the quality of the information to come from this.
A stupid /s/meme can get a like just as many points as a well produced /s/A+++ post - but with 5x5 options to chose from people need not be stingy with votes nor too liberal. The quantity of votes would matter less with this new quality of votes.
I know coming from only 2 votes into 25 options may seem like too much, but folks would soon get used to it. When voting here, it's not about collecting points or the big number of 25 options, it's about the corner fields and how you rate between them for qualitative results.
Any more than 5x5 and it's too much. Any less and you loose the balance, the power of 1-25, and the efficacy. Also, you could choose to have only 3 corners filled and they'll each still be equally separated by 3 between them. You could have MANY variation patterns to vote with in the 5x5 grid if needs arise, all conveniently in batches of 25, a quarter of the round number 100. (50 US states would fit on 2 grids.) Illustrations could easily show many of the possible variations for other uses beyond just opinion votes and topical tags.
Original Poster Info
The only person who might want better ratings on their post/comment would be the person who made it and thus may be tempted to exaggerate its value, consciously or unconsciously. Their self-assessment votes could either be not counted or just blend into the counts, but I think critically, distinctly marking their votes helps indicate their intentions and where they're coming from - and I see no reason why not to show this.
Topic Right-Tags... And Beyond
One click for the left-vote 5x5 opinion grids.
Select as many as apply for the right-tag 5x5 topical grids.
Tagging is generally not about feelings within the corners and fields. I wouldn't expect everyone to participate in properly categorizing every post, but those who do will provide a great service to researchers. Obviously the admins and/or community could help determine the best tags for each 5x5 grid.
Grids, plural.
For example below are topic-tag tables for an alphabetical general topics (which could branch off to other tables), a political compass, and a truthiness scale-ish table.
Ads & Class |
Arts & Ent |
Corruption |
Culture |
Economics |
Health |
History |
Ideologies |
Images |
Info |
Internet |
Home |
Music |
Nature |
Politics |
Science |
Social Media |
Technology |
Transportation |
Tyranny |
Veracity |
Video |
Work |
... |
Communism (SJWs) |
Totalitarianism |
Fascism (Nazis) |
... |
Faux-Progressives |
Democrat |
Establishement |
Republican |
NeoCons |
Far Left |
Left |
Status Quo |
Right |
Far Right |
Progressive |
Liberal |
Centrist |
Libertarian |
Alt-Right |
... |
Anarcho-Socialism |
Voluntaryism |
Anarcho-Captialism |
... |
True |
More True |
Mixed Facts |
More False |
False |
Reliable |
Based |
Debatable |
Biased |
Unreliable |
Well Sourced |
Needs Citations |
Neutral |
Propaganda |
Fake News |
Red Pill |
Truth-Seeking |
Skepticism |
Gaslight |
Psy-Op |
Exceptional |
Rational |
Complex |
Disinfo |
Misinfo |
As I said there are many variant options. With ergonomic designs, other functions, and illustrations these numbers could be affected. These examples are obvious and simple to explain (especially with images).
5x5=25 + 25x4=100 + 25x4x3=300 (total = 425) is a first way beyond.
5x5=25 + 25x8=200 + 25x8x7=1400 (total = 1625) is a second way beyond.
5x5=25 + 25x16=400 + 25x16x15=6000 (total = 6425) is a third way beyond.
By "beyond" I mean what's at your finger tips but not all visible. The default 25 in a grid is good, but more options are better. Just as you can scroll up/down left/right in other apps I would want the ability to flip/swipe to another grid for more options.
The first simplest example, above, has 25 in a 5x5 is the default grid. Outside this grid on each side would be 4 short wide clickable arrows in 4 directions to other grids, then those grids would have more directions - minus the one direction it came from. This could go on forever but IMO beyond 2 degrees of separation goes even too far for me and this for general purpose usage.
The second example is for sides and corners.
The first two examples are simplistic and good for what they are. My fave for tagging is the third...
The third example would have 12 short wide arrows around the 5x5 grid of 25, 3 on each side, plus 4 more corner arrows. These 16 arrows would lead to more detailed topical grids related to the topics in the default grid around the edges. The 9 squares in the middle of these grids would not have "children" grids. Colour coding could distinguish those with children and those without. This concept would be made clear in an illustration.
For example, the 16 edge squares could include politics, science, and music, and you could just select those or you could select the arrow outside the grid to scroll over to a dedicated politics, science, or music grid - and deeper still if necessary. Having a political compass now seems obvious (staring us in the face), but I hadn't even thought of it for at least a week or two after I came up with MetaVote™.
Political compasses are not the only things that can fit in grids. Just as I mentioned above that many voting variations could be employed, Venn diagrams and others could be employed too, within the 5x5 limitations. Importantly, I think it would be great to also offer customizable grids for users to add their own opinions and topics/tags. Of course both users and admin could benefit from a simple GUI to input all of the 5x5 fields.
Conclusion & Feedback
I hope this was clear and makes sense. Illustrations would help but I'm convinced it needs some vaporware animating to showcase how simple, powerful, and awesome it could be.
Please provide feedback, good, bad, or ugly - or even if it's just something banal like my typos. Without interest in it I'm not going to bother making illustrations or explaining my deeper ideas about database arrays and practical applications including MASSIVE ramifications to OUR data/information in this cyber/info-war.
[–]zyxzevn 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun - (1 child)
[–]JasonCarswell[S] 1 insightful - 2 fun1 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 2 fun - (0 children)